Wednesday, December 07, 2011

You Bunleng/Laurent Kasper-Ansermet: Divorce before the marriage is consumated?

CPP's welcome to "Twitter Judge" Laurent Kasper-Ansermet": The partner (You Bunleng), the father-in-law (Hun Xen) and the mother-in-law (CPP) all rejected the groom (Twitter Judge) before he even say "I do!"
Genocide Judges Duel it Out in Phnom Penh

December 6, 2011
By Douglas Gillison
The Investigative Fund

A Swiss judge announces his arrival. His Cambodian counterpart immediately and publicly refuses to work with him.

Today's developments in Phnom Penh showed that things remain as a bad as ever for the UN-sponsored office charged with the investigation of Khmer Rouge crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes.

As I reported in Foreign Policy on November 23, the UN half of the Khmer Rouge tribunal's Office of the Co-Investigating Judges — built to serve the millions of victims of the Khmer Rouge, and arguably the most important court functioning in the world today — collapsed over the course of this year. Its staff walked off the job in the belief that their superior, Judge Siegfried Blunk of Germany, had attempted to illegally whitewash suspects wanted in connection with hundreds of thousands of executions, forced labor, torture, and a policy of deliberately starving the populace.

Judge Blunk resigned abruptly in October but Cambodian authorities appear to be slow-walking the appointment of his replacement, the Swiss financial crimes investigator Judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet (whose Twitter feed has attracted considerable notice in Phnom Penh).

In dueling statements issued to the news media today, Judge Kasper-Ansermet and his Cambodian counterpart Judge You Bunleng effectively exposed how unlikely it is that they will ever cooperate actively.

After starting work last Thursday, Kasper-Ansermet announced today that he had taken up his functions and had legal authority to act even though he remains the "reserve" international co-investigating judge.

An hour later, Bunleng stated that his colleague had issued this statement "without any consultation" with him and that to enjoy full powers Judge Kasper-Ansermet must await official appointment by Cambodia's king, Norodom Sihamoni, a process in reality controlled by the Cambodian government. "[A]ny procedural action taken by Judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet is not legally valid," said Bunleng.

On Monday, the court had begun to take evidence in the trial of the three senior-most surviving Khmer Rouge leaders in a highly anticipated case in which Pol Pot's government itself is under examination.

But the collapse of the two investigations currently before Judges Bunleng and Kasper-Ansermet — cases that are vehemently opposed by the Cambodian government, which views them as a threat to national security — has exposed the court to the criticism that it is unable to follow the evidence and apply the law independently and is engaging in selective justice.

When Judge Blunk resigned amid scandal this past October, the secretary-general's deputy spokesman Eduardo Eduardo del Buey said at the noon briefing on October 10 that the United Nations was "working urgently to ensure that the reserve co-investigating Judge, Mr. Laurent Kasper-Ansermet of Switzerland, is available as soon as possible to replace Judge Blunk so that the important work of the ECCC is not disrupted."

In this, it would appear that so far the UN's Office of Legal Affairs has been frustrated.

It is possible that Cambodian authorities do not want Kasper-Ansermet to take office because they fear that he may attempt to investigate the cases before him actively, unlike Blunk, who was widely suspected of engineering dismissals.

When Judge Blunk resigned, he said that Cambodian officials' public remarks had made his work impossible. Cambodia's Council of Ministers called this a "complete volte-face from mutual collaboration to sudden resignation."

In a message on Twitter this morning, James Goldston, the executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative, said that "Conflicting statements by the 'tweeting judge' and #Cambodiacountrprt at #ECCC underscore need for more #UN engagement than we have seen."

The continuing dysfunction of the office and the unaddressed allegations of judicial misconduct leveled at Blunk, who has said little since returning to Germany, also raise the question of whether some kind of reform is necessary for the courts established by the United Nations.

There is currently no independent mechanism to oversee (and if necessary, to discipline) the conduct of judges at any of these courts.

This problem is especially acute at the so-called hybrid courts such as the Cambodia tribunal, where UN judges are called on to collaborate intimately with judges in countries where domestic courts may be less than fair and independent.

Since the Cambodia tribunal is legally a domestic Cambodian court, its judges are subject to the oversight of Cambodia's Supreme Council of the Magistracy. However, this body is only nominally independent of the Cambodian government.

Furthermore, the mechanisms built into the structure of the Cambodia tribunal to insulate it from outside pressure — particularly its super-majority voting rule, which requires the consent of UN judges for the court to issue rulings — suppose that the UN judges will behave perfectly.

These safeguards are only as reliable as the UN judicial officers appointed to uphold them. There is nothing in the court's procedures or law to prevent a miscarriage of justice that has the support of someone like Judge Siegfried Blunk.

When Blunk resigned, David Scheffer, the former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, put out a statement saying that the resignation was proof that the system worked: "The resignation of International Co-Investigating Judge Siegfried Blunk demonstrates that the ECCC has the capacity to self-correct when confronted with unique challenges." Ambassador Scheffer is one of the architects of the structure of the court, in particular the super-majority mechanism. So he may have an interest in defending this as a viable model.

But as my story in Foreign Policy showed, Blunk was done in under truly extraordinary circumstances by his own staff, who confronted him in what verged on a mutiny. Such a situation is hardly called for in the court's procedural rules.

In an e-mail sent to me after Blunk's resignation, David Tolbert, president of the International Center for Transitional Justice, said the Cambodia tribunal did not have sufficient procedural or legal safeguards to respond effectively to a Blunk scenario and that this experience should not be repeated elsewhere.

Tolbert, formerly deputy prosecutor at the Yugoslav tribunal at The Hague, served in 2008 as the special expert on the Khmer Rouge trials advising UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He suggested that some sort of new oversight mechanism should be considered:

There is a lacuna in a number of the international courts, not only the ECCC. Unlike in most respected national systems, there is no established mechanism, including the appropriate and necessary safeguards and protections, for reviewing the conduct of judicial officials for misconduct or for violations of judicial or ethical standards.

The ECCC is built on the assumption that the international judges and prosecutors will safeguard the process as well as uphold the highest standards of integrity; this is the principle behind the super-majority approach. If international judges and/or prosecutors do not provide that safeguard, the system fails and thus justice will not be done. It is a not a system that, in my view and many others, should be replicated in other contexts.


Anonymous said...

KRT is worthless according to NORODOM SIHANOUK and so is NORODOM SIHANOUK himself according to us, Viet!

Les Norodoms sont des vaut-rien!

The Norodom is worthless!


The past is history...The winner always makes and rewrites history...

We, Viet, have been doing just that...and there is nothing you dumb Khmer can do about it! What was Khmer's is now Viet's...and it remains that way for all of you dumb khmer's life time

Let me tell you something else:

GOD already knows, dumb Khmer is helpless. We, Viet, are already controlling Viet-Cambodia from top to bottom, from the Senate to the farm land...

Hun Sen will be irrelevant in the very near future and there will be more and brighter Viet-Khmer/Khmer-Viet smarter ones to lead Viet-Cambodia...

Viet is everywhere in Viet-Cambodia from farmer to technician, from nurse to doctor, from firefighter to engineer, from rubber plantation owner/worker to Hun Sen's political advisor and bodyguards including Angkor Wat's owner...You all name it and Viet is there...Khmer doesn't do squat besides getting addicted to Viet's ass in Viet-Cambodia, even foreigners are enjoying it nicely and quietly too...

Once again, whether or not all you dumb Khmer surrender yourselves to Viet, Khmer is now deep-rooted Viet, and irreversibly so already.

Hun Sen is just a dumb Viet-Khmer that can be disposed of at anytime at just a blink of an eye!

Challenge me if all of you dumb Khmer can. We have millions of us (legally the majority thanks to that dumb Hun Sen) that will vote for Viet-Khmer candidate legally and democratically forever, even the outside world would support and agree and as a matter of factly, there is not much the outside world can do about it...

How Sam Raingsy and/or any of your worthless so-called dumb heroe(s) including the stupid dumb king Sihanouk of yours that just wants to reign and rule plan to win Cambodia back? The Federation of Indochina under Viet's protectorate is here to stay on this planet earth for real. How do all of you dumb Khmer think or plan to de-vietnamize it???

KRT is just a show to entertain the world. We, Viet, are that good and smart.

Can Khmer put up the second Killing fields to get rid of millions of legal Viet-Khmer citizen now like we, Viet, did?

Okay you dumb Khmer - put it up or shut up while we, Viet, are domesticating you for the bright future of the Federation of Indochina!

It's all too late for you dumb Khmer already!!!

Ms. Soap

P.s Think about how all of our Viet-Khmer/Khmer-Viet offsprings/Half-breeds would look beautifully and be smart like in our Federation of Indochina???

តើខ្មែរអាចសំឡាប់ប្រជាជន យួន ខ្មែរ រាប់លាន
អ្នកបានដូចដែល វៀត ធ្វើនោះទេ?

ស្ដាប់ឮទេខ្មែរ ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ???

Once again, can Khmer put up the second Killing Field to get rid of millions of legal Viet-Khmer citizen now like we, Viet, did?

Eest-ce que vous m'entendez les ignorants Khmers?

Juste Pour me répéter:

Peut Khmer créer un deuxième «Killing Field» pour se débarasser des millions de Viet-Khmer qui sont maintenant les habitants légaux du Viet-Cambodge comme nous, les Viets, avions fait?

KI-Media is yesterday news and ought to shut down for good or better yet, come kiss our Viet's ass now!

Our Viet's ass (80 millions) is resource #1. We defeated the French and the Americans just with our ass. We have suicidal commandoes to win the war. What do you dumb Khmer have? We, Viet, can let loose another million of our new fresh ass freely into Viet-Khmer per Hun Sen's agreement just to let him rule...

What can all of you dumb Khmer do to stop it?

Qu'est-ce-que vous allez faire, vos ignorants Khmers?

តើខ្មែរល្ងង់ខ្លៅឯងធ្វើអីកើតទៅ ក្រៅពីធ្វើខ្ញុំយួន!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Why the UN still play this trial with Hun Sen? This stupid Youn judge You Bun Leng tries to drag the court for his master, Hun Sen. He doesn't work for the court, but Hun Sen. The same as all Khmer judges who work for Hun Sen. The UN court should put those Khmer judges and Hun Sen on trial because they are criminals.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Soap,

You are processing dog meat in Cambodia. What flavor of dog meat do you like to serve your Vietgook masters?

Just call your Vietgook masters/dog eaters in Hanoi?

You are very excited to cook dog meat for your ugly Vietgook masters in Srok Khmer.

Make sure you wash your hands with soap and turn back to your Vietgook masters to sniff you from back.

Also, you are Vietgook born in Cambodia and you can speak Khmer. Hope you will be arrested when you are a secret Yuon/Vietgook agent just like form secret Yuon agents hiding among Khmer Rouges regime who murdered and killed Khmer people who were very higher educators.

You need to show stinky hole to your Vietgook dog eaters to sniff you. Then you will be fucked and produces more Vietgook dog eaters and spread to Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked by the international communities.

We need to take this Cambodia’s land thief, Vietnam, to the international court of justice; otherwise Vietnam will keep creating turmoil in Cambodia.

After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?

Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?

Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia after Vietnam’s invasion in January 1979, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia would be the second Kampuchea Krom (the current southern part of Vietnam).

How much Khmer natural resource has Vietnam destroyed after its invasion in January 1979?

The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc.
Notice that the Khmer Vietminh were created and brainwashed by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others.

How about the K5 project, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam.

Vietnam must pay for this enormous K5 project crime. We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia. Vietnam’s current dominance in Cambodia also contributes to the present majority of Khmer people’s misery.

8:12 AM

Anonymous said...
In the last few centuries, Khmer people have suffered heavily because of Vietnam's ambition trying to swallow Cambodia.

In order to make its goal materialize, Vietnam has initiated all kinds of trouble with Cambodia.

For example, in the last 50 years, which event that Khmer people suffered without Vietnam's involvement? If Vietnam is not in the front scene, Vietnam would stay behind the scene to generate turbulence in Cambodia.

So, to combat this evil nation Vietnam, we must strengthen our morale and must find a way to provide the proof to the international communities, especially the International Court of Justice, about Vietnam's criminal activities against Khmer people, making Vietnam accountable for its ill acts.

It is imperative that our educated people gather the necessary information and find a way to bring Vietnam to face justice. For instance, the K5 project, which imposed by Vietnam resulting of hundreds of thousands of Khmer people dead, is a typical case that we should use as the first concrete step to make Vietnam pay for its evil deeds.

Vietnam has done horrible thing to Khmer people, but we have never done anything to make Vietnam pay for it. That is why Vietnam kept doing bad thing to Cambodian people and currently implementing its policy of colonization on Cambodia.

8:15 AM

Anonymous said...
The real cause of why Khmers keep fighting with Khmers.

First, Khmer people have to know these facts:

- The United Nations planned to make a trip to Cambodia on January 15th 1979 to check the Khmer Rouge.
_ Vietnam knew about this trip in advance, so Vietnam made a full scale attack on Cambodia to stop the United Nations from monitoring the Khmer Rouge.
- As we all know Khmer Vietminh (Yuon's brainwashed students) committed most of the killings during the Pol Pot's era.

By invading Cambodia, Vietnam was able to put an ignorant, uneducated person named Hun Sen in charge of the country.

Because Hun Sen is Vietnam's slave, he has served only Vietnam's interest. That made Khmer people so mad. That why we all see like Khmers always fight with Khmers

It is time for ALL OF US to understand Vietnam's tricks. This Devil Vietnam is the root cause of Khmers fight with Khmers.

8:22 AM

Anonymous said...

7:16 AM,

Did you mean to say: les Norodoms sont des Vo-Nguyens? It still translates to the same.