Friday, February 03, 2012

Man Fed Up With Dumping Fights Back

Thursday, 02 Feb 2012
Fox 29 News (USA)

A local man is fed up with people using his neighborhood as a landfill. The Cambodian immigrant shot video of a woman dumping shredded documents right in front of his south Philly home. It happened overnight, near the intersection of 5th and Reed streets.

Mr. Prak spent the morning cleaning shredded paper and bank check registers from the sidewalk in front of his home. A stiff breeze has scattered the paper up and down the block. Prak could have simply allowed the confetti to blow away but he said that "it's not my thing. I want to live in clean place."

The mess got there around 1 AM, a woman carrying a grocery bag full of shredded paper she may have picked it up from recyclables set out up the block deliberately pours it out in front of Prak's rowhouse as she passes by.

Mr. Prak has spent more than $1200 installing an extensive video camera and recording system to monitor the front of his home.

Prak moved to this country 30 years ago, to escape Cambodia's murderous Khmer Rouge. Now he and his wife deals on a daily basis with deliberate littering and slashed tires and broken windows and dog waste on his front steps- all captured on video.


Anonymous said...

In a real democratic country, human lives are all equal. Where is the dignity of our Khmer countrymen living under the oppression of the dictator. Being called dogs all days and every day by the dictator, wake up Khmer

Anonymous said...

Move your family back to Cambodia and life would be well off. Don't end up like the Borei Keila criminals. They are not Khmer but Vietnamese in disguise showing bare breast and tits in public.

Anonymous said...

1:21 PM. Where did you get your PhD from?

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what Hun Sen needs to do in catching illegal Yuon migrants entering Cambodia territory. Instead of spending tons of money chasing common folks from their land,he needs to install surveillance cameras in every inch and corner of the eastern border with Yuon to record Yuon activities. But I think not because Hun Sen is too cowardice to resist Yuon in 1977 when his big brother Pol Pot ordered the elements of Eastern regional force to retaliate Yuon transgression.

That's why Pol Pot and Ta Mok wanted to arrest him for treason.

Hun Sen is the 7 Janaury's dog!!!

Anonymous said...

Bong, you’re a good immigrant in this country, and everybody in the U.S. will support your action. Remember this country build with many good immigrants like you, you’re a part in this country. If you’re not American’s citizenship, become a citizen today. ///

Anonymous said...

I like his aim a lot. I will do it because they dump to my sidewalk too.

Anonymous said...

You maniac Mike why don't you just enter manhood like them. Nevertheless all of these KI staffs don't have to monitor your arrogance objection and so forth. In fact there 20 millions Khmer around the world can't even have a chance to express their point of view because of your unlightended perception toward your own creed.