Saturday, March 03, 2012

New York Students' Ripples of Hope Creating Waves in Cambodia -- PHOTOS

Ripples of Hope
of the Springville Middle School Students
Creating Waves in Cambodia

Eviction Site of Borei Keila
Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The security were out in full force the morning of our disseminating of care packages from the Springville Middle School students in New York.  One hour before we arrived at the Borei Keila eviction site, the Housing Rights Task Force informed us that 4-5 military police and approx. 20 others in civilian clothes were roaming the area.  It was to intimate the people from coming to our gathering because most of them have left by the time we arrived.  A few did stay to document and film us.  More photos . . .

Theary Seng with director of Housing Rights Task Force Mr. Sia Phearum, sharing laughs with the crowd

I am so proud of these young human rights defenders in New York who should care more for Cambodians than their own government!

and also at

Theary C. Seng
Founding President


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Theary Seng, that you keep dumping your rubbish on KI readership even though you know that we don't want your shameless self-promotion.

Please die!