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Foreign Minister Hor 5 Hong. Photo by Heng Chivoan |
Thursday, 26 April 2012
The Phnom Penh Post
Foreign Minister Hor Namhong was one of the “intellectuals” held at the Boeung Trabek re-education centre during the Democratic Kampuchea regime, Saloth Ban, Pol Pot’s nephew, said in testimony yesterday at the Khmer Rouge tribunal.
“Mr Hor Namhong was kept there,” the former secretary-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, responding to questions about the specific names of people residing at that re-education centre.
Last year, anti-secrecy organisation WikiLeaks published an alleged US diplomatic cable from 2002 that stated “Hor Namhong came back to Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge took over, but was not killed because he was a schoolmate of Ieng Sary.
He became head of the Beng Trabek [sic] camp and he and his wife collaborated in the killing of many prisoners”.
Hor Namhong has consistently denied allegations he was head of the Boeung Trabek camp and has called such allegations defamatory.
According to the Case 002 indictment against the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan, “conditions at Boeng Trabek were difficult” and “guards were more brutal than they had been at other locations”.
In spite of these facts, Saloth Ban said yesterday that residents appeared “happy” and “warmly welcomed” he and Khmer Rouge Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs Ieng Sary on the few times that they visited the centre.
Hor Namhong himself was summonsed as a witness by investigating judges at the tribunal in 2009 to provide statements as part of the Case 002 investigations, but did not respond to the summons.
Nuon Chea’s defence team last year filed a criminal complaint against Hor Namhong and other senior politicians, including the prime minister, for interfering with justice at the court, but their complaint was quashed.
Hor Namhong was one of many intellectuals that returned from abroad to Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime. According to the indictment, intellectuals returned after either an invitation or order from Ieng Sary.
“Those people wanted to come back home,” Saloth Ban said.
“He [Ieng Sary] told those students that it was hard back home, but those students insisted that they wanted to come home,” he added.
As in previous days of testimony, on multiple occasions the former secretary-general failed to remember details that he had given during previous interviews with investigators.
The Trial Chamber and defence teams will take their turns at questioning Pol Pot’s nephew today.
"school mate of ieng sary, that's probably what saved him from getting executed as we was one of the number of khmer "intellects" returning to cambodia not knowing that they too can be killed under the stupid KR regime. anyway, this sounds right given the testamony is from salot ban who was one of the KR officials working there under the KR regime. anyway, any intellects spared from death under the KR regime was a miracle. so, mr. hor nam hong was a miracle to stay alive during that primitive regime of the stupid KR, you know.
i know! you know! really! ok!
2:36 PM is a Hun Sen's cocksuker who still around again. When is the world is going to end with this blogger @2:36 PM (ok!, really!, i know!, blah blah blah..) for nonsense or stupid sense.
ការពិត ឃាតករនៅតែនឹងមុខតែ គ្មានអ្នកណា
"Hor Namhong himself was summonsed as a witness by investigating judges at the tribunal in 2009 to provide statements as part of the Case 002 investigations, but did not respond to the summons."
Why he didn't appear:
1. because he make the plan for killing
2. because he lost his process with Mr. Sam Rainsy in French court
3. for his whole life the man is the communist
4. Because he a the king of foreigner minister in kingdom of wonder.
Pol Pot nephew, Local people in Malai call him Ta Hong ( Mr. Hong) and his wife called Chhoeurn
Ta Hong mentioned about Keat Chhon,
Hor Namhong and Keat Chhon
Keat Chonn's wife,
Keat Chon like Hor Namhong as well as Heng Samrin and Chea Sim they all were former Khmer Rouge between 1975-1979.
Keat Chonn became one of Hun Sen minister because of his wife and his wife is the niece of either Le yon or Pam Vanndong like Pen Sonvan ‘s wife in other word Keat Chhon and Pen Sovann they both have yuon wifes alike But Keat Chonn was a former Paris student and Pen Sovann was a former Khmer Viet Minh created by late Ho Chi Minh know as yuon Vient Minh during fighting French colony in Cambodian between 1940s-1950s.
Heng Samrin and Chea Sim,
1940s-1950s were former Khmer Viet Minh.
1975-1978 were former Khmer Rouge.
1979-2012 CPP high ranking officials like senate president.
Heng Samrin and Chea Sim were cereated by late Ho Chin Minh during yuon Vietn Minh and Khmer Viet Minh fighting against French colony in Cambodia so late Ho Chi Minh removed French colony from Indochina ( include Lao and Cambodia ) and replace Indochina Federation part of Indochina Federation immplementation is by influxing millions of illegal yuon migrants both civil and militar to legitimize Hun Sen government and to provide military proctection to so-called Hum Sen regime.
all cpps are khmer killers ,i;m chinese vietnamese calling the UN must bring these gangs to UN court ,otherwise there's no justice in this world.
Get this guy to the UN court. Don't let him walks free. Get them one by one and Cambodia will be good.
To.........@ 4:00 PM
I love your comment !
To 4:00 PM & 1:14 AM យើងកុំអស់សង្ឃឹម! ថ្ងៃមួយមកដល់ខាងមុខនេះ ពួកអាឃាតករទាំងអស់នឹងមកប្រឈមមុខជាមួយតុលាការអន្តរជាតិហៅកាត់ថា(ICC)នៅប្រទេសហូឡង់ជាក់ជាមិនខាន!!! យើងជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែររស់នៅក្រៅប្រទេសនិងចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែនិងសមាគមអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យទាំងអស់រួមកម្លាំងគ្នាជាធ្លុងមួយនឹងកំពុងធ្វើតំណើរឆ្ពោះទៅរកការរំដោះស្រុករបស់យើង ដែលពួកយើងនឹងធ្វើតំណើរទៅកាន់អង្គការ(ICC)ខាងមុខនេះ។ ថ្ងៃនេះពួកវានៅសើចសមនៅឡើយតែនៅថ្ងៃមួយក្បាលពួកវានឹងមិនខុសពីក្បាល អាកាដាហ្វី ទេបងប្អូន!!!!
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