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The editorial was published after India claimed its successful test of the Agni V meant it had joined the elite group of countries with intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities Photo: AP |
India has been warned against arrogance in its relations with Beijing following its successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking any city in China.
20 Apr 2012
By Dean Nelson, New Delhi
The Telegraph (UK)
It has spent heavily on military expansion despite its poverty on an arms race it cannot win, according to an editorial in China's state-controlled Global Times newspaper.
The editorial was published after India claimed its successful test of the Agni V meant it had joined the elite group of countries with intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities. The missile can hit any city within 3000 miles with a nuclear war head.
The aggressive tone taken by the Global Times contrasted with the official reaction of its foreign ministry which said India and China were not rivals but "co-operative partners. We should cherish the hard-earned momentum of co-operation," said its spokesman Liu Weimin.
But Beijing's state-controlled media reacted more aggressively, accusing India of nuclear proliferation in breach of international treaties.
"India is still poor and lags behind in infrastructure construction, but its society is highly supportive of developing nuclear power and the West chooses to overlook India's disregard of nuclear and missile control treaties. The West remains silent on the fact that India's military spending increased by 17 per cent in 2012 and the country has again become the largest weapons importer in the world.
"India should not overestimate its strength. Even if it has missiles that could reach most parts of China, that does not mean it will gain anything from being arrogant during disputes with China. India should be clear that China's nuclear power is stronger and more reliable. For the foreseeable future, India would stand no chance in an overall arms race with China," the editorial claimed.
It also warned India against serving the interest of the United States and other western partners in seeking to "contain" China's expansion.
"India should also not overstate the value of its Western allies and the profits it could gain from participating in a containment of China. If it equates long range strategic missiles with deterrence of China, and stirs up further hostility, it could be sorely mistaken," it warned.
i know, india is arrogant by broadcasting this because, of course, china will perceive it as a threat from india, really! i don't china for their reaction, you know! india is a little stupid, here!
We can live in peace without China. I nevere forget that during Khmer Rouge rules, China stand to watch while its ally, the khmer Rouge, killed Khmer people freely. China had the gut to take away our rice even it knew for fact that khmer people starved to death. Both the Viets and Chinese created Khmer Rouge which ultimately killed millions of Khmers when ruling the country. If Viets are bad, the Chinese are not good either.
Let the world war III start.
Let See, between India and China whom will be the ONE? (TIGER IN ASIA)?
GOOD ICBM, wish India the best over
Communist China and Dai Viet thief.
បរ៉ាជយ័ពួកអាកុម្មុយនីស្ដ ចោរយួនប្លន់ទឹកដី...!
Let make India and China go to war.
I take India side. How about you?
I hope India smash China.
and sihanouk was so stupid to support the primitive KR regime. sometime i think sihanouk was so uneducated in this sense, you know! well, he's too old for anything now. i bet he's now thinking about all the political mistakes he made when he was younger, you know. it's not too late for cambodia, but it's may be too late for sihanouk because he's getting very old day by day, really!
Classic! The legacies of the ancient Indians and the Chinese left behind with the Khmer people of old many centurie ago. Even at its greatest height, the Khmer Kings of old needed to have diplomacy with China of old, never of India. If India and China go to war, guess where the Cambodians are going to be? China of course. Classic as always!
stop bashing china, ok. we all need china to contribute to world's great humanity, etc, you know. peace on earth!
People forgot that before the Khmer Rouge era, china was at war with India. Something that they never talked about. Google it. Before my Indian neighbor past, we had wonderful conversations about our country. He was an air force for India and was highly decorated. He spoke about their war with China and that it was part of the reason why China ignored our country.
The China controlled Khmer Rouge
3 years 8 months,and 20days and
lost to Vietnam in 1979.
When Vietnam took Cambodia,China
were very mad.She fought with
Vietnam for few days and she lost
20,000 men;then Vietnam lost 10,000 men.
So,China was/is a paper tiger.
China is a second richest country
in the world,but India is the ninth
richest country in the world.
Indeed,India can compete with China.
Yes,China let Khmer Rouge and Khmer
Vietminh kill each other.She took
thousand and thousand tons of Khmer
people rice during Khmer Rouge.
Khmer people need India,but not China.
I will never want to side with China nor I want to side with India, through I just read the scientists proved the DNA of Khmer-Mon or Mon-Khmer originated from one of tribes in India. They both fought with each others since before Khmer Empire was risen.
But if I am forced to choose one I have to say I'll choose China for this moment. Why? Because India is now helping Yuon invaders, and this Sat Derachhan Yuon will never let Khmers live in peace, and I take a vow to revenge against every life to destroy Yuon from this planet.
India is not evil toward Khmers because they're our ancestors, but I renounced India for helping Yuon.
India must know that Yuon and China are having one brain.
8:35 AM - You are siding with Yuon killers by keeping blah blah blah.
There is no evidence that China support and control Pol Pot, but the Vietnamese masters in Hanoi who were the ones control Pol Pot and demanded and pushed Pol Pot to sign the deal and agree to give the land and islands to Vietnam during the Killing Fields.
What are you thinking to protect your real Yuon killer who are Khmer Rogues Vietminh, Vietminh Khmer Rouges and secret Vietnamese agents/cadres from Hanoi who allegedly involved illegally with Sihanouk to be a boss of Khmer Rouges to kill their own people.
So, what the heck the Vietnamese folks like you are thinking to kill and murder people before taking their land and property.
Read this 8:45 AM Yuon bragged about its Yuon:
""The China controlled Khmer Rouge
3 years 8 months,and 20days and
lost to Vietnam in 1979. When Vietnam took Cambodia,China were very mad.She fought with Vietnam for few days and she lost 20,000 men;then Vietnam lost 10,000 men.
So,China was/is a paper tiger.
China is a second richest country
in the world,but India is the ninth richest country in the world.
Indeed,India can compete with China. Yes,China let Khmer Rouge and Khmer Vietminh kill each other.She took thousand and thousand tons of Khmer people rice during Khmer Rouge.
Khmer people need India,but not China."
Well as always the Yuon Drerachhan bragging non stop. Yuon are the most evil and LIAR on the planet earth.
-Yuon sold two islands )Spratley and Paracel) to China to get weapons and supplies to take South, begging China to help. When Yuon got South, Yuon turned around denied everything.
-In Vietnam War estimated Yuon killed others (Cham, Hmong, KK, Laotians and Khmers and Yuon themselves about 7.5 million lives), then Yuon came out told lies to the world "Oh we lost only a bout a little more than a million."
-Bui Tin wrote in his memoir that his Yuon were about to be smashed by the US, then begged China again, so Zhou En Lai called Henry Kssinger chatting and laughing on the phone, then Henry Kissinger agreed to withdraw and let Zhou En Lai his friend took over. Then Yuon cam out told lies "Oh we defeated the US".
-Yuon did a revolution to force French out so Yuon told lies to stupid Khmers that they should kick the French out. But in Thailand, Yuon & Thais were verbally fighting each others who will rule over Indochina after French. (Read Yuon Revolution in South East Asia.) Yuon later created Khmer Viet Monh even in Khmer Issarak then Khmer Rouge. Yuon did all of them not China.
-When US and China united together to kick Soviet out from the world superpower ring because Soviet helped Yuon, Chinese President "Deng" came to meet the US President Carter. The two agreed to slab/embarrass Soviet, so China agreed to invade Yuon just to WARN Soviet, and President carter asked "Deng" do not stay long, he worried of more deaths upon Yuon. "Deng" invaded Yuon and then left, Soviet collapsed, and China told the truth about the numbers that lost, BUt Yuon who lost triple over Chinese told LIES again, "Oh we lost so little".
Ex Generak Bui Tin spoke the truth about his Yuon, the biggest LIAR on the planet. Now he is living in hiding in Europe.
The facts are Yuon have not yet paid off the debts owed to China who helped them to take South.
Read the secret telephone conversation between Zhou En Lai released by George Washington Unv.
This is a very bad time to support India. Watch CNN in India, I often saw India always speak good of Yuonamese this or that. This is the time that we support China not India.
We should look up for ourselves first, and don't drag Tibet problem in here. We get to save ourselves before we can save others.
Have you noticed that the US too supports Pakistan not India.
I support China not India.
is india backing youn, the archical enemy of cambodia? well, i don't like india for doing that! india stop being slave of youn, ok. youn is using india and india is not smart enough to see that! wake up, people, youn will use any country for their own benefit of stealing islands, etc from china, cambodia and so forth. if people don't know this by now, they must not know history at all, really! remember koh tral island, it was always belonged to cambodia until viet/youn migrated down south and took over the cambodia's mekong river delta region and then koh tral. you see, cambodian people do not like youn for stealing from cambodia, you see. so, don't blame cambodia for hating youn, ok. we have good reason to hate youn, you know. they stole islands and lands from cambodia. if you study history, the mekong river delta and koh tral were khmer territory until youn creeps came settling on it. cambodian people can never forget that forever, you know.
United Nation Security Council will have the final say whether India has breached Nuclear Proliferation in that region of the world or not; Or else, US will surely remain silence while allowing India to invest heavily on its nuclear capabilities for all Indians as a nation. To contain China is really a strategic move and certainly US is not sitting down with a blind eye, but frankly, no country can do anything to India since India has the second largest population on earth. From a strategic point of view, if I am the president of the US I would support India in its venturing onto rebuilding its military capabilities for self persevations. This alone is an act to contain China since China is the only country that has nuclear capabilities and is the country that has the largest population on earth. This I say to you that whatever India is doing, certainly is in the right direction in the eyes of Westerners.
The question is should China stand up to India when time comes to prove show of force. China has North Korea while along these lines of the free world we certainly have many countries who are not a communist fanatics: such as South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and certainly Vietnam, although Vietnam is a socialist state, but its internal policy, certainly did not point itself to a pure socialist country, thus Vietnam also would be a foe toward China rather than be a friendly nation.
Everything requires logical senses during war times. Less distant with greater strength would be key to pure destructions against any nations. A long range missiles would spell a disaster for China should it occurs, but I doubt that India is willing to take that chance against China.
At the present time, economic security of a nation is far crucial than to start a war. Although wars mean business in the eyes of Industrialists, but can they really afford to have these wars at their doorstep if it turns toward them? Like I said many times before, if mankind can crucified Jesus on a cross, certainly mankind will KILL AGAIN.
Think about it.
China is not perfect, she made many mistake in her policies and one of them is NEVER INTERFERE IN HER ALLIES's INTERNAL AFFAIR. This proves very costly for us Khmers. Those of you who wished Indian win against China you all uneducated, dumb, uninformed, blind, ignorant. Here are the lists that why China is in Cambodia best interest to wholeheartedly support PRC:
1. A lot of us had some kind of Chinese mixed, not Indian blood.
2. China was always there for us when we fought the Mongolian centuries ago we were ally with Chinese Emperor.
3. When we fought the Viets PRC supply us weapons while everyone else abandoned us. Khmer Rough time.
4. PRC supply us weapons for the Three RESISTANCE GROUPS in the 80's.
5. Now we had conflicted with Siam PRC also supplied us trucks, uniforms, boots, arms, ammunitions.
6. PRC is the biggest Investments in Cambodia, building hydro power plants, roads, bridges, government's buildings, soft loans in billions. She also provided in expertise to our hungry for knowledges. She acted as a counter-weight to Vietnam influenced in their puppet Govt.
7. India last time I checked helped us 9 millions dollars compare to PRC billions dollars. INDIA ALSO VERY CLOSE ALLY TO BOTH OUR ENEMIES THAILAND AND VIETNAM. So go ahead supported India over China.
I have to disagree with you 12:06 pm. But I am not going to point any finger, however, I will say that you are more Chinese than Khmer. I too also am related to Chinese by descendant, but I was born in Cambodia, therefore, I AM KHMER and since I am Khmer, my culture is not the same as that of China. If you support China you are also supporting Khmer Rouge, thus you are also supporting the slaughter of 1.75 millions Khmer lives during the KR Regime. And this is something that you must look in the mirror and ask yourself...are you supporting Khmer Rouge?
Without China, Sihanouk would not be able to bring Khmer Rouge into the picture and without Khmer Rouge, Khmer will be 1.75 millions stronger as a nation. Accessory to the crimes is also guilty and this I say China is also a guilty party as that of Khmer Rouge and Sihanouk. To say that Cambodia rely solely on China is not a correct statement and Cambodia as a country has many choices to choose from when it looks for a trade partnership or investments. Look at Thailand for instant, we must make a comparison between Cambodia and Thailand from the 60s until the present time. Thailand is sided with the US and the free world and look at her progresses while Cambodia has turned the other way and invested with communist countries such as China and North Korea. And this I really blame our leadership at the very top. Sometimes, when your skin is too thick you cant really feel what is being said to you. And this I have seen in Sihanouk.
Look at the present time in Cambodia, especially in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. You will see nothing but Chinese business owners. The question is where were these people during Khmer Rouge?
China has played the right card in the destruction of Cambodia and Sihanouk seems to be the card that China is using. There are many people in Cambodia today still supporting Sihanouk. Let me open your eyes if you cant see. China is trying kill as many Khmers as possible by using its investment as the key to shut our politicians'mouth while the killing continous. And as soon as most of our original Khmers have vanished from Cambodia soon there will be trucks load of new Chinese immigrants flowing into Cambodia through its Chinese Associations in Cambodia. Language can be learned. And once these Chinese immigrants are able to produce large families in Cambodia, thus these new Chinese borned Khmer will be used against Vietnam to contain Vietnam. Once all of these Chinese borned in Cambodia and became Chinese Khmers...what would this equation be? You know the answer and I dont have to tell you.
Chinese leaders are not that stupid remember that. Nothing is free in this world, especially from China. You must learn to differentiate truth from deceptions. There are many Chinese going hungry at night in China as we speak, why would the Chinese government help Cambodia? The Chinese has been known to be the smartest people on earth, but not when you compare with Whitemen. Whitemen has never and will never trust China for one moment.
If the current administration in Cambodia will not change the course of its way of thinking, soon, Cambodia will certainly be a Chinese Puppet State and its secrecy within Cambodia will certainly taking place as we speak. Listen to many Chinese who are living in Cambodia. These Chinese people do not respect Khmers and Khmer values. In front of you they pretend to be your friend, but once you walked out, they will speak badly about you. I know Chinese people too well. China has a long history of killing its own people why would China wants to save Cambodia? Simple... China needs Cambodia as a country and through its hidden agenda among its Chinese Associations in Cambodia, soon these New Chinese Children will be holding positions in Cambodian Parliament and what do you think this Chinese Khmer Parliament will say to China?
( Know When To Listen and Known When To Shut Your Mouth. )
i know, smart people usually befriend other smart people, stupid people do the same with their stupid people. it shows who you choose as friends. i rather chose a more advanced, more developed countries for cambodia's friends, not poor, backward countries, really!
12:48 PM
Well look-like you did not know your very own history and the history of Vietnam-Thailand after all.
How can Sihanouk bring Khmer Rouge into Cambodia when Khmer Rouge were created by the Vietnamese since 1900's before he even was born?
The guy was just born in the wrong time and the wrong place.
Have you heard of famous journey {Phan Boi Chau and Dong Du movement?). Every Khmer should know about the truth Khmer Rouge's creator.
If not at least you may find this article or book on Google to read.
Title shown below.
"Thailand and the Southeast Asian networks of the Vietnamese Revolution 1885-1954."
After you read over and over again you may write your comment according to the references, the actual events not assuming as you just spitted in here.
China and India shouldn't have war. They should be friend. China should destroy Youn from this world. Youn is trying to use India to help them. China, Russia and USA should work together to destroy Youn. Youn is a crocodile and a big liar and bad nation.
2:17 PM
You should not worry about the war between India and China. It won't happen. They only threat each other that's all. China does not have to move a finger all she has to do to support Pakistan and Iran, they will bother India until she cannot sleep.
I wish they both fight so the world population can be reduced some. China and India combined about almost half of the world population.
World Population: 6,708,335,900 in 2012.
India population: 1.22 billion
China population: 1,339,724,852
We don't even count these two Indians and Chinese are crawling all over the five continents even a small island,Indian and Chinese are there.
my point is if vietnam/youn is using their bigger population and and bigger landmass to steal koh tral from cambodia, then we can see exactly how china feel about all these other islands in south china sea, you see. you have to understand koh tral issue before you can understand all the other islands issue in the south china sea. koh tral island always belongs to cambodia, why right does vietnam/youn have to steal it from cambodia? think about it now that china is owning all the other islands in the south china sea, ok! and stop pretending the cambodian people don't care about our koh tral island, we do care about it because youn stole it from cambodia by using french to hand it to them aftern independence, you know. the koh tral island had always belonged to cambodia, not vietnam or youn country, you know! youn has to right to take koh tral from cambodia just because we are weaker or poorer or smaller or whatever, you know! you see the point i'm trying to make here? see how khmer people of cambodia feel about this issue? if you don't understand it by now, you must study khmer history to better understand why khmer do not trust vietnam or youn, ok! and don't even use big population or bigger country or whatever to justify youn stealing from cambodia our beloved koh tral island, ok, becuase china can do the same with all the smaller countries in the south china sea area, you see. and stop bashing china and cambodia for that claim, ok! vietnam or youn has no right to steal koh tral island from cambodia, period! how do you like it if china make vietnam or youn country their province again? you see what i'm saying here? so, stop supporting the vietcong for their illegal activity against cambodia's koh tral island, ok! wake up, people!
12:08 AM
Not only study Khmer History but study the Geopolitics (Conflict between the superpower, neighbor/aggressive invaders(Yuon) that related to Cambodia.
Hi 1:33 PM. Reading this documents "Phan Boi Chau and Dong Du Movement" released by Yale Univ., the activities of Viet expansionist came a long way since Jeyajettha II's wife engaged her espionage in Cambodia.
This 2:17 PM may not or never read this document or this 2:17 PM can be the Viet who is a pro-Communist Hanoi.
Making comments based on actual references is the most effective one, and it cannot be challenged.
To 1:33 pm
If you are a leader and things didnt really go as plan, who do we really blame others or you, the leader? Sihanouk was in power at the time and it was under his watch. Problems in Cambodia has never been about Cambodia and Cambodians, it was about The King and His Clans. These people care of nothing but to preserve their absolute power or else...screw the country if I am not in power.
Why dont you read The Strongman: Hun Sen and why did Hun Sen joined the struggle against US Imperial and Capitalism? You like to live in the past, I however, am a pragmatic individual who cares about the present and the future of Cambodia. If things didnt go well under your watch you need to get your ass out of the position and allow others to do their job professionally.
The world cares not about Cambodia and its people. These countries have their own problems back home and likewise, human rights and human rights violation is not their problem. Do you think for one moment if you fail as a country, do you think these countries care about the conditions of Cambodia if not Cambodians? It shows that we are a weak nation as a country against our neighbors. Therefore, how can we defend our nation from these invaders? I say as a nation you must carefully choose your allies. The same can be said when you are in prison, if you make the wrong decision choosing the wrong pact your existence will be jeopardized. Having said that Cambodia as a country has always made the wrong decision when we choose our allies. Our leaders think with their asses and not with their heads and this is why Cambodia it is what it is today. But I can sympathize Samdech Hun Sen and I understand how he feels. If you read the book what he has come to hate during his struggles is not that different than what it is today. Things he has come to hate or dislikes continues to exist in Cambodia. In fact, he has not changed anything except the seat of power. Read the book and think your with head and not with your ass.
If you continue to depend on China you will be slave to Chinese and its communist way of thinking. China did not really save world economy, it was the US that really devalue its currency. This is to challenge Chinese currency unless you are an idiot who cant really think than you can continue to depend on China for assistance. US will not work with Cambodia because US does not support communism and it is against US foreign policies. Although, I dont believe in democracy since it is just a facade to cover its agenda.
It is time that We As Khmers must learn to defend ourselves and choose the right allies for our own existence. Look at Vietnam at the present time. Vietnam used to associate with China and Russia and now Vietnam is choosing side with the US. WHY I ASK?
Well, you seem to be an educated person...think with your head and not with your ass.
Think about it.
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