Thursday, February 16, 2012

Political discussion on Hun Xen’s statement telling the Cambodian people to reflect about the toppling of Arab bloc leaders before they think about taking him down

13 February 2012
The Free Press Magazine Online
Click here to read the original article in Khmer

On 09 February 2012, during the inauguration of the building for the ministry of land management, urban planning and construction, Hun Xen issued a message to the Cambodian people, telling them to reflect first on the events that led to the toppling of leaders in the Arab bloc before they want to take him out of power.

Please listen to the political discussion between You Saravudh and Tieng Narith regarding this issue:


Anonymous said...

Don't you worries Mr. Strongman, time will comes. Kamma does exist, and you know it, don't kidding yourself. When that day comes, the world will cheers with joy.

Khmer people, if you want peace, be prepared for war.

Khmer USA

Anonymous said...

Cambodian or Khmer will dies either way so might as well take down Hun Sen and the Corrupt People Parties.

Anonymous said...

bla bla... people always politicize this or that about cambodia. shame on them. hey, don't forget that there are more to cambodia than just politics, ok! don't be stupid forever, ok! open your eyes and see the bigger world out there, ok!

Anonymous said...

3:04 PM Hey Vietnamese whore. Speak normal English, so we can understand you! Okay

Anonymous said...

Bla bla what? your m..fucker! go home all ah Yuon blood! Ah Konn-torb! Ah sror-kei yoeur.
take ah Hn Sen and his clan with you to Hanoi, because Prey Nokor is our land(Khmer).

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that KI never mention or report about any protest in Europe or in the US.

But I have seen many report reguarding the protest in Arab country, Thailand and China !

Only Asian country ????

Am I the only one who notice this ???

For Example:

1. The riot in London last year.
2. The on going protest in the US, occupied protesters.
3. Big protest in Greek.

Do they lack of world knowledge or it is about political inconvinience ????

Maybe they don't have the freedom to report every thing that happened in the world !!!

Lack of free speech !!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right! There is more to Cambodia without you beeeeyotch!!!!! Ok!!!!!

Anonymous said...

9:36 PM. KI Media= Khmer Intelligent Media.

If you want to know about the world news go to AH FUCKING HUN SEN's website.

Okay Fucking CPP Dog

Anonymous said...

KI MEDIA is Sam Rainsy Party's political persuasion. That is only ugliness of Cambodia is on displayed on public record only and most of materials are compiled by SRP activists and SRP leader himself, who think that they can take over power from Hun Sen shortly. They are dreaming badly.

Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុន​ សែន​ ដំបៅក្នង រុយវាចេះតែរោម ហើយ
ខ្មោចវាចេះតែលង លេបថ្នាំហើយនៅតែដេកមិន
លក់ទៀត។ « ឈាមស្រែក ស្បែកហៅ »។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does Mr Sam Rainsy policies including Koh Tral Island and sea area 30 000km2 bring back to the Khmer people?

Please states your policies more clearer about Koh Tral and sea area 30 000km2 back from Vietnam invasion. Mr. Sam Rainsy!

Anonymous said...

Does Mr Sam Rainsy policies including Koh Tral Island and sea area 30 000km2 bring back to the Khmer people?

PM Hun Sen statment is very clear that Koh Tral Island and 30 000km2 are belong to Vietnam according to his treaties. How is about Mr. Sam Rainsy?

Please states your policies more clearer about Koh Tral and sea area 30 000km2 back from Vietnam invasion. Mr. Sam Rainsy!

Anonymous said...

Does Mr Sam Rainsy policies including Koh Tral Island and sea area 30 000km2 bring back to the Khmer people?

PM Hun Sen statment is very clear that Koh Tral Island and 30 000km2 are belong to Vietnam according to his treaties. How is about Mr. Sam Rainsy?

Please states your policies more clearer about Koh Tral and sea area 30 000km2 back from Vietnam invasion. Mr. Sam Rainsy!

Anonymous said...

8:57 AM

Does Mr Sam Rainsy use violence and murders to the khmer people?

Please ask your dictator Hun Sen about the murders and crimes hes committed from the Vietnamese Invasion in 1979 to the current days. AH CPP Dog!

Anonymous said...

9:01 AM

Please read carefully the question is "What is Mr. Sam Rainsy policies about Koh Tral Island and sea area 30 000km2? Does Mr. Sam Rainsy recognized Koh Tral Island belong to Cambodia or Vietnam? and what is Mr. Sam Rainsy going to do about it?

Read properly before you comment

Anonymous said...

9:07 AM

My question is, Dictator Hun Sen has killed thousands of Khmer, today his regime continues to use violence and force eviction. What is dictator Hun Sen policies on the current policies?

Read my question properly, CPP dog.

Anonymous said...

9:15 AM

Moron dickhead

Anonymous said...

9:15 AM

Fuck head! Stupid idiot! Mother fucker! Moron!

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM.

Another CPP Dog cant read English? You expect an answer when you can read. So, what if Dictator Hun Sen orders you to FUCK your mum. you will do it too!

Anonymous said...

Does Mr. Sam Rainsy recongize that Koh Tral Island belong to Cambodians? What is your planes in getting Koh Tral Island back to Cambodia?

Can Mr. Sam Rainsy provide a very clear policies about this issue?

Khmer Cabramatta,

Anonymous said...

Yes, Khmericans r also want to know about Mr. Sam Rainsy policies about Koh Tral issues too. Please provide clear policies about Koh Tral island.

Anonymous said...

9:35 AM, Can you answer my question? The first CPP dog was unable to read my question.

My question is, Dictator Hun Sen has killed thousands of Khmer, today his regime continues to use violence and force eviction, clearly its violation of human rights. What is dictator Hun Sen policies on violence and force eviction?

Your turn, Cabramatta CPP Dog

Anonymous said...

We Khmer European are also want to know about Mr. Sam Rainsy policies about Koh Tral before the election coming in the near future.

Anonymous said...

9:40 AM you have to direct these questions to PM Hun Sen at P.P Cambodia.

PM Hun Sen will more than happy to answers your questions but first you have to meet PM Hun Sen face to face at P.P Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

LOL. So many CPP dogs coming out of nowhere today!!!

CPP Dogs coming from Cabramatta, Sydney!
CPP Dogs coming from European!
CPP Dogs coming from America!

This CPP Dog have super power can can teleport around the world, or is it a coincident that all these CPP dogs using one computer!!

Someone send the CPP dog back to the CURRY POT!!

Anonymous said...

កុំសូវជឿសម្តីអា ទៀង ណារិទ្ធនេះ វាជាចារកម្មរបស់យួន ម្តងវានិយាយកាន់ជើងអ្នកនេះម្តងកាន់ជើងអ្នកនោះគឺគ្មានជំហោច្បាស់លាស់ទេ ហើយធាតុពិតនោះយើងមិនបានដឹងច្បាស់ថាបុគ្គលមួយនេះចេញមកពីប្រភពណាច្បាស់លាស់ឡើយ។

Anonymous said...

8:37 AM,

Hey Yuon thief! Stop barking and being brainwashed. You are one of evil CPP killers who tries to get away from criminals. You will be crushed to death.

Sam Rainsy have helped the Khmer farmers who lost their lands to illegal Yuon encroachment and Khmer people who were oppressed and illegally evicted from their lands which are not belonged to CPP Yuon crooks and private company. Hun Sen did not do anything to help people, but most people who voted for CPP Hun Sen in Phnom Penh are Yuon born in Cambodian and they have been in Cambodian illegally since 1979.

Did Hun Sen do anything to help protect illegal Yuon/Vietnamese settlers flooding in Cambodia?

You are Yuou become Khmer because you were born here coming from your illegal Yuon parents because of your comment attacking Sam Rainsy, right? Why did you live here illegally and attack us Khmer people? So, that means that you are very hypocrite, evil, dirty, disgusted, and have no respect for Khmer people.

Hun Sen have been enjoying having a power (illegally provided by hypocrite Yuon/Hanoi masters) while Yuon whores and military are doing the work for him and protect him. His life will not exist and will be killed by Yuon later.

Yuon/Hanoi has no respects 1991 Peace Accord in Paris. So, Communist Hanoi/Yuon masters always interfered with Khmer affairs for more 30 years starting from 1979.

Anonymous said...

9:45 AM,

Oh really? Is it safe to meet Hun Sen face to face in his office?

That is phony you said that.

CPP Yuon, Hun Sen and you are all hypocrite.

There are more Khmer people are growing and getting bigger everyday to empower Hun Sen and CPP Yuon crooks. Khmer people are having more international communities supported them.

Anonymous said...

វិនិច្ឆ័យឲ្យបានច្បាស់លាស់ តើអ្នកនិយាយនោះ
ឬ ក្រៅប្រទេសខ្មែរដែរឬអ្វី?
តើខ្មែរគ្រប់និន្នាការេះិទ្យុទូរទស្សន៍ វិទ្យុផ្សាយ
សម្លេង សារព័ត៌មាន ទស្សនាវដ្ដី អ្នកសំនេរ
ខេអាយ សាមគ្គិគ្នាជាធ្លុងមួយ ដើម្បីជួយ
តើអ្នកគ្រប់រូបពឹងទេព្ដាឲ្យជួយ ឬ ពឹងខ្លួនឯង?
សំនេរបំបែកបំបាក់ក្នុងខេអាយនេះ ដើរតួនាទី
សំខាន់ណាស់ ព្រោះនៅទីនេះ មានច្រើនក្រុម
ពាក្យចាស់លោកថា,អក្សរជាឯក លេខជាទោ
អក្សរជាត្រី។ តើសរសេរយ៉ាងណា និយាយយ៉ាង
ណាឲ្យបានចំរើន ឬមួយខាតរបស់ពេលវេលា
របស់លោកអ្នក ព្រោះពេលវេលាជាមាសប្រាក់
ពាក្យមួយម៉ាត់និយាយចេញទៅ អាចសម្លាប់
សូមអ្នកដែលស្រលាញ់ សីលធម៌ សច្ចធម៌
និង យុត្តិធម៌ ជួយការពារគ្នា រួមសាមគ្គីគ្នា
កំចាត់ជន អសីលធម៌ ទុច្ចរិត និង អយុត្តិធម៌

Anonymous said...

Listen to the Khmer post radio and world Khmer radio every day at and

Anonymous said...

9:47 AM

Bitch! Shup up your ass! We know your IP address.