Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hearing of Evidence in Case 002 | February 14, 2012

Hearing of Evidence in Case 002 | February 14, 2012 - Part 1 from Cambodia Tribunal Monitor on Vimeo.

Hearing of Evidence in Case 002 | February 14, 2012 - Part 2 from Cambodia Tribunal Monitor on Vimeo.

Hearing of Evidence in Case 002 | February 14, 2012 - Part 3 from Cambodia Tribunal Monitor on Vimeo.

Hearing of Evidence in Case 002 | February 14, 2012 - Part 4 from Cambodia Tribunal Monitor on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Sihanouk+HO Chiminh+Mao Zédong=Leader of Khmer rouges,
not only Hou Nim & Hou Yun that killed,but alot since 1965.... ,I saw Peap Inn,Chao Nguy,Mathura,Chao Buri....
in the Public Movie ,and in 1976,I saw Sihanouk along the road N°5 at Poy Yung Thmar Kaul with 5-6-7 black Mercedes.That time alot people were slaughtered and we have watched a Movie from Pékin name Boeung KrorHarm(Red lake).....

Please International Judges,find the truth,we people khmer,we need peace independence and real Justice!

"" Let's us rise up and be thankful , for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let' us all be thankful." Buddha

Anonymous said...

watch the Video about below and share with Khmer people to watch and understand how the Slavery in the U.S. ended.

CPP Yuon officials and Hun Sen will be very shameful.....

Anonymous said...

Ah មេធាវី យួន CPP, konduoy mer vea keu :
អាមេធាវី យួន (សេប៉េប៉េ) កណ្ដួយម៉ែវា គឺ;

Ah choy mray ..... YOU BUN LENG អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ យូ ប៊ុនឡេង
ah choy mer vea .. NIL NONN អាចុយម៉ែវា និល ណុន
ah ronteas banh .. CHHANG YOUK អារន្ទះបាញ់ ឆាំង យុ
ah ach kdor ...... NEY THOL អាអាចម៍ក្ដ ន័យ ថុល
mi jor konduoy snh'enh ..CHEA LEANG មីចោរកណ្ដួយស្អុយ ជាលាង
ah kouk .......... YOU OTTARA អាគុក យូ ឧត្ដរា
ah choy tumpauk chkae ..THOU MONY អាចុយទំពោកឆ្កែ ធូ មុន្នី
ah ngoib mun ayuk ..YA SOKHAN អាងាប់មុនអាយុ យ៉ា សុខាន់
ah muk kj'orp prorhok ..HUOT VUTHY អាមុខខ្ទប់ប្រហុក ហួត វុទ្ធិ
ah kanh jass jorb ..PRAK KIMSAN អាកញ្ចាស់ចប ប្រាក់ គឹមសាន
ah kdor s'oy ..... PEN PICHEALY អាក្ដស្អុយ ពិន ពេជាលី
ah ta-ngaen 4 jrung ..KONG SRIM អាតាង៉ែន៤ជ្រុង គង់ ស្រឹម
ah khmorch chhao ...S.SEREYVUTH អាខ្មោចឆៅ ស. សេរីវុធ
ah tumpek rek daung ..S.RITH អាទំពែករែកដូង ស. រឹត
ah chkourt .......YA NARIN អាឆ្កួត យ៉ា ណារិន
ah leu keu ....... MONG MONICHARYA អាឡឺកឹ ម៉ុង មុនីចរិយា

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In an effort to integrate Cambodia into the Indochinese federation, Vietnam has utilized many tricks in Cambodia, particularly created the Khmer Vietminh to destabilize Cambodia.

Does the international law allow one Country to abduct the children of its neighbors and brainwash them and later use them to attack their own Country and commit the mass killing of their own people?

Vietnam did exactly like that to Cambodia. That's why approximately 3 million Cambodians have perished from 1975 to 1979 beecause of Vietnam's bad intention toward Cambodia. Vietnam has created Khmer Vietminh and brainwashed them to make Khmer fight with Khmer. to make Khmer kill each other.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of Khmer people died in the 80s due to Vietnam's deployment of the k5 project.

If the killings during the Pol Pot's era were not so clear that most of the killings were committed by the Khmer Vietminh, the K5 project on the other hand has explicitly reflected Vietnam's vicious intention toward Cambodia because at the time Cambodia was fully controlled by Vietnam, which was the chief architect of the K5 project.

The United Nations should look into this unique case of Vietnam's interference in Ccambodia. It should examine at the present Vietnam's dominance in Cambodia as well.

Our people have lamented that why Khmer people always suffer?

Because Vietnam has its own plan of making Cambodian people suffer by initiating was , making Khmer fight with Khmer, making Khmer kill each other, and exploit it.

Vietnam has always found some dumb Khmers such as Hun Sen to carry out strictly its orders - no matter what the costs to Khmer people and Cambodia.

for instance, why did Hun Sen implement those bilateral treaties with Vietnam and defy the 1991 Paris peoce accord?

Anonymous said...

Bring Mr. Pestman back.

Anonymous said...