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Spain's King Juan Carlos prepares to leave a hospital in Madrid on Wednesday, April 18. King Juan Carlos says he is sorry for having gone on lavish hunting vacation. (Paco Campos/AP) |
King Juan Carlos: unprecedented apology speaks to royals' changed image
King Juan Carlos apologized for taking a lavish hunting vacation amid sharp austerity cuts. Recent scandals have tested popular faith in the monarchy, seen as a unifier in post-Franco Spain.
April 18, 2012
By Andrés Cala, Correspondent
The Christian Science Monitor
It is the first public apology by a Spanish monarch in history, coming in response to an equally unprecedented public clamor for humility from the crown.
The royal apology followed several days of intense public pressure after King Juan Carlos – beloved and respected by the majority in Spain – went elephant hunting in Botswana, reportedly on the dime of a Saudi Arabian businessman, and accidentally broke his hip. The trip became public when he had to be rushed to a Madrid hospital and pictures of him posing with a dead elephant went viral.
The uproar triggered extremely rare criticism that mushroomed quickly, from discreet comments by political leaders to popular chatter on Twitter and condemnation on talk shows. Several politicians openly called for his the king's abdication – a demand not made in nearly a century, and one that is rocking the pillars of an already shaky establishment.
King Juan Carlos is much more than a figurehead monarch. He is credited with being a unifying presence in Spain and is, to most, a guarantor of Spanish national identity.
“This has been a big blow,” says Carmen Enríquez, a journalist who has written about the royal family for more than 15 years, publishing several books along the way. “Many people are upset, including myself, and I’m a big supporter of the crown. But others are also taking advantage of this to attack the royal family, and they forget all they have done for us.”
“This is the first time a king apologizes. And it means that, faced with public uproar, in the media, on the street, everywhere, he has understood he made a bid mistake. And the best thing to do was to own up to it.”
More than a king
King Juan Carlos is Spain's first royal leader since the monarchy was restored in 1978. It was abolished in 1931, after Spaniards voted in a republican government. Dictator General Francisco Franco, who rose to power in after defeating the government in the Spanish Civil War, named Juan Carlos prince in 1969, and Franco’s hand-picked heir. He became head of state in 1975 after Franco’s death.
But he quickly disappointed Franco’s followers by restoring Spain’s democracy, naming a civilian government, and legalizing political forces that were outlawed under France. He is credited with saving the country's fledgling democracy in 1981, when he went on television and condemned an attempted military coup and privately demanded that those involved give up.
King Juan Carlos doesn’t intervene publicly in politics, nor is he subject to the scrutiny the British monarchy receives. In fact, there are still gagging laws in Spain in regards to the monarchy and the royal family rarely comments on any national issues – not even soccer. The Spanish press rarely goes after members of the royal family, and Spaniards do not often accept criticism of them.
But lately, Spain’s royal family has had a bad streak of publicity. The king’s grandson was injured lightly in his foot in a shooting accident, and his parents could be legally liable for allowing a child to use a firearm. There is also an ongoing trial against the king’s son-in-law, who is accused of embezzling millions of euros in public funds, a particularly egregious thing amid the country's extreme economic hardship.
There was nothing illegal about King Juan Carlos's trip to Botswana, but Spaniards were appalled that he was off on a safari while the majority of people struggle to survive the worst economic crisis in their history. His apology is, in effect, an attempt to put to rest the most serious challenge to the monarchy in years.
Apology accepted
The government has tried to remain on the sidelines of the uproar, refraining from making any comments, but the main political parties, including the governing Popular Party, have acknowledged that they are concerned about the consequences for society if the monarchy's credibility is severely damaged.
Indeed, the image of the monarchy has been consistently diminished for years. Spaniards gave the monarchy an unsatisfactory grade in the most recent poll, taken in October 2011. That was before these recent scandals – although the king still has a largely positive image.
“The apology will be effective. He has rectified,” Mrs. Enríquez said.
Indeed, political leaders, commentators, columnists, and others were soon applauding the king's 11-word apology – which was, after all an unprecedented concession.
It’s unlikely the monarch will have to pass down the crown to his son Prince Felipe, at least not because of recent scandals. But at minimum, calls for an orderly abdication and coronation are sure to intensify. To supporters, the public acceptance of his apology is a well-deserved break that King Juan Carlos has earned. To critics, it’s a political prod to protect the institutional role of the crown.
“I wouldn’t rule it out,” Mrs. Enríquez said, “but monarchs traditionally don’t abdicate. Then again, people died younger before. It wouldn’t be so strange that someone who has served Spain for so long decided to step aside. The prince is ready and that could be the answer.”
Hunting for elephant? WTF! Can he find a smaller animal to hunt like an ant, etc?
That's the problem with many kings - they always have to hunt for something either pussy, diamond/gold or animals.
Like father and like son. They are useless. What had you done for the people....
You don't have to learn how to invent any thing....Just learn from other country like the US; Your country will be prosper like them.....Mr. idiot Kings.
Dear All,
An apology from former King( Kong ) Sihanook is
way overdue.
He still has a LAST chance to help his country.
He and his King son, or he alone can solicit President Hu to help DEVIETNAMIZE CAMBODIA.
That should be his last efforts before he dies.
He must revisit his legacy.
A Khmer Patriot
They don't care about their own people.
Unfortunately our people worship these stupid kings like they were god.....
Wounder why the Cambodian country are so F-up.
Bad children are caused from bad parents..Think!
The midgid king is so horrible..
When he was young he had a bad temper and love to take young Cambodian women out.
As he became a middle age, he does thing w/o thinking (look at 3 million people die.)
As he get older he wanted to commit suicide and want to take the easier way....
What about help your people? dumbo
This is how he talk...You know...You know.....
If I were these stupid kings, I would not want to show my face to the world......
Look at your country and it is the poorest country in Asia. Mt. king
Don't you ever feel embarrasment?
I'm just wonder if these dumbo paper tiger kings or useless kings Of Cambodian ever read the KI Media bloggers?
They probably were told by the a.$.$. kissers that they were the greatest kings on the planet earth.
KI Media, can u please e-mail these comments to the 5-00" Cambodian king...so they know how people feel about him.....
Most primisters and Kings and queens, they studies economic...
Cambodian King, studied how to dance.....I hope he can compete with people on U tube.
Please.....Please.....e-amil him...thanks
How about set up a game called "Chase and shoot the Kings"
Let King Carlos and King Chkuot Chrouk Sihanouk run and then let people chase and shoot them for fun.
This game should be very popular and will attract a lot of spectators.
Note: It seems like all kings in this planet are simply dumb.
Ah Sihanouk is Ah Sdach Teur Kdor Kley.
Ngorp Touv Ah Sdach Lob Heuy york Ah Hun Sen Knhom Yuon Touv Chear Muoy Phang.
Sihanouk has involved not only the killing field but accelerate Khmer land for Viet. How is the real Khmer traitor?
Ah Sihanouk was/is the evil Khmer leader in Cambodia.He is the stupidest the Khmer history and in the world.The Khmer should hang him
and jail his dead body for 5,000,000 million years.
plz be nice to our king,,
why? don't u think, that, foreign country also killed khmer's peoples
don't forget n keep it in mind
ទាក់ទងនឹងរឿងកាត់ទោសពួកខ្មែរក្រហមនេះតុលាការមួយនេះភ្លេចហៅមេក្លោងមកកាត់ទោស! តើនណាជាមេក្លោងគឺ ស៊ី ហនុ ខ្មែរណាក៏បានដឹងដែរហើយយើងមានភស្តុតាងច្រើនណាស់! ដូច្នេះបើគ្រាន់តែហៅអាចក់អាចែមមកកាត់ទោសទេនោះគឺវាគ្មានបានការនិងគ្មានយុត្តិធម៌សម្រាប់ពួកគេទេ! ដាច់ខាតត្រូវតែយកមេមេកញ្ជៈយួនមួយក្បាលនេះឡើងតុលាការ។
did you know sihanouk was the king of the KR! i never saw such stupid leader these kind in the entire life, you know!
Really and truly is very tiring to read the same nonsense on this blog on a daily basis. You really need to grow up and be more mature. That is why your country is in such a mess, because most Cambodians that live outside the country do not know a thing about their history and are inmature. Sihanouk did not create the Khmer Rouge, he fought against them but the stupidity of Nixon and Kissinger and the treachery of Lon Nol helped the Khmer Rouge to become bigger. Stop blaming Sihanouk for the sins of those that orchestrated the coup d'etat of 18 March 1970. Grow up please!!!!
Fuck you bitch 11:49AM, you talked like shit!
mon slap ah sihanouk tok ke chhmos kbatcheat khmers kor ah nis somtosh khmers
All Khmers,
Norodom Sihanouk is a Khmer people's murderer and traitor as he had been admitted in his book
" War and Hope","My War with CIA".
He should be tried in ECCC, or hang him high, or beheaded like French king Louis XVI in 1789 A.D.
i wonder why some countries in the world abolished their useless or incompetent or ingnorant, primitive monarchy, especially sihanouk, the individual revengeful monarch. i think monarchy needs to reform their institution or they can be abolished eventually in cambodia, if they don't reform. i mean, people can see if they reform or not. only time will tell.
We need to behead ah kanchas xihanook and his family when we get a chance.
Family of ah kanchas xihanook is yuon and khmer kraham.
Torture ah kanchas xihanook for the life of all khmer is not enoug. Get his family.
ah mother fucker xihanook.
The Khmer culture and attitude that never feel guilty and apology for wrong doing.
Wish if I were not khmer. Too late this life... I stood on my feet lonely, no more family, after Khmer Rouge and all gone.
stop blaming our king ,
stop blaming our leaders
they always wants to make our country better improvements,
khmer's peoples, needs to love each other,
don't forget,that, foreign country, has been killing khmer peoples. too.,
10:48 PM,
Yes, it may be true but foreigners don't killed as many as Khmer themselves did to their own people. Too bad, being born as Khmers you are more likely to be mistreated or killed by your own people rather than by the foreigners. It's just a way of life for our khmer people for the kingdin of wonder.
1:06 AM,
What if your Vietnamese bosses and folks want you to beat your own Khmer people and say your Khmer people are very dumb, will you listen to your Vietnamese friends and you start to carry out their suggestions to kill your own Khmer people. Yes, Khmer people are easily manipulated by foreigners. Also, just remember, that Sihanouk might be manipulated with the Vietnamese playboys who might say to Sihanouk, "I hate your Khmer people." You can tell the difference when Sihanouk was so horny as hell when he focus on the Sexy Yuon Whores who distracted him. So, Khmer people felt so unfortunate and hopeless because no leaders like Sihanouk care about them. So, Sihanouk has been so selfish comparing to King Siri Matak Sisowath who was the real hero.
You need to think deeper and then you will see for yourself.
Dear Khmer Sisters & Brothers,
Please stop feeling despaired.
Let's pick ourselves up and fight back.
Change will not come, if we don't start.
There are three things we can do:
1.Vote for SRP, the largest and strongest
opposition party
2. Support the efforts of bringing Hun Sen to the
International Court for trail
3. If necessary, support or joint a National
Movement to save OUR countty
You kill the snake with the stick you have, NOT the
stick you WISH you had !!!
Let's march on !!!
A Khmer Patriot
I understand the feeling why some Cambodian don't want to be Cambodian.
You should not critize them because some of them lost all their or most their families. their homes were taken away and they could not do anything.
I had met a few nice Cambodian people who said they were not Cambodian initially. Later I get to know them and they admitted the reason they did not want to admit that they were Cambodian because it was very painful past that continued to carry on this this present.
Mainly because of the stupid- stupit-stupid dumb kings...
Thank you for so understanding. I I am sure you would act or behave differently if your families were killed.
i want SRP to win the elections. i want our khmer people to unite behind Sam Rainsy, Tioulong Saumura, Son Chhay, Mu Soc Hua and yes, you too Seng Theary! Collectively they are our nation's best hope for a complete & equitable social transformation. However i'm concerned that educated khmer voters and sympathisers who read this blog are put off by the racist rants and other foaming-at-the-mouth antics of unreal people who also post on this blog. Why is it that here i keep seeing photos of demonstrators waiving the pictures of Hun Sen and Bun Rany rather than those of Sam Rainsy and Son Chhay (or Seng Theary's)? simply put, so far the opposition has little credibility in their eyes. It's the demonstrators way of saying we support HS and not SR as long as HS can look after us. and why should they not think that way? because the Phnom Penh regime has successfully tarred us with the same extremism as that of Pol Pot. If i were a genuine Khmer from Kampuchea Krom looking to raise my family in Srok Khmer (and surely this should be a favourable prerequisite for an "original khmer"), chances are that my accent will be misconstrued and the extremists on this blog will call me a Vietnam colonist! and there are thousands of us who want to believe that SRP can make a difference. Unfortunately by refusing to self regulate, this blog only invite more ridicule for the SRP opposition. it only gives the world the impression that the political beliefs of SRP supporters have not progressed further than the self destructing paranoia of the KR. and so why should young educated khmer voters support us? meanwhile casual observers who are sympathetic to our political cause are laughing at our stupidity (if they are not already disgusted at the rantings of a minority on this blog)..
The opposition has very good intention and is very honest...Hmmm I thought KR too were very honest and were a good movement until they took over the country.
Good intention but no capability does not do the country any good. An old monk in my pagodia is probable the most honest and most peaceful Khmer person I've ever met, but would I want him to run the country? Surely not.
8:07am, looks can be deceiving, really! ever see a camoflaged snake play with their prey? again, the point i'm saying is people are individuals and should be treated that way, really. and individual political candidate should be judged on their own rights such as their qualitifications, their education level, their achievements, their life experiences, etc, and not so much on their merit or morality alone, really. everyone should live under the rule of law, period; that's the good way. encourage market competition, help educate and teach all khmer people from all walks of life; help discourage corruptions of all sort, do the right way, etc, etc..., ok! if you are a leader, there is no room for mistake or error, you know! look what happened to sihanouk's mistake - disastrous for khmer people and cambodia, and that stupid KR regime? well, we know they failed miserably, etc...
9:10 AM - Hun Sen's cocksucker, don't be so opinionated because you are still thinking so dumb. Reading your comment is more like being so opinionated. You are still sucking Hun Sen's cock!
To 06:07pm
If you and I keep dragging our feet, there
will be no Cambodia left to save.
While we are trying to split hair here,Hun Sen and his clique are chopping off OUR
country and selling pieces to the highest
Mr. Sam Rainsy, with a Doctora from France, and Ms. Mu Sochua, with a Master's from
Berkeley are more than capable to lead Cambodia. If after winning the elections, these two do not perform, we will vote them out.
Remember :
" You kill the snake with the stick you have,
NOT the stick you WISH you had. "
A Khmer Patriot
ការបែកបាក់គ្នាគឺឈានទៅរកការបរាជ័យ នេះគឺជាការពិត! ចុៈតើហេតុអ្វីបានជាអស់លោកគណៈបក្សប្រឆាំងទាំងអស់មិនព្រមមកជួបជុំគ្នាជាមួយចលនាអំណាចពលរដ្ឋនិងសមាគមអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូដែលពួកបានខំអំពាវនាវអោយមកជួបជុំគ្នាដើម្បីរិៈរកតំណោះស្រាយមួយពិតប្រាកដ ដើម្បីរំដោះស្រុកយើងអោយរួចពីការឈ្លានពានរបស់យួនកុម្មុយនីស្ត? អស់លោកនាំគ្នាសង្ឃឹមថានៅពេលដែលគណៈបក្សអស់លោកបានកាន់អំណាចអស់លោកអៈអាងថាអាចមានសម្ថភាពគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដឹកនាំប្រទេសជាតិបាន! តែខ្ញុំសូមជំរាបអស់លោកថា៖ នេះគឺជាការយល់សប្តរបស់អស់លោកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ! ព្រោះការបោះឆ្នោតបច្ចុប្បន្នវាគ្រាន់តែជាល្បែងលែងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ! តើអស់លោកនៅតែចង់លែងលែ្បងនេះតទៅទៀតឬក៏ចង់ជួបជុំគ្នារកតំណោះស្រាយថ្មីទៀត? That is your choice!
I too lost my whole family to Pol Pot.
I instead use this as fuel to power my drives
and ambitions to succeed.
Also I used to be " ashamed " to be a Khmer.
I later realised that the person I hurt was ME.
You have to know who you are. To know who
you are, you must know who you were.
Be proud of who you are. Nobodyelse does this for YOU.
On the other hand, the Khmer leaders are bad, not you. For that, you should help
YOUR country and countrymen.
A Khmer Patriot
reform is key, if they want to last long, really!
12:16 AM
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