Why ‘free and fair
election’ is a luxury the CPP regime can do without.
by KI Media reader
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A United Nations staff member counts the votes at the Electoral Warehouse in Phnom Penh. 23 May 1993
Phnom Penh, Cambodia [UN photo]
“Fair and free election will means Hun Sen will lose his 4000 bodyguards.Fair and free election will mean Hun Sen cannot use national budget to save his skin and his CPP skins.Fair and Free Election means everyone inside Cambodia can speak up freely against officials who abused their positions and power.Fair and free election means, Sam Rainsy, the leader of Opposition Party, is allowed to freely perform his duty without punishment from the ruling party and is Equal in authority and power as the ruling party.Fair and free election means the CPP cannot use violence and forced eviction to privatize lands or allow national heritage land to be sold to CPP officials.Will Cambodia see free and fair election? Is that too much to ask for a democratic country?”
Listen up you sorry-ass people, how dare you asking me to commit suicide?
Go and tell that to Mugabe of Zambabwe.
I am the "sit-tight" bastard in this part of the globe.
Decho Xen
100% support you Dear KI Team
Runteas Banh Ah Kwack in 2012 or 2013.
Yes indeed,free for all and justice.
Hang aah Hun Sen neck like ah
Saddam Hussein in Iraq,ah Mubarak
in Egypt soon.
Khmer people court will hang ah
Hun Sen and jail his dead body for
5,000 years.
The Khmer court could never prosecute a national betrayer such as Hun Sen (Hun Nal). The people must find a method to assassinate him when opportunity allows.
you know, the rule of law, terms limits, etc are keys to reforms in gov't of cambodia if we are to help make a real, lasting difference in cambodia, really. yes, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really. everyone should contribute to shaping cambodia as in reform our country's system from politics to social issues, etc... look at cambodia as a big picture.
cambodia, don't forget to go voting when it's time; our country depends on it, ok!
CPP= Vietnamese communist party
“Will Cambodia see free and fair election? Is that too much to ask for a democratic country?”
Answer: No, it is not too much to ask if only 70% of the people in Cambodia can access KI like School of Vice does.
7:46 AM, Meanwhile, 90% of the youth watches CTN everyday.
អាខ្វាក់ដូចជាញញឺមស្រស់ ព្រោះអាខ្វាក់ឯងដឹងថាឈ្នៈមុនរួចទៅហើយ! ខ្មែរលែងទៅបោះឆ្នោតអោយអាស្វាព្រៃឯងតទៅទៀតហើយ! នាពេលខាងមុខដ៏ខ្លីនេះខ្មែរនឹងអូសកពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិអស់ឯងអោយចុៈចេញពីអំណាច!
7:46 AM
... and get CPP judges working on a Sunday to criminalise them for accessing KI Media?
ខ្មែរលែងទៅបោះឆ្នោតអោយ អាស្វាព្រៃឯងហើយ!
.......អាខ្វាក់ ដឹងថានាពេលខាងមុខដ៏ខ្លីនេះ ខ្មែរនឹងអូសកពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិអស់ឯង អោយចុៈចេញពីអំណាច!
អហឹង្សា...................ចាញ់អាខ្វាក់ !!!
ហឹង្សា ..................ឈ្នះអាខ្វាក់ !!!
ហឹង្សា ....................ឈ្នះយួន !!!
អហឹង្សា...................ចាញ់អាខ្វាក់ !!!
ហឹង្សា ....................ឈ្នះអាខ្វាក់ !!!
ហឹង្សា ....................ឈ្នះអាយួន !!
you know, hun sen is real, sam rainsy is a joke! hun sen is smart to let sam rainsy keeps barking because a barking dog don't bite, only bark, you see.
i can see sam rainsy is useful to cambodia only when he keeps criticizing cambodia on social issue, etc, when comes to politics, he has no chance because he's still a minority in cambodia. without the rule of law, terms limit law, etc, he stands no chance in with the majority party in cambodia. he'll stay a minority forever until he gets old and nature takes him back to the dust. as long as he still only thinking about himself, not the country, and he keeps using discrimination, prejudice based on race, background, etc, he stands no chance in cambodia because he is stupid, really stupid, if you ask me, really! of course cambodia doesn't evolve around sam rainsy only, you know. there are more to cambodia that you and i, really! so, stop playing favoritism game, it's so outdated and obsolete in this day and age, you know. stop being stupid forever, ok, sam rainsy!
oiy, did i tell you i don't like stupid individual like sam rainsy! cambodia is not all about him, yoiu know!
for me, it doesn't matter, if you're smart and wise, i'll vote for you. but if you're stupid, forget it, ok!
1:42 AM, 1:44 AM, 1:46 AM sound like the same person. Why do you support the evil CPP Hun Sen who hurts and killed his Khmer people?
Oh my Gosh, you sound silly. What are you praise Hun Sen who is a Vietnamese dog and who serves the Vietnamese bosses.
i told you, i hate stupid individual, and you thought i was kidding,right? well, read my lip, i'm not kidding!
why some people are so biased against my country cambodia, why? couldn't they agree to disagree? everybody is different and diversed, why be so hard on cambodia? i don't get it!
This vietnamese whore got mental issues. Are they all like that?
you know!
Go get a real job ok!
Don’t be a paid ass kisser to the Hun Sen’s gang ok!
And you said other people are stupid, you are right if you are a Yuon who wants to create havocs here. But if you are a Khmer I feel sorry for your stupidity. You are so cheaply bought by the Yuon’s slaves.
2:27 AM
You hate stupid people.
How about dumb person like you? You hate too?
អាខ្វាក់ហុនសែនអើយ សូមអាឯងចាំពាក្យអញ់ឲ្យច្បាស់ទៅ សប្បាយក្លាយជាទុក្ខ សប្បាយច្រើនទុក្ខកាន់តែខ្លាំង។ ទុក្ខរបស់អាឯងវាកាន់តែខិតជិតមកដល់ហើយ វាមិនផុតពីឆ្នាំ២០១៣នេះទេណាអាឆ្កែខ្វាក់៕
Listen to the Khmer post radio and world Khmer radio at www.thekhmerpost.com and www.worldkhmerradioonline.com
Thank you!
No one knows everything.
No one knows nothing.
Everyone knows somethings.
Know what someone knows,the ones
s/he does not know,s/he should learn
to know.
S/he is smart on somethings,but
the other tings,s/he is stupid.
So keep learning until s/he is dead.
Keep smiling Ah Knhom Yuon Hun Shit.
Yumphubal chit Hov Kbal Ah Choy Marai Eung Heuy.
Kanduoy Mer Ah Maha Kbot Cheat!!
Yuon Chaul Penh srok Heuy Ah roleuy Hun Sen!!
Bangkok post:
His Majesty the King has expressed his concern about deforestation and the resultant flooding in Thailand and has urged the government to take severe action against those responsible.
The King stressed the need for the government to plant more trees and to take harsh punitive steps against "greedy" civil servants who allowed illegal deforestation to occur.
Meanwhile, in the kingdom of wonder, we never hear any thing from our king at all.
Oh yes, didn’t he just give the promise that he stay in Cambodia until his death.
ការបោះឆ្នោតបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺជាអន្ទាក់របស់យួនហាណូយដែលវាបានដាក់បន្លំអោយស្របទៅតាមប្រទេសដែលមានលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យពិតប្រាកដក្នុងពិភពលោកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ព្រោះអីសព្វដ្ងៃយួនមានចំនួនជិតស្មើរជនជាតិខ្មែរយើងទៅហើយ ដូច្នេះ ហ៊ុន សែន បានដឹងថាឈ្នៈឆ្នោតរួចស្រេចមុនពេលបោះឆ្នោតទៅហើយ។ ដូច្នេះបើយើងមើលឃើញថាវាចាញ់រួចទៅហើយនោះ ចុៈហេតុដូចម៉េចបានជានាំគ្នាត្បុលក្បាលទៅបោះឆ្នោតទៀត, ច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិនិងច្បាប់អន្តរជាតិមានម៉េចក៏មិននាំគ្នាប្រើ ភ្លើមែន! នាំគ្នាលែងតែអាល្បែងចាញ់! ដូច្នេះការបោះឆ្នោតបច្ចុប្បន្នវាគ្រាន់តែល្បែងលែងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ វាពុំមែនជាតំណោះស្រាយពិតប្រាកដឡើយ។
it's stupid for anybody to believe anything sihanouk is saying. sihanouk is not the law, sihanouk is not god, sihanouk is people like you and i, really. so, take it as is. play only by the rule of law, i told you already! don't be stupid forever, ok! evolve with time for a change, ok! respect only the rule of law, not the creeps! if some people don't learn from that, then it is right to say that they are really stupid beyond repair, i think. of course, not everybody is stupid in cambodia, just make it hard for stupid people to gain access to power, that's all.
sihanouk is a private citizen now. he's retired and probably have dementia and forget and lethargic in his mental state. so why would anybody in their right mind not see that? never disregard his mental impairment. having respect is one thing, but the rule of law is the law, people should distinguish that from respect, etc, really!
11:33 am, good observation. i think khmer king is scare people will hate him for saying like siem king is saying. i think the reason maybe khmer king rely too much on handsout or free lunch and afraid of losing it whereas siem king is the world's rich monarchy, so siem king can say whatever to his subjects and not afraid of retaliation because with all that money in the world, he's not depending on handsout and free lunch from anybody. that's the difference. also, khmer king installed by then french colonial rulers while siem king was born in the USA. i think having good adviser like american is crucial in steer their country to avoid the tragedy like cambodia went through. plus, khmer king is perhaps too religous and too traditionalist whereas siem king is more modern thinking because his ancient mongkut hired the british nanny to teach his children the western way so siem can become modernized whereas khmer king did not have that opportunity, thus always make mistakes in leading our country. well, that was history already, however, i hope all future khmer monarchy starting with the young king now will have good advisors and be enlightened and smart and clever in his education and learning from the world. may god help the king of cambodia and the leaders of cambodia.
United Nations must be in charge of the Cambodian Ellectoral Commision assisted by all Cambodian Political Parties contesting the 2012 / 2013 Cambodian Elections.
United Khmer Republics.
គ្រប់ពេលដើម្បីលាក់ការពិតលាក់ឈ្មោះ លាក់មុខមាត់ក្រុមពួកវាដែលជាឃាដករ ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ។
ដើម្បីសង្រ្គោះជាតិខ្មែរឲ្យរុងរឿងមានយុត្តិធម៌ បានសុខសន្តិភាពពិតប្រាកដ គឺត្រូវតែមានអគ្គមគ្គុទេសខ្មែរថ្មីដែលដុះចេញអំពីខ្មែររងគ្រោះគឺផ្ទុយអំពី រាជនិងរដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃដែលដុះចេញអំពី អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម។
go the library and read more on the biography of siem monarchy, you will understand where they got their education and influence from, the western world, whereas khmer monarchy had very limited education, especially from the western influences, you know.
if khmer king want changes for cambodia, they have to be educated about the world, both eastern and western world, that is! if they are too conservative, they limit their knowledge and intelligent and education, etc... it's nothing to be ashamed of being khmer of cambodia, it's just our leaders, our monarchy, etc have to get good education from the western world as well as from the eastern world. yes, it's a matter of getting a good education from both world. it is ignorance that make cambodia vulnerable, i think.
i have no doubt that during the khmer empire era, khmer mighty kings were all well-educated in eastern philosophy such as india and china, mostly india then. but then after their death, the future monarchy were less and less educated from the outside influence, thus became too comfortable and too conservative, and that in turn passed down to his the future kings, etc, etc, thus less education, less outside influence, more local, primitive, mundane way, then the empire eventually collapsed due to incompetent kings/monarchy, etc...
if you study about siem monarchy, starting with their ancestors mongkut down to present monarchy, they all had western education and westernized and modernized their country that way to avoid the path cambodia went through because of ignorance, i think. so, do read up on the biography of siem kings from mongkut down to present. and watch that movie called anna and the king of siem movie, it tells the beginning of western influence in siem country, especially their monarchy, ok!
Krou Teay Tha Ah kwack Trov Ngorp in 2012 or 2013.
2:14 AM. Vietnamese whore, you should go to the library and research on Hun Sen's family criminal acts of Hun Sen's wife, Hun Sen's brother, Hun Sen's newphew, Hun Sen's nieces, Hun Sen's Vietnamese mother.
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