Friday, March 02, 2012

Call for support of "Stop the Crime Against Humanity" petition

Dear All,

Please Sign & Share to help Cambodians People, click this link:!/petition/stop-crime-against-humanity-cambodia/YK5bG01Y

Your voice is counted by the U.S government !



Anonymous said...

Good initiative!! to get more people to sign petition, it's better to take Soun Serey Ratha out as a leader of campaign. He is a crook!! This person if by any chance become a leader, may be worse than Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

SSR copy from what Vietnamese community doing right now, more than hundred thousand peoples signed their petition within three weeks, therefore, President Obama invite their representatives to have a meeting at White House on Monday, March 5, 2012.

Because of successful of Vietnamese as model, SSR try to jump first in order to take credit.

What we should do:
1/Call a meeting among Khmer HMR activist, community leaders, media such as Khmerpost radio, Worldkhmer radio, Khmer newspaper ... in U S A
2/The content of petition must be approve by majority.
3/Campaign. In order for White House respond, we must have at least 25,000 signature within on month,
So far, petition drafted by SSR have less than 100 signatures. Not only SSR, but all Khmer in U S A look bad !!!
This is a lesson for whom want to be a leader. If you want to be famous for yourself, criticize everybody else, you will be fail


Anonymous said...

9:06 AM. I agree. On his radio, SSR often criticize everybody but himself, but goes on to say hes never made any mistakes and will never make mistakes.

SSR is to ignorant, I dont mind signing the petition if its going to be of used, but SSR wants to be a SUPERSTAR thats why he enjoys bashing everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey ah Youn's dog 6:18AM one day you will see! When Cambodia is free from ah Youn what Khmer people will be do to all your mother fuckers!