Thursday, March 01, 2012

Judges remain at loggerheads; Theary Seng out as civil party

Theary Seng at her house in Phnom Penh last year. Will Baxter

Theary Seng's withdrawal from her civil party status (in Khmer and English):

Thursday, 01 March 2012
Bridget Di Certo
The Phnom Penh Post

Cambodian judges and officers at the Khmer Rouge tribunal are continuing to block civil party applicants from participating in the government-opposed cases 003 and 004, while international judges continue to base their decisions on civil party rights in spurring the two cases forward.

Outspoken Khmer Rouge victim advocate Theary Seng was yesterday rejected by default as a civil party in controversial cases 003 and 004 after Pre-Trial Chamber judges issued lengthy considerations but could not reach a consensus on her case.

Cambodian judges in the Pre-Trial Chamber said there were no relevant suspects in the cases as no one had been charged and so rejected Theary Seng’s appeal to be granted civil party status. “Errors committed” by then Co-Investigating Judge Siegfried Blunk and his Cambodian counterpart You Bunleng, whom rejected Theary Seng’s civil party application, were so grievous as to render any determination of the application “unfair”, they said.

Due to a failure to agree, the rejection of Theary Seng’s civil party application stood. Theary Seng has previously denounced the court as a “sham” and attempted to cease all participation in proceedings.

International judges Rowan Downing and Katinka Lahuis noted in their decision that the co-investigating judges still had discretion to grant Theary Seng civil party status, as UN-nominated reserve Co-Investigating Judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet had with New Zealand civil party Rob Hamill.

However, lawyers for Hamill said in a press release yesterday that despite Kasper-Ansermet granting their client civil party status, Cambodians court officials have blocked their access to the case file in Case 003 on the basis that the national side of the court does not recognise Kasper-Ansermet’s authority.

The lawyers called the action “a stealthy attempt to override the decision of Judge Laurent Kasper-Ansermet” as there had been no public information released that the national side of the court would not recognise any decisions of Kasper-Ansermet.


Anonymous said...


គ្រប់ពេលដើម្បីលាក់ការពិតលាក់ឈ្មោះ លាក់មុខមាត់ក្រុមពួកវាដែលជាឃាដករ ប្រឆាំងមនុស្សជាតិ។

ដើម្បីសង្រ្គោះជាតិខ្មែរឲ្យរុងរឿងមានយុត្តិធម៌ បានសុខសន្តិភាពពិតប្រាកដ គឺត្រូវតែមានអគ្គមគ្គុទេសខ្មែរថ្មីដែលដុះចេញ អំពីខ្មែររងគ្រោះគឺផ្ទុយអំពី រាជនិងរដ្ឋអំណាចសព្វថ្ងៃដែលដុះចេញ អំពី អង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហម។


Anonymous said...

The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) baptized (Duch) instead of real names (Kaing Guek Eav) is not the revolutionary name as is commonly believed but rather to hide the truth.

​The Khmer Rouge Organization (Angkar-leu អង្គការលើ) amplified, and broadcast advertising, the false name (Duch) as the scapegoat to launder their crime against humanity.

The false name (Duch) is copied and repeated Non-Stop by the global media to continue deceive the world and also to attack and dishonor real name famous (Duch) such that (Duch Sidim; Duch Kimhak; Sok Duch) and (Duch Som) grandfather's Ms.Theary Seng etc.

Paris V.March 1,2012​​​​​​​

Anonymous said...

លាននាក់ បានប្រឌិតឈ្មោះ(ឌុច)ឲ្យហៅជំនួស

លាននាក់ បានផ្សព្វផ្សាយឈ្មោះក្លែងក្លាយ(ឌុច)

ដែលមាននាមត្រកូល(ឌុច) ជាឧទាហរណ៏ៈ
(ឌុចស៊ីឌឹម ឌុចគីមហាក់ សុកឌុច)និង​​(ឌុចសម)ជីតាអ្នកនាង(សេងធារី)។ល។


Anonymous said...

You ស្រស់ម៉ែន ធារី , I like that!

ចាំខ្ញុំ រកចំរៀង មួយ dedicate ទៅអ្នកនាង
weekend នេះ។


Anonymous said...

glad she is out so we can move on from self-promotion to justice

Anonymous said...

ធារីគ្មានសំរស់បន្តិចសោះ ឥឡូវនេះ។
បើធ្វើជានអ្នកឡង់សេ ក៏គេមិនយកដែរ។

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM

This is the very reason that Khmerican shuts the comments off.
“dauch chker kher ka doeuk”

Anonymous said...

You don't have to shut it off...just open it up to be moderated, it's that easy!

By the way watch that language of yours there:

ដូចឆ្កែខែកក្តិក? វ៉ុស វ៉ុស វ៉ុស!

Anonymous said...

What about ah Hun Sèn's language huh, 10:14 PM?

Anonymous said...

ដូចឆ្កែខែកក្តិក? វ៉ុស វ៉ុស វ៉ុស!

Oh yes I like it. It fits perfectly for those who behave like ឆ្កែ.
For those who are not don’t take it personally, ok! you know! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

11:21 PM
You can tell me, isn’t he your daddy?

Anonymous said...

I know!
you know!

Anonymous said...

You couldn't be more wrong 11:40 PM, as a matter of fact, you are DEAD wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

11:48 PM

I am glad to hear that ;-)
Are you his nephew by any chance?

Anonymous said...

11:58 PM,

You are running out of luck long time already. Take any of your question and shove it up you know where...

Anonymous said...

12:11 AM

Luck is on my side, Buddy ; - )
Don’t be pissed off at me.
You have to go back to the source.
Who started the nasty shit first?

Anonymous said...

10:00 PM said:

“ធារីគ្មានសំរស់បន្តិចសោះ ឥឡូវនេះ។
បើធ្វើជាអ្នកឡង់សេ ក៏គេមិនយកដែរ។”

Do you read Khmer? If you don’t, let me translate for you.

“Currently Theary looks ugly.
If she were a freelance prostitute, there is nobody wants to sleep with her.”

Now as a Khmer are you ok with this kind of profanity?

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is NOT ugly. Of course she is not beautiful not elegant attractive but she is not Ugly. To me she is cute and charm. A very fair beautiful skin, beautiful hair and eyes, except her nose.

I bet Theary Seng was very pretty when she was young, and I am sure most people were when they were young, and you all too.

Have you seen Elizabeth Taylor named a perfect face on the planet (see Cleopatra) and seen her old looking before she died? I was so madly in love with her young beauty (I could be her grand son), but I was scared to look at her when she was old.

So that answers to who said Theary Seng is ugly, apparently she is not ugly but charm.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng has a far better looking than her friend Soma Her Royal Shortness. To say Theary is ugly is blind or hate her. If Theary was tall she could compete Miss Peagant when she was young. I saw Miss Mississippi is Laotian-American's face is not charm at all except her height.

Anonymous said...

Some of you might think the saying:
“ដូចឆ្កែខែកក្តិក” is bad because there is the word ឆ្កែ, but it is not.
This saying has something to do with dogs’ strange behavior during their mating season which runs from probably November to December.
But we human mate all year round. Wow, we do have the advantage, don’t we? Hehehe…

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't pretend to speak khmer; but here's how how I would translate it to English:

Theary doesn't have a bit of charm, now.
If she were a freelance..., no one would take her.

Regardless of how that is translated, it is just semantics. Except for those old farts that read and write Khmer, nobody cares. There is no Khmer translation on google yet for anybody who wants to know what it really means in English.

I am not proponent of any kind of profanity here on KI-Media, but at the same time, do not try to take that Khmerness too muhch to your heart...after all this is online thing and most of all this is KI-Media....a spot that rocks and rolls against the YUON's slave Hun Sen and his cronies.

Anonymous said...

បងប្អូនខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នា !
គ្រាន់តែកូនខ្មែរមួយម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ សេង​ ធារី បណ្តាលឲ្សឈ្លោះគ្នាបែកពពុះមាត់​ ​​ទាំង(ភាសាខ្មែរ ឬ អង់គ្លេស) បើម្នាក់​ៗ ជាប់រវល់តែរឿងប៉ុណ្ណឹង គឺ យួន​វា សើច​​​​​​​​​​​​ វាសប្បាយ ថាខ្មែរល្ងង់ណាស់ ឈ្លោះ និង កាប់ចាក់តែគ្នាឯង ។

Anonymous said...

theary seng neang chea virik neary khmer mouy roup som neang cheash reaksar proling khmers tao teath

Anonymous said...

លោក​ពូ ៣:០៥ AM

យើងជជែកគ្នាលេង ទេតើ មឹនមែនដូចជាលោក

អរគុណ លោកពូដែលបានឆៀងចូលមកលេង!


Anonymous said...

2:37 AM

Send me one of your young female relatives (over 18 please).
Then she will report to you how long I will last in the intercourse (I assume).
Long long long long time.
Your English is terrible. I have to assume what you meant.

Anonymous said...

This is 5:20 AM; my posting was a reply to the 1st 2:37 AM.
I did not know that there are 2 of them.

Anonymous said...

2:37 AM, you said:

“Regardless of how that is translated, it is just semantics. Except for those old farts that read and write Khmer, nobody cares. There is no Khmer translation on Google yet for anybody who wants to know what it really means in English.”

Your opinion is a double edge sword.
The French tried very hard to have the Khmer writing to be obsolete and replaced them with Romanized alphabets just like they did to the Viet. Their reason was for modernization, but a lot of our old farts fought back and won. The latter’s reason was to preserve our culture. If the French had their way we would be able to use Google for translation now.
Culture vs. Modernization, a lot of our ancestors fought against the French over this issue from late 19th century to the late 1940’s.
I am neither pro nor con, but you sound like you are a pro Modernization, because you said, “Except for those old farts that read and write Khmer, nobody cares.”

Anonymous said...

Seng Theary is a good woman and dared to stand up with ECCC but her beauty can not match my mistress: Sokunthear Sam.

Pang Sokhoeun, Secretary-general of SRP in Sweden.

Anonymous said...


I don't know her (TS) in person and I won't claim that she is a good or bad woman either, but by looking at her photo, she is a pretty charm lady except her nose is large.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:02 AM
The Vietnamese changed Chinese characters in Latin (called Quoc Ngu) was to be all freed from China.

All the Muslim countries in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei uses Latin, including Philippines also use Latin.

I don't think anything wrong for Khmers to keep their old Khmer characters and be able to be sought on Google. Thais, Chinese, Indian,.. use their own old characters on Google, and their characters are not Latin.

I think Khmer scholars or Khmer government should be able to find way to add Khmer on Google.

Anonymous said...

Correct' 2;07pm
I meant to be searched not sought. Thx