Saturday, January 28, 2012

Case against Eccc the Clown

As seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's BLOG
The Case against the ECCC

(KRT in the Dock)

Brilliant Opening Statement
by Defense Lawyer Michiel Pestman in his indictment of the ECCC

Underwhelming work of KRT
after 10 years of negotiation,
after 6 years of operation,

after $200,000,000 since its establishment in 2003
ZERO dollars from the Cambodian government even though it is responsible for the salaries and function on the Cambodian side of the ECCC, according to the Agreement of June 2003.

The yellow-highlighted line
of this Closing Order (or Indictment) of Case 002
will be effectively the WHOLE OF CASE 002,
for the deaths of 2 Million,
as this is envisioned to take 2-3 years of trial hearings.

The foundational document, this Closing Order/Indictment, for all the parties in Case 002 in trial hearings.  Now this document is chopped up into mini-trials, with the yellow-highlight line to take 2-3 years of trial hearings, beginning only June 2011 (oops, false start!)... Let's try again, Nov. 2011.

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