Monday, January 16, 2012

ANSA-EAP - Open Doors 2009 in Hong Kong


 Watch for the strong delegation from Cambodia!

Open Doors 2009 was organized to serve as an opportunity for individuals from CSOs, governments, media, and donor agencies to meet face-to-face to share experiences and practices on social accountability (SAc), and to learn from others.  It was the first gathering that focused on SAc as a perspective and framework. It was a step toward understanding and appreciating advancements in social accountability (SAc) practice and it sought to provide a platform for learning and community building among practitioners, students, and advocates of SAc.

The main focus of Open Doors 2009 was Procurement Monitoring. The forum brought together a good number of stakeholders in this field—representatives from different citizen groups or CSOs, governments, media, and donor agencies who met face-to-face and shared experiences and practices.

Contrasted to a conventional, highly structured “conference”, OPEN DOORS 2009 used open space technology to foster communal dialogue among like-minded individuals and organizations that believed in the value of constructive engagement between citizens and government, which is the essence of SAc.

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