Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Appeal: The 63rd Annual Kampuchea Krom Commemoration

Appeal: The 63rd Annual Kampuchea Krom Commemoration

Left: Heroic Buddhist Patriarch Most Ven. Ganda Dhammo Kim Toc Chon; center: Khmer hero Oknha Son Kuy; right: Heroic Buddhist Patriarch Most Ven. Dhamma Viriyo Kim Sang, and many more heroes, heroines, patriots, both known and unknown not listed here.

"No Suffering is greater than the loss of Kampuchea Krom and become an ethnic minority on one's own land."




Anonymous said...

"No Suffering is greater than the loss of Kampuchea Krom and become an ethnic minority on one's own land."

I hope Hun Sen and current stupid CPP cronies understand this before it is too late to reverse it.

Anonymous said...

But do not give up the fight against these Yuon invaders.