Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This is the recent update leaked according to Dap-news reported yesterday

  1. មួយ ប្រពន្ទគេគម្រាម បាញ់មួយគ្រួសារ ឥឡូវរត់ចោលស្រុក បាត់!
  2. មួយ ផឹតប្ដីខ្លួន ប្ដីខឹង ប្ដឹង​ ហ៊ុន សែន 
បញ្ជាក់៖ បក្សប្រជាជនធ្វើអ្វីក៏មិនចេះខុសដែរ។ ពួកនេះត្រួវតែទទួលទោសតាម ក្រមវិន័យកងទ័ព មិនអាចបណ្តោយបែបនេះបានទេ។
ប្រភព៖ ហ្វេសប៊ុក Madona Yokohama


Anonymous said...

Those girls need to stop being a gold digger because they are very dumb enough to destroy the country by fooling the uneducated bastards who are so dumb to protect the country and make the country become poorer and poorer.

Those girls need to do something to take care of Country that is in the danger of Vietnam control. These girls just show off the beauties and hot faces to fool the dumb bastards for money without learning the real issues the country is facing and being very well educated at all.

Those bastards need to take the management courses that help manage the country better, but not sure these bastards will not take or learn.

We don't appreciate these girls and the bastards because they are not waking up that Cambodia is facing the real problems according the Vietnam control and stupid Vietnamese puppet, Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Those girls,

Kat Kdor Ah kanhChrouk Chaul Touv Vear Khan Choy Teat Heuy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5:21 PM
Yes !...it's all right !!!
I support You !!!

Anonymous said...

     រំលឹកមកអាមេចោរពាក់ផ្កាយចោរចំនួន៤ទាំងពីរនាក់ គឺអាជា តារា នឹង អាគន់ គីមះ
សុំអាមេចោរទាំងពីរនាក់ចេះធ្វើបុណ្យធ្វើទានជូនដល់ប្រជាជនខ្មែរ​នឹងប្រទេសខ្មែរខ្លះផងទៅ កុំអាង
ខ្លួនជាមេចោរ គិតតែពីលួចឆក់ប្លន់ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិប្រជាជនខ្មែរ​ នឹងទ្រព្យសម្បតិ្តជាតិដូចសព្ធថ្ងៃនេះ
នោះ ។ ត្រូវអាមេចោរទាំងពីរកុំធ្វើបុណ្យតែនឹងកន្តួយដូចសព្ធង្ងៃនេះពេក ? ។ ត្រូវប្រយ័ត្ននឹងពាក្យស្លោកខ្មែរថាះ ធ្វើបុណ្យនឹងព្រះ ព្រះជួយ ធ្វើបុណ្យនឹងកន្តួយ កន្តួយអោយទុក្ខ ។ សុំអាមេចោរទាំងពីរចាំអោយបានច្បាស់នឹងអោយបានស្ទាត់ ។

Anonymous said...

លោកឆានី​អើយ! ចប់បាត់ហើយ!១៥០ដងកន្លះឆ្នាំ
មុខអាជា​ តារា កំពូលហ្មង មិនចាប់និយាយ!

Anonymous said...

Love to shove a five-foot two-by-four (2/4) up those freaking worthless so-called one/two-star generals' ass! Or better yet cut their prick off and feed it to the freaking Viet black dogs!

Anonymous said...

This is the reason why those general trying to grab land from poor and cut down the tree and have money to go to Karaok, flirting someone else wives. THese are gang general without ethic. Pity their poor soldier fought well to make way for their general comfort their lives with mistress and someone else wives. This time, there are still alot of jerks. No ethic, unshameful to commit such immoral behavior. Don't blame the girls, those general threaten to shoot their families, who can run away, have to run, who could not have to give flesh to those tiger, pity khmer.....we have suffering a lot, keeping small country exit in the world map, passed through genocide but these bad elements in society still be a king, they destory social morality, act unappropriet way, they deserve to demote to low rank officiers.....thug general

Anonymous said...

I normally would not make any comment on this kind of story, but for this one I could not resist saying something so here it goes:

These two generals are so much out of shape that a number of us on this blog who have had no military training can outrun them very easily!

These 2 pricks are supposed to be role models for ordinary soldiers and they have set themselves to be bad examples instead with such behaviours.

Don't blame the girls; blame the pricks!

Most Thai and Vietnamese generals are much more fit physically than these 2 generals.

They should be fired and not allowed to be in a leadership position since they have nothing to offer to the soldiers except bad moral principles.

By the way, the way they look, being so fat, I doubt they are even good in bed much less in a battlefield!

A soldier to be

Anonymous said...

Puok Ah Kanthort Kdor Ruonh Oss Heuy.

Kom sangkhim tha Vear Pou Ker Fu... Nous Oy Soss.

Anonymous said...

CPP gangster, stealing other peoples wives and destroying young Khmer girls future.


Anonymous said...

I hate these fat pigs CPP generals. They lust after married women. Sh*t man. Especially ah mouy called Chea Tara sh*t he looks like a fat-assed drunkard. Kun Keem ah pous heeng, u better stop lusting after married women, you fatso.

Anonymous said...

ហេតុអីក៏​ អាគន់​ គឹម និង អា​ ជា តារា មិនមាន

ហេតុអីក៏ អាថន និង​ អាយុត្ថារាឆានី មិនហើបមាត់

Anonymous said...

Because they are not opposition supporters?

Anonymous said...

Kath Kdor Ah General Leukeu Chaul Touv Vear Chop Touv Heuy!!
Oss Kdor Mean Saey Choy Teat.