Friday, January 27, 2012

Article 28, Agreement between UN and Cambodia (June 6, 2003)

Agreement between UN and Cambodia
(June 6, 2003)

Article 28

Should the Royal Government of Cambodia change the structure or organization of the Extraordinary Chambers or otherwise cause them to function in a manner that does not conform with the terms of the present Agreement, the United Nations reserves the right to cease to provide assistance, financial or otherwise, pursuant to the present Agreement.


Anonymous said...

i think the government want UN to withdraw from the ECCC at this moment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In a true democracy the people have the right to express themselves in politics because it is also his destiny. Political leaders in power are legitimate leadership if they are democratically elected by the people and they are not owners of the country they lead.
Cambodia belongs to all Khmer, Cambodia is not the Hun Sen's family.

Hun Sen has the right to express personal political views in civilized manner not gangsters' languages, and Hun Sen
must not to say he speaks for all Cambodian people because he has no legitimacy to do and because Hun sen was installed by Youn and wins the elections because every election was rigged, even nobody votes for Hun Sen, Hun Sen still wins every election.

As Pol Pot before him, Hun Sen also wants to become Prime Minister for life and passes on the leadership to his sons and rules Cambodia,
leads the destiny of Kampuchea like North Korea.
Every times Hun Sen opens his mouth, it stinks. He does not talk like any head of state in the world but pure, uneducated person who was raised in the jungle, and that's exactly one Thai minister made a remark about Hun Sen' s uncivilized languages " You can take a person out of jungle but you can not take a jungle out of a person".

Hun Sen is frankly laughable and all Cambodians are a shame to have him as their prime minister.

Hun Sen in his letter of January 21st, 2012 written in Youn to To his master in Hanoi wish the Youn' new Year asserted that he has Yourn ancestor. If Hun Sen wants to defend the interests of Yourn ancestors in the context of political confrontation and military may be preparing between Yourn and some ASEAN countries on the issue of Koh Trol, it is his personal affair, but Hun Sen must tell his Youn master that Koh Trol belongs to Cambodia.

Again, Koh Trol
archipelagos located in Cambodian soil, so it belongs to Cambodia not Youn yuon .Hun Sen should stop taking other Khmer for fools and give Youn every things Youn wants..

If Hun Sen had a Youn ancestor, all Khmer have not a Yourn ancestors.
For other Khmer who are not Yourn, Cambodia is not still a colony or protectorate of Yourn.

If Hun Sen and all illegal Yourn are very happy to see to day the country and economy of Cambodia controlled by the Yourn all other Khmer who are not Yourn do not see with a good eye the control of the Cambodian economy by the Yourn and the monopolization today wealth and political power in Cambodia by a Yourn lobby or a Hun Sen's clan.

Anonymous said...

upper case writing takes longer to
read so I skip it no matter what.

now you have learned, upper case writers!

Anonymous said...

The UN,

The UN must be firmly standed on its principals.

Be assertive and stop acting as a wimp with this Vietnam's slave government. This puppet government just follows its master Vietnam's orders only.

The UN must stop allowing Vietnam to push them around.

Besides of this KRT, the UN must enforce the 1991 Paris peace accord in Cambodia.

Last, the UN must not listen to the traitor King Sihanouk. This king is a mentally retarded person, and never take his words into consideration.

Anonymous said...

ECCC should be moved outside of Cambodia and everyone that the UN judges think should be called to testify, clarify or enlighten the court should be asked to come forward and pressure must be applied to bring that person or persons to the new and truly independent court outside Cambodia; otherwise, just shut it down. There is no need to waste anymore money on it because justice is not only too late in this case, but this kind of justice is an insult to the souls of those who perished at the hand of the KR killers. It is also a mockery of the UN itself and its so-called attempt to find justice for the victims of the KR regime.

If the UN has the money to spare, use it to help Cambodia improve its law enforcement, fight corruption and most importantly provide financial support for poor Khmer children so they can stay in school and learn.

If you are not going to do it right then there is no need to whitewash the world's failed obligation and duty to come to the rescue of the Cambodian people who suffered inhumanely alone without help under the KR regime and are currently still forced to acknowledge as a saviour the foreign invader who is also somewhat the creator and fueller of the tragedy itself.

Cambodian genocide is certainly a failure of all humans as races on this planet to come to the assitance of fellow human beings in the time of need. The tragedy of this failure is also seen in the Rwanda genocide of 1994.

Will this kind of genocide happen again? For sure it will with the way the UN works currently!

Pissed off

Takeo said...

In Western country even 1 person kill by that leader their government remove that leader. In Cambodia Hun Sen is controlling everything and will kill anyone against his ideas.

Anonymous said...

10:30 PM said:

“Hun Sen in his letter of January 21st, 2012 written in Youn to his master in Hanoi wishing the Youn' New Year asserted that he has Youn ancestor.”

Where is it, do you have the link?
Even though I don’t read Viet, I can use Google for translation and post it here as a proof.

Anonymous said...


Your mother used THAT letter to wipe her wet putsy already!

Anonymous said...

Just curious:

What happens to Ly Ngoc Dinh?

Anonymous said...

Well said poster 2:27 AM

The reason they agreed to set up this ECCC is with the sole purpose of whitewashing their crimes against the Khmer people.

The US as a leader of a democratic and free world must not stand in the way how the ECCC and ICC conduct its work to find true justice for the Khmer people who are the victims of the Killing Fields.

The only thing that makes the US ticks is moral leadership, so United States of America, uphold your moral leadership and help find true justice for the victims of the Killing Fields.

Anonymous said...

7:54 AM

That person mother died 35 years ago.
It was your mother who used it to wipe her pussy since she is still alive.
Next time learn to spell the words correctly before you post, motherfucker.
Take my advice naughty boy, if you want to make up a story, make it believable, otherwise it just makes you, the story teller, looks stupid.

Anonymous said...


It's YOUR mother not HIS, Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia will be unmasked by the international communities.

After 1989, did Vietnam truly withdraw all of its troops back to Vietnam?

Did Vietnam comply with the 1991 Paris peace accord?

Millions of illegal and legal Vietnamese have been residing inside Cambodia after Vietnam’s invasion in January 1979, causing extreme concerns amongst Khmer people about the prospect that Cambodia would be the second Kampuchea Krom (the current southern part of Vietnam).

How much Khmer natural resource has Vietnam destroyed after its invasion in January 1979?

The killings during the Pol Pot's era were committed by the Khmer rouge, the Khmer Vietminh, etc. One tactical strategy that Vietnam has used effectively during the Khmer Rouge regime was to create “suspicion” between Khmers. So, the killings were exacerbated dramatically because of that suspicion generated by Vietnam.

Notice that the Khmer Vietminh were created and brainwashed by Vietnam to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmers kill each others. Vietnam’s ulterior ultimate goal is to make Khmer people vanish from this world like Vietnam did to Champa. No wonder, they have always seen Khmers fight with Khmers.

How about the K5 project, which killed hundreds of thousands of Khmer people in the 80's? This K5 scheme was totally orchestrated by Vietnam to make Khmer people disappear so that Vietnam could easily absorb Cambodia.

Vietnam must pay for this enormous K5 project crime. We need to take Vietnam to the international court about this K5 issue regarding Vietnam’s catastrophic action in Cambodia. Vietnam’s current dominance in Cambodia also contributes to the present majority Khmer people’s misery.

Vietnam has done horrible things to Khmer people, but we have never done anything to make Vietnam pay for it. That is why Vietnam kept doing bad things to Cambodian people and currently implementing its colonization on Cambodia.

Finally, the UN must have some clues why the puppet government in Phnom Penh has been so apprehensive about the cases 003, 004, etc…The Hun Sen government and Vietnam might have played a major role in the killings during the Pol Pot’s era.
If they (Hun Sen's Government, Vietnam) are clean, why they are so afraid of the cases 003, 004,..?

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is so afraid that he might be framed by the UN and he will fight tooth and nail to the end! As a former Khmer leader and a Vietcong slave and he should be!

Anonymous said...

Heng Soy,
How did you get all this information?

Anonymous said...

10:12 AM

You are the dumb motherfucker saboteur who wants to make the nice debates into the nasty ones.
Whose mother doesn’t matter, but you are the one who started the nasty shits, and you deserve be called the motherfucker, Ah Choy Mray.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Les dirigeants actuels en charge au Cambodge sont des marionnettes vietnamiennes et des singes.

Anonymous said...

Ah Choy Mray 9:39 PM,

you are a real your motherfucker!!

You must be AH YOUn Kon Torb!!

Anonymous said...

10:59 AM

If he/she must be AH YOUn Kon Torb!!
Then you should be AH YOUn Kon Torb!!
You 2 are no different, but you got nasty first, motherfucker.

Jeremiah said...

11:46 AM

Your hope is only a dream. How long your Cambodians begin to understand the politics/geopolitics/economics.

The superpower nations and other nations (international community) do not care about Cambodia or not Cambodia, unless they can get something out of Cambodia or other nations.

The whole world especially, US, China, Russia,... already knew Vietnamese army secretly are all over inside Cambodia and even knew that the Vietnamese control Cambodia behind Hun Sen.

Most foreign nations wish to deal with only Vietnam nation (Cambodia + Laos + Vietnam = One Vietnam) instead of dealing with Hun Sen. If Cambodia can benefit them, yes of course they will deal with her. Now the only thing Cambodia has is to rely on China for the moment, because as we all see is that the US now works with Vietnam against China.