Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cambodia brings up rear in well-being poll [-Misery reigns in the Banana Kongdom]

Thursday, 12 April 2012
Shane Worrell
The Phnom Penh Post

Only 2 per cent of Cambodians believe their lives are thriving – the lowest of 146 countries surveyed – according to research by US company Gallup.

In a well-being survey, compiled during 2011 and released by the company this week, Cambodia languishes at the bottom, below neighbour Laos, Togo and Comoros (3 per cent).

Thailand (46 per cent) and Vietnam (30 per cent) recorded much higher percentages of residents who consider their lives to be thriving, while North Korea and Myanmar did not appear on the list.

According to the results, which shows one in four around the world think their lives are thriving, 72 per cent of Cambodians believe they are struggling, while 26 per cent say they are suffering.

Although Cambodia is among the poorest nations in Asia, Cambodian Center for Human Rights president Ou Virak said poverty alone could not explain Cambodians’ low sense of well-being and happiness.

“Security is one of the most important things,” he said. “People feel a lack of security when it comes to the rule of law in Cambodia . . . [the] government and the banking system,” he said.

With land grabs and a “failure of the justice system”, people felt unsure about their future, leading to a culture of greed, Ou Virak said. “When you have way more than you need, if you end up having something taken away, then you still have enough to keep your lifestyle.”

Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit spokesman Ek Tha, however, said the government had “done its utmost” to rebuild Cambodia.

“This country has started from scratch after 30 years of war,” he said. “The government has been doing its best.

“In 1979, 100 per cent of people were under the poverty line, now it’s 27 per cent. You can see people now have access to healthcare, education, arts, jobs. They have vehicles, clean water, electricity.

“Our legal and economic situation has improved . . . the government is working for the people.”

The Gallup poll surveyed about 1,000 people aged 15 and older per country.

About 74 per cent of Denmark’s population believe they are thriving, the highest of any country.


Anonymous said...

Only 2% are happy with their lives?

If they are not happy, why are these DUMB Khmer still voting for CPP and still wont get off their ass and do SOMETHING.

DUMB Khmer deserves to live in animal and be treated like one, all they do is pray and believe in lighting struck, but they wont make use of themselves.

If its that HARD then dont vote for CPP!!! They will feed you before the election, after the election they will take your lands again.

DUMB, uneducated and lazy. Ah well, these DUMB Khmer can continue to beg and wait for the buddhist from above to save their soul.

Anonymous said...

As people have had seen,Khmer people
went to work 50,000 men,women,and twelve years old kids as workers in Thailand.
These countries where Cambodians
went are:Singapore,Brunei,Malaysia,
Korea,and etc...
How come Khmer people to work abroad
too much because six and a half million Vietnamese live in Cambodia.
There are so many kinds of jobs which Vietnamese took over Cambodia.
So Khmer become poor and go to work in foreign countries.

Anonymous said...

The UN must overcome any obstacles posed by Vietnam and the puppet government of Hun Sen if the UN wants to gain respect from the people around the world about its integrity and competency.

The UN must keep the KRT going. Finding justice for Khmer people is UN’s noble mission. The UN will eventually understand Vietnam's tricks deployed in Cambodia. In effect, Vietnam has kidnapped thousands of Khmer children in the 50’s and brainwashed them. And called them Khmer Vietminh. Vietnam created these Khmer Vietminh to make Khmers fight with Khmers, to make Khmer kill each other so that Vietnam could exploit it. That was one of the main reasons why about 3 million Khmer people perished during the Pol Pot’s era. And hundreds of thousands more Khmer people, mostly men, vanished in the 80’s while Vietnam imposed the K5 project in Cambodia after its invasion in January 7th 1979.
Presently, Vietnam’s strategy is to put dumb Khmer leaders such as Hun Sen to control Khmer people and Vietnam manipulates him behind the scene in order to reach its goal of colonizing Cambodia.

The concern that the UN would uncover the murderers who committed the mass killing during the Pol Pot's era has prompted Vietnam to push its puppet Hun Sen to react strangely to the cases 003, 004's initiatives.

If Vietnam is the real Cambodians' savior, why Vietnam is so apprehensive about the KRT, especially concerning case 003 and case 004?

Anonymous said...

I don't how much longer will it take for Hun Sen to understand that there are a lot of injustice among our population. We don't need to keep Cambodia popping up in the news once in a while in the world for negativity. It is time that we work to better our people and nation.

Anonymous said...

Did any one took the servey of Khmere/American in the US ????

What is the number ???

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is always #1 (from the bottom up).