Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some 1,731 Cambodians killed in road accidents in 11 months

December 13, 2011

PHNOM PENH (Xinhua) -- Road accidents have claimed 1, 731 Cambodian lives and injured 7,885 others in the first 11 months this year, Touch Chan Kosal, secretary of state at the Ministry of Public Work and Transport, said Tuesday.

"Traffic accidents have become the No. 1 killer in Cambodia among those of HIV/AIDS and mine casualties--the number of the deaths has not declined yet despite our traffic safety campaigns," he told a workshop on traffic safety. "It is the most concerned for the government."

Every year, the accidents have left thousands of orphans, widows and disabled persons, he said.

Some 72 percent of the accidents involved motorcycle drivers. Most of the dead were head-hit.

He said about 51 percent of the accidents was due to over-speed driving, 16 percent was alcohol driving and the rest was violation of traffic law and vehicle problems.

In 2010, 1,816 people were killed in road accidents, he said. The country lost 279 million U.S. dollars from the accidents last year.


Anonymous said...

they need to do something to educate people from driving accident, etc!

Anonymous said...

Country run by donated PhD. from Hanoi, Youn land!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously... whatever they are doing right now under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave regime is not working in stopping these dirt poor Cambodian from dying!

-AH HUN SEN government is suck!
-The policemen who suppose to enforce the traffic law is suck!
-The road is about the size of an ally are cramped with pedestrians, bikes, motorcycles, cars, street vendors..
The traffic education is suck!
There is no awareness to the death and destruction cause by traffic accident!

-Dirt poor Cambodian people keep on dying and AH HUN SEN keep lying of how beautiful and safe his roads are!

Anonymous said...

Just kill these dark piece of shit!!!! Jungle monkeys!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dumb Vietgooks and Vietgook lady Ms. Soap, Smart Asses/Clever Killers! Khmer people are not dumb, but Khmer people are very peaceful people who don't create warm. You Dumb Vietgooks like to make wars and play games with other. It is too late for your Vietgook to play the dirty tricks like your Vietgook had done in the past like the Vietgook War with Americans. Then You Vietgook the create the secret and dirty plan in the blind eyes of International communities and you have tried to fool foreigners as much as you can. However, you, Vietgooks can't because Khmer people all over the world and international communities caught your bad and evil acts, playing to be smart ass to kill Khmer and Laotian people to spread ugliest Vietgookization that has ugly culture and ugly tone.

Go ahead to spread the Vietgookization, Ms. Vietgook Lady, Ms. Soap. You are very good to deceive men to show some cock for you, but no man want to fuck your ugly Virgina even though you are so pretty Vietgook lady and because you are a very bad lady to cause a lot of problem in Cambodia and support your illegal Vietgooks living in Cambodia. What a mess, Ms. Vietgook lady Ms. Soap. You are no different as Vietgook secret agents hiding among Khmer society to quietly kill innocent Khmer people who are very peaceful people who did not like to make wars. You Ms. Soap and your Vietgooks try to kill innocent and peaceful Khmer people who live there where you ugly Vietgook bitch and your illegal Vietgooks living in Cambodian on purpose in order to steal land by your committed evil murderous acts and overtake everything from Cambodia. You Ms. Soap and your Vietgooks are the same as secret Vietgook/Yuon agents hiding among Khmer Rouges Regime that murdered innocent and people Khmer people, trying to accuse Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, and every Khmer Rouges as Killers instead. How clever and smart your Vietgooks and you Vietgook lady (named yourself Ms. Soap) are today. Stop playing the trick and dirty game or plan with Khmer people and foreigners or International Communities. You Vietgook lady and your Vietgooks always think the U.S. to ignore or that the U.S. does not know about your dirty secret plan to wipe out Khmer people and your Vietgooks manipulate the U.S. to hate innocent and peaceful Khmer people with no reason. Your Vietgooks keep fooling the U.S. and Europeans and International communities. We, Khmer people, have a lot of things to say how bad and evil you Vietgook lady and Vietgook folks are in everywhere around the globe.

If something occur badly between Yuon/Vietgook and Khmer people in the U.S., there will be a lot of noise about Vietgook country and folks that are dog eaters and eat everything animals and creatures until they are not existed anymore. Bad Vietgook dog eaters.

Please Khmer people in the U.S. and abroad let's make noise and chant on the street or protest against Vietgook folks like Ms. Soap and her evil Vietgook government in Cambodia and Laos to change and manipulate other foreigners in the blind eyes of International Communities.

Vietgook lady named herself Ms. Soap, tries to spread her dirty and unreliable comments to fool young Khmer, Vietgook children to confuse and be brainwashed to kill Khmer people, believe wrong and rewritten history about Vietgookization. Vietgook culture and language are very ugly and boring. Vietgook copied the ideas of how to make Khmer food everywhere their Vietgook restaurants. For example, fresh spring roll, rice mercelli, all kinds of Khmer food to be Vietgook food.

Please Khmer people make noise about Vietgook and don't wait until the world know how bad Vietgook fooks are because of the manipulation and accusation of this Vietgook Bitch named herself Ms. Soap.

Then the people in the world will stop Vietgook folks and government to kill Khmer people including Laotian people before Vietgook folks and their ugly government to take over the lands and make their ugly and disgusted Vietgookization/Vietnamization.