Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year greeting message from SRP Belgium


Anonymous said...

Une très simple question de la part des Viêt-Khmers, la majorité de la population Khmère actuelle:

Depuis n'importe d'où il est là, qu'est-ce que Sam Raingsy peut-il faire pour sauvegarder vos ignorants Khmers?

ម្សៀ សមរង្សី រស់នៅនោះ តើ ម្សៀ សមរង្សី អាច
ធ្វើអីជួយស្រោចស្រង់ ពពួកអាខ្មែរល្ងង់ឯង

From wherever the hell Sam Raingsy is, what can he, Sam Raignsy, do to save you freaking dumb Khmer ass from being the Viet slave???


Happy new year for being Viet Slave, you dumb Khmer!!!

Anonymous said...

While we are need help , where were
you at ?

Why Sam Rainsy named his party
Sam Rainsy as his royalty name ?

You-know-who-I-am-already said...

2:52 AM

Yeahhh we follow our destiny you know?
Yours is barking and mine is slapping your buttock.

You-know-who-I-am-already said...

11:30 AM
Stupid head!!
Why did you pretend to ask these questions?
Yuon/HoonXen try to jail or kill Rainsy for just defending his land from ah Viet Congs, you know?

Raaaisny used name "Khmer Nation", Khmer Democracy".. but Yuon/HoonXen kept stealing, so Rainsy trademark his own name for a temporary, you know.

You-know-who-I-am-already said...

11:30 AM
Stupid head!!
Why did you pretend to ask these questions?
Yuon/HoonXen try to jail or kill Rainsy for just defending his land from ah Viet Congs, you know?

Rainsy used name "Khmer Nation", Khmer Democracy".. but Yuon/HoonXen kept stealing, so Rainsy trademark his own name for a temporary, you know.