Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Same crime - Different outcomes

The crime: Wild shooting and power abuse

For a defector to the CPP: immediate sacking and jailing

Ken Sara

For a CPP stalwart: Still roam free under the CPP protection

Chhouk Bandit

Think again ... if you still want to defect to the CPP


Anonymous said...

sounds like an attempt to suppress someone's freedom of choices, etc, here, you know. now, stop being so hypocritical for being a human rights activist, etc, ok! people aren't stupid again, you know!

Anonymous said...

It is not people's cholice, it is hypocrisy and disrespect of rule of law, get it , ass ?

Anonymous said...

Man, Chuok Bandit is a real PhD. like his name, that's why he's still stay outside the jail. He got PhD. in "Shooting Women and Not go to Jail"....


Anonymous said...

Chhouk Bandith could escape from
jail this time,but tomorrow he will not escape from Khmer people who love justice.

Today Bandith is doing wrongdoing,
tomorrow he will receive what he has done.