Thursday, April 12, 2012

[Cambodian-American] LACDMH Psychologist Sam Keo Receives Multiple Awards

Dr. Sam Keo (L)


On Friday, April 6, 2012, the Los Angeles County Cambodian Employees Association (LACCEA) held its annual awards night in Long Beach at the Hak Heang Restaurant. This year, LACCEA recognized Samuel Keo, Psy.D., for all the contributions he’s made in his field and his efforts to help the Cambodian community. Dr. Keo is a licensed psychologist with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH).

Dr. Keo was among three honorees being recognized this year by LACCEA. The other two were Sheryl Spiller from the Department of Public Social Services and Commander Billy Quach (ret.) of the Long Beach Police Department.

“We had a wonderful time at the awards ceremony,” said Dr. Keo. “It was one of the proudest moments in my life.”

At the awards ceremony, LACDMH District Chief (SA8), Kim Sasaki, commended Dr. Keo for all his hard work and dedication. LACCEA selected Dr. Keo because of his community service and his efforts to share his personal story to help others. Recently, Dr. Keo published a memoir, Out of the Dark – Into the Garden of Hope.

In addition to the LACCEA recognition, Dr. Keo also received a Los Angeles County scroll commending him for his service, an award from John Chiang, the California State Controller, and a special certificate from Congresswoman Laura Richardson from the 37th District.


Anonymous said...

Ke isn't ethnic Khmer, probably mixed with Chinese or Yuon.

Anonymous said...

2:32 AM

What is ethnic Khmer? Are discriminating Dr. Keo?

Anonymous said...

3:08 AM Does he look like Khmer???? and don't give me the bullshit about Khmers can look like anybody crap. He might be Cambodian-American, but not Khmer-American. If he is Yuon-Khmer, are you proud of that??

Anonymous said...

To 12:32 pm,

What's wrong with YOU ?
I am a REAL KHMER ( Khmer Ankor Wat ).
FYI, I am a holder of a PhD in Mathematics
and now teaching at a prestigious American university.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot, 2:32 AM, maybe your hatred for YOUN is to strong.

At least he has a PhD and has proven and shown the world how proud he is of being a Kon Khmer.

What have you done as a Khmer, idiot.

Anonymous said...

2:32 AM, snd 4:30 AM,
Your grandmother secretly committed adultery with Dr. SAM KEO and even your grandfather and your father did not know about that affairs of your grandmother .
Happy Cambodian New Year To you

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Keo,

Congratulations for your great works toward Cambodia & its People.
Happy Khmer New Year of Chnam Rorng!
All the best to you & your family !

Ung Bun Heang
Sydney,Down Under

Anonymous said...

SRP tried to associate this achievement with their party. Fanatic SRP dont want this person come into the party. It will shake their party structure that is y blaming Dr. Keo as youn or chinese to keep him away! What a sicko!

SRP is a racist party! All their government officials are in waiting overseas to govern Cambodia.

Dream on!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lok Bun Heang and Bong Srey Sophiny,
How are you doing?
I am glad to see your note AND thank you for your kind words.
I tried to contact you via email before the book was published. I love your creativity on the political cartoons and felt that I could consult with you regarding the book cover.
I like to keep in touch with you. Please accept my Facebook friend or we can contact through email. I hope you still have my email address.
Your friend,
Dr. Sam Keo
Author of Out of the Dark - Into the Garden of Hope

Anonymous said...

To 12:32
I think you should read the book first before calling people names. Do you remember the old saying "Don't judge the book by the cover"? It is the same. Don't look at picture and claim that you can tell 100% of ones ethnicity. I gear that you are wrong. See, you already began with Dr. Ke, instead of Keo.

Anonymous said...

Dear DR Keo,
Thank for your quick response.
Email :
See you in the email.

Ung Bun Heang
Sydney,Down Under

Anonymous said...

12:32 does not exist! Who the replied comment is for? Is it for 2:32?

Ki Media has brained 2:32 and majority of SRP readers that everyone is youn! Anyone not supporting SRP are the enemies/traitors. That is the problem with the SRP!

SRP is a private club for clowns like 2:32.

Anonymous said...


You are wrong, too wrong, way out. those idiots above who attacked Dr Keo have nothing to do with SRP, they are a bunch of absolute idiots, beyond reproach. We should feel sorry for them, and only DR Keo can understand them better than most of us.

You too should see Dr Keo for yopur own good because your generaluization about SRP put you on tye same level of those mentals.

For Dr Keo, well done, congrats. We need all sorts of experts in all fields, regardless of politics. I admire them, in the end they all do good for Khmer.

Anonymous said...

We all should celebrate Dr. Keo's work as he has helped heal our community to become more productive members of society.

Irregardless of race, religion, or politic, one should be recognized for his/her achievements.

We need more people like Dr. Keo than those who can't even spell his name.

Anonymous said...

i hope Dr Keo does not become one of the CPP Chkae. There are lots of CPP CHkae in Long Beach supporting PM Hun Sen and his cronies, taking a piece of pie from the poor innocent Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Dr. Keo!


Anonymous said...

@08:26, What is Chkae anyway? What Jker are you? Tell us.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who lives thru Pol Pot Knew exactly what I’m talking about, brother Keo and I came a longs way since we were has very little to ate, sometime nothing at all, we went to bed hungry cold just cloth on our back. We came to the USA penniless; I’m got off the airplane barefoot with no one word of English. After 30 years some of us did well some did an impossible by help to improve other. All of us have different story to tell and works so hard for little pay, but we’re appreciated every little thing we had done to improve our life if you don’t know just sit down and listen or do more research if you do know how to read, don’t be lazy collect welfare making babe and talking negative about other. We’re all people doesn’t matter what ethnic back ground or religion Vietnam, Chinese, Laos, Thai or Khmer, we’re all wants to lives in peace, we’re not government, we lives under the rules of government.

Anonymous said...

@4:30 am
You should know that LACCEA is a group of Khmer Association who are working for the county government. Don't you think that you insult them for recognize a Vietnamese and allow all the American Officials to award Dr. Keo for his service to Cambodians? Anyhow, it does matter what his skin like or what he looks like, if he claims that he is Khmer and he has served Khmer for his entire career, wouldn't you owe him a "thank you" for serving Khmer? What have you done for Khmer? I happened to read the book and I do know Dr. Keo's background. I suggest that you read the book first and then you can make a judgment who Dr. Keo is. PEACE!

Anonymous said...

@6:43 am
You are over the line, man. You should be a little bit more civilize than that. I was wandering if you are really helping Khmer by trying to dividing Khmer. You are not far away from Sihanouk or Khmer Rouge. If you need to take out someone, you paint him red, youn, khmer serei, cpp, kbat cheat, etc. You need to look yourself in the mirror and ask "Am I really Khmer? Am I really working for Khmer? Do I raise Khmer morality?" You can add more questions to help yourself or better yet, go see Dr. Keo. He is a psychologist. May be he can help you. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think you know anything about adultery, if your sister, mother, girlfriend or grandmother willing to commit adultery with Dr. Keo or other, even I will F*** them all as longs she over 18 years old and who is the stupid one? A man or your stupid sluts?

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7:04 for your comments.
Dr. Keo