Friday, February 03, 2012

Khmer Rouge chief jailer gets life in prison

In this photo released by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, former Khmer Rouge S-21 prison commander Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Duch, greets judges on his arrival in the courtroom for a session of U.N.-backed tribunal in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, as the court gives verdict on appeal filed by Duch against his conviction Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Duch was sentenced last July to 35 years in prison for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the "killing fields" regime of the 1970s. (AP Photo/Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Nhet Sok Heng)
Friday, February 03, 2012
By SOPHENG CHEANG, Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The Khmer Rouge tribunal's Supreme Court on Friday ordered the regime's chief jailer to serve out the rest of his life in prison because of his "shocking and heinous" crimes against the Cambodian people.

The surprise ruling increased a lower court's 19-year sentence that had been appealed by prosecutors as too lenient and that had outraged survivors who feared the man who oversaw the killings of thousands could one day walk free.

Kaing Guek Eav, known as Duch, was commander of the top secret Tuol Sleng prison — code-named S-21. He admitted to overseeing the torture of his prisoners before sending them for execution at the "killing fields."

In July 2010, the tribunal's lower court convicted Duch (pronounced DOIK) of war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture and murder.

He was sentenced to 35 years in prison but had 11 years shaved off for time served and other technicalities.

The sentence was appealed both by prosecutors who called for life imprisonment and by Duch who argued it was too harsh because he was merely following orders.

However, the judge said Friday that the upper court felt the penalty should be more severe because the former jailer was responsible for the brutal deaths of so many. The tribunal says Duch oversaw the deaths of at least 12,272 victims but estimates have placed the number as high as 16,000.

"The crimes of Kaing Guek Eav were of a particularly shocking and heinous character based on the number of people who were proven to have been killed," the judge said.

The 69-year-old Duch stood calmly without emotion as the sentence was read.

He then pressed his palms together and pulled them to his chest in a show of respect to the judge, before being led away by court guards. The ruling was final with no other chance for appeal.

The tribunal is seeking justice for an estimated 1.7 million people who died from torture, starvation, exhaustion or lack of medical care during the Khmer Rouge's 1970s rule.

Three senior Khmer Rouge figures are currently on trial in what is known as Case 002. Unlike Duch, who admitted his role and asked for forgiveness, the others claim no wrongdoing.

They are 85-year-old Nuon Chea, the Khmer Rouge's chief ideologist and No. 2 leader; 80-year-old Khieu Samphan, an ex-head of state; and 86-year-old Ieng Sary, the former foreign minister. They are accused of crimes against humanity, genocide, religious persecution, homicide and torture.


Anonymous said...

រដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃក៍ដូចជាជោគជ័យសម្រាប់អង្គការលើដែលបានសម្លាប់ខ្មែរប្រមាណបីលាននាក់ក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៥ដល់១៩៧៩។ ជោគជ័យទី១គឺវាបានពន្យាពេលសាលាក្តីដ៏យូរ។ ​​ជោគជ័យទី២គឺមេដឹកនាំជាន់ខ្ពស់ទីមួយគេចផុតពីការកោះហៅ។​​​និងជោគ
ប្រហារកិត្តិនាមកិត្តិយសអ្នកណាដែលមាននាមឬត្រកូល(ឌុច) ឧទាហរណ៍ជាងគំនូរ(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម) គ្រូភ្លេងបុរាណខ្មែរ(សុកឌុច)នៅខេត្តតា
កែវ ព្រមទាំងជីតាអ្នកនាងសេងធារី(ឌុចសោម)។ល។

Anonymous said...

Of course the companions of the January 7, 1979 was as
executives of the organization of the Khmer Rouge(អង្គការលើ), so it had
transformed and manipulated the Khmer Rouge Tribunal 001 in theater and achive 3 great success:
1. The Khmer Rouge Tribunal much in late and took too long.
2.Number One of the hight responsable was not summoned to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.
3. It changes the real name (Kaing Kek Ev)
by calling (Duch)that the organization of the Khmer Rouge(អង្គការលើ)
invented a long time ago to deceive the public and
insult the people who are called first or last name (Duch)
for example, the painter (Duch Sideum), the master of music
(Sok Duch) of the Takeov province, the grandparents of Miss Seng Theary
(Duch Som) ect ... broadcast by the global media including Radio France Internationale (RFI & FRA) and often speaking by journalists (Jean François Tan, Kouch kuntheara,Pen Bunna ...).

Paris V.February3,2012.

Anonymous said...

At least he doesn't get tortured like his victims. Still not fair.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Theary Seng will be haunted whenever where she is. She has done something wrong in the wrong side of history. She does not know during the Killing Fields because she was too small or just a baby. She did not know where the Angkar Leur/Cap Tren came from. It was originally from Hanoi in the Killing Fields and also has been used in Southern Vietnam where Khmer Krom (Kampuchea Krom) resides until today.

Theary Seng made her look famous, but stupid and naive. She did not know Yuon/Vietnam are still behind until today.

The same thing to Youk Chhang. What hell are these folks from the U.S. have have been misleading the victims and survivors of Khmer Rouges who are a little of knowledge about what happened in the Killing Fields.

Right now, Hanoi and Vietcong/Yuon folks are hopping and laughing because of they are lucky to avoid their evil deeds and committed criminals since before-after War between Americans and Vietcong.

I can not imagine stupid Khmer people (who are brainwashed) like Theary Seng, Youk Chhang, other Khmer folks in the U.S. and Khmer folks who voted for CPP and Yuon because of manipulated January 7.

It is very sad to the little guy has been punished instead of Big Master Minded guys like Hanoi, CPP Yuons (Hor Nam Hong, ect) and more. Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim should be death after Cambodia is completely Vietnamized just like Champa and Khmer Krom.

Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim are still not waking up yet within more than 30 years and still enjoy the fake powers that have been installed by current hidden faced CPP Yuon Hanoi inside Cambodia today until they are death at end of their lives 99 years old.

You Khmer know, that Funcipec and Sam Ransy won elections back in late 1990 until late 2000, seeing that Hun Sen lost his election and then asked hidden faced Yuon military (in the blind eyes of Khmer and Foreign people) ordered to send the grenades into the crowds and scared all peaceful and innocent people. You Khmer and International folks did not know the hidden Yuon faces (forces) were hired to protect Hun Sen from losing powers. These situations confused everyone to remind them that it will happen again like Killing Fields, of courses, it is not going to happen without Hidden Yuon/Vietnamese faces (forces) there pretending to be Cambodian Military or armed forces. Watch out Khmer people! Be prepared! Learn something you don't know what are behind all of those situations.

Remember, the UN Peace Keeping forces during the installation of King Sihanouk and Funcipec in Cambodia! After Funcipec won election, it sounded like the everything was fine or OK, but it was not not before the UN Peace Keeping forces left Cambodia. However, the works of UN were not done yet because there were hidden Vietnamese/Yuon forces from Hanoi and Vietnamese master minded bastards who installed Hun Sen for power, would started coup and sent grenades into innocent Khmer people in 1993 and happened again in 1997.

Again and again, Khmer people were so scared and gave up because they were afraid of second killing fields occurred just like KR Killing Fields. So, now, Khmer folks did not know several hidden Yuon/Vietnamese military arm forces inside Khmer society who pretend to be Khmer/Cambodian armed forces. Khmer/Cambodian soldiers, please don't be fooled and watch out each others when hidden Yuon/Vietnamese faces among Khmer military. Don't let this happen to innocent Khmer people again because of Vietnamese/Yuon forces from Hanoi that protect Hun Sen and hidden CPP officials for their powers.

Khmer/Cambodia Unity and Khmer love Khmer, Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

c'est la commedie total. pourquoi on traduit plusieurs fois pour un seul personne et EN PLUS DUC avait déclaré clairement de leurs défaut . mais ,les sauvages qui sont dans le gouvernement hun sen P P C = LE 07 MAK KARA 1979 continuent de tuer les innocences khmers quotidiennemnt et QUE LE SANG COULE INCESSAMENT. ALORS , pourquoi L' O N U EST AVEUGLE?

Anonymous said...

C'est une guerre psycho-politique
que l'organisation des khmers rouges
(អង្គការលើ)qui a inventé le nom (Duch)
comme le bouc émissaire et c'est
ainsi qu'il fait trompé le monde
en espérant que leur crime à
bien blanchir.
Paris V.4Janvier2012

Anonymous said...

C'est une guerre psycho-politique
que l'organisation des khmers rouges
(អង្គការលើ)qui a inventé le nom (Duch)
comme le bouc émissaire et c'est
ainsi qu'il fait tromper le monde
en espérant que leur crime à
bien blanchir.
Paris V.4Janvier2012