Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sihanouk's work: "Cảm ơn đường Hồ Chí Minh" - "Thank you Ho Chi Minh Trail" (Sic! Sicko! Sicker!!!)



Anonymous said...

People should stop complaining about Viets, Chinese or khmers but need to focus on removing this stupid leader Hun Sen is a top priority. How do we achieve this? well, try to follow these simple steps;

1) set a date and give PM the ultimatum to resign 2) If no reaction from PM by that date, everyone including police and arm force need to come together as a team and march toward the Hun Sen's House 3) hand cuff PM and say MR corrupted PM, we don't want you as a leader anymore 4) throw him in jail. Try to use all available media promote unity and get rid of PM without losing a life 5) get all of his bodyguards to be on arm force side by sending some notes in every street, city and town, ‘Hun Sen Must GO for National Interests, together we stand’.

Arm force minister has the power to control and make changes for better outcome. Now, if arm force minister doesn’t do what I say here, in the next 10 years, we will no longer have an independent society. Everything will be under the Viets’s control. I know about their behaviour really well. They don't care about the morality way of life and all they care about is their benefit. They have expended their territory really well.

Now, when Nixion gave Sihanock the ultimatum to either choose either be a communist (VC) or a liberalist (US), the king said neutral, big mistake, had the king chooses to be liberalist, they would have killed all the Viets for Khmer already, but the king was very dump. Now, instead of killing the Viets, the Viets and the USA had killed almost all Khmer people. You see, when the king is so dump, the whole nation is ruined.

Let all Viets-Khmers, Khmers-Vietes, Chinese-khmer, Thai-khmers, other race-khmers know that they are not the enemies of the state but this stupid leader is. People want change and it has to be now! Together, we can achieve anything.


Anonymous said...

1:25 PM - You are bullshitting! Your comment is telling us that you are still thinking about your Vietcong. There is no nice word coming from you about Khmer people. That means you want to be smart ass to kill Khmer people to take land. Don't be so nice to make people think you are nice, but bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Warning - I will take all of you to court for bad mouthing my king father Norodom Sihanouk. This is the only warning that you ever have from me:

P. from Long Beach

Anonymous said...

I used to have high respect for King Sihanouk, but the more I read about him and all the things he's done to Cambodia and the consequence from his bad decisions, it makes me feel like I want to wipe my butt with his face. Same thing goes for Hun Sen who has been plundering Cambodia for the past 30 years.