Tuesday, March 20, 2012

As seen and heard on Ms. Theary C. Seng's BLOG

‘Blocked’ judge quits court

The Honorable Kasper-Ansermet, you are truly a rare saving grace of the whole of the "international community" in Cambodia and bear correctly the title "honorable".

- Theary (Michigan, 20 March 2012)

MY HERO. The very cool, the rare saving grace of the UN -- International Reserve Co-Investigating Judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet (Photo: EPA)

Great piece, Bridget Di Certo!

I am greatly entertained by the on-goings, if they weren't so destructive!!! In the short, medium and long-term where WE, the Cambodian people (not govt, not UN, not any foreigners) have to pick up the pieces and live with the serious consequences!

The most obvious culprits are easy to identify, but we haven't been upset sufficiently with the "good guys" sustaining this FARCE, feeding, embedding, cementing all the dark mentalities of this SHAM, and with greater FEROCITY because it is the UN, it is the international community whom the Cambodian people trust(ed), but is failing us again and again.

I guess the blame at the end of the day lies with us, the Cambodian people, for our NAIVETE and this FOOLISH TRUST of the foreigners who time and again have contributed to the dark mentalities, leaving destruction in their quake after their transitional stay and bearing no responsibility.

- Theary (Michigan, 20 March 2012)



Anonymous said...

Since you are so cool, why don't you get marriage with Theary C. Seng? You are so smartest like Theary Seng, all you need is 'MONEY' for yourself, you don't help Cambodia, so as Theary Seng. She shows her pretty looks and dress to impress the people that she is the only Khmer who well educated in Cambodia. Go get her whiteman!

former Khmer Rouge soldier

Anonymous said...

Once again Theary Seng, please find you a whiteman who can help you. You think you are so cool, and looks pretty and well educated from the US. I am wondering who is your husband? You are getting old now, do so girl?

Former Khmer Rouge soldier

Anonymous said...

12:47 AM, whom you mentioned to marry to Theary Seng?

You are fucking so blind and talked stupid like Hun Sen and CPP clans

Anonymous said...

Continue from 3:03 AM,

12:47 AM,

Don't put down judge Kasper-Ansermet because he is a likeable and favorite man who tried the find justice for innocent Khmer people.

Just put down Theary Seng who is flip-flopped and dares to speak like that to make her look good, but stupid. We are fed up with her serious mistakes that she was so clueless about Khmer Rouges, Killing Fields, and Vietnam dirty games on Cambodia.

You need to use critical thinking.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Theary Seng. The Honorable Kasper-Ansermet is a true hero and a crime fighting justice. I hope to see more people taking this stance then to work with the commie.

Ignore the FUCKERS above, this guy obviously cant differentiate between person and politics.

IF this coward former Khmer Rouge soldier is brave enough, he will be a Khmer hero, but he cant because hes a COWARD.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Theary for your hard work. Please work together to destroy this stupid CPP government.

Anonymous said...

Former Khmer Rouge soldier, were you the one who drank the water out of the toilet bowl when you occupied Phnom Penh in April 1975, because you thought it was a small well inside a house in the city?
Also did you clean your ass with twigs after shitting even though there were rolls of toilet paper near by?
And you must be the one who pointed the AK47 at me by ordering me to hand over my watch to you. You said that I was a civilian from now on and it was useless for me to own it. Do you still have my favorite watch, Khmer killer?
You looked so naive and were very easy to be manipulated then, mentally are you still the same now, Khmer killer?
Your lack of conscience makes you so proud to call yourself a Former Khmer Rouge soldier.

Anonymous said...

3:49 PM, Couldn't have said better.

This Former Khmer Rouge shouldn't have been alive after the topple of the Pol Pot regime, now he is as useless a coward.

This coward former Khmer Rouge doesn't understand justice nor politics but degrade all women around him.

I hope his mother was killed during the Pol Pot regime, i would be disappointed if she was alive to see this coward face.

Anonymous said...

3:49 PM

And also I learn that some of them use the motor oil to fry fish and they got sick after eating. Ah jimbo cha-ol krong.

Anonymous said...

Not all Khmer Rouges are stupid that you thought, Khmer Rouge smart and brave, but we just made mistake by killing some innocen people, sorry to say that. I was a Khmer Rouge cardec/soldier when I was 14 year of age, now I am an ordinary person like everyone else. I work heard for the people, I work at night shift as a cop/police officer. So Khmer Rouge not dum as you thought. Remember? in Khmer Rouge regime, we did have Vietnamese in our country, now lot of them everywhere, so stop against Khmer Rouge.

For Khmer Rouge soldier

Anonymous said...

2:56 AM. Noone is attacking you but yourself. You made yourself stupid when you degrade the women working hard to fight against injustice.

Anonymous said...

2:56 AM

I agree with you that not all Khmer Rouges are stupid, but the majority of them have been dumb and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Former Khmer Rouge soldier

Even your educated big boss Pol Pot was obsessed and mistrusted the people all around him.