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Thank for the poem.It is very interesting for all Khmer generations to come to preserve all temples.
I was born in 1938 I knew what Khmer govt was bad or good. In 1955,Sihanouk already got along with Vietcong.He is supporting Vietcong since then on. Sihanouk is addicting to power and monarchy. Lon Nol threw him from the throne. The Khmer Rouge also kicked him out of the throne and wiped out royal families. Vietcong and Khmer Vietminh picked him up because he helped Sihanouk a lot,but later Vietnam will take Cambodia like it took three kingdoms of Champa,Khmer Krom,Lao, and so on. Vietnam wants to be "future Vietnam empire". Please check, future Vietnam empire. Vietnam will take Thailand, Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei,Indonesia,Philippines,Taiwan,and South part of China. Vietnam will accomplish step by step until it will become "Vietnam empire". Will Khmer people demolish Vietnam ambition?
Thank for the poem.It is very
interesting for all Khmer generations to come to preserve
all temples.
I was born in 1938 I knew what
Khmer govt was bad or good.
In 1955,Sihanouk already got along
with Vietcong.He is supporting
Vietcong since then on.
Sihanouk is addicting to power
and monarchy.
Lon Nol threw him from the throne.
The Khmer Rouge also kicked him
out of the throne and wiped out
royal families.
Vietcong and Khmer Vietminh picked
him up because he helped Sihanouk
a lot,but later Vietnam will take
Cambodia like it took three
kingdoms of Champa,Khmer Krom,Lao,
and so on.
Vietnam wants to be "future Vietnam empire". Please check,
future Vietnam empire.
Vietnam will take Thailand,
Malaysia,Singapore,Brunei,Indonesia,Philippines,Taiwan,and South part
of China.
Vietnam will accomplish step by step until it will become "Vietnam
Will Khmer people demolish Vietnam
ជុំជាតិជាអ្វី? បើជុំតែចៃ
ជញ្ជក់ជាតិឯង ឆ្អឹងខ្មែរបីលាន
វាឃ្លានជញ្ជែង ជួបជុំខ្លាយខ្លែង
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