Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sotheby's shameless dealing in stolen antiquity

Reference: Sotheby’s: “Orgy of the Rich”

Opinion by Pissed off

“Sotheby's shamelessly uses the law to delay the artefact from being returned to its rightful owner.”
Sotheby's Office in New York

We have researched this sculpture extensively and have never seen nor been presented with any evidence that specifies when the sculpture left Cambodia over the last one thousand years nor is there any such evidence in this complaint.”

I am not a lawyer and have never been in my life gone to a law school, but the statement quoted sounds ridiculous, absurd and finally stupid beyond one's imagination.

How can you find an evidence of a statue leaving the country when it was stolen during the war in Cambodia? A counter-argument to you, Sotheby's is why don't you prove that Cambodia sold this statue to a private collector? If that were the case, wouldn't you think that the Cambodian government had been smart enough to sell it in its full form for more money?

Even for an uneducated person living in the jungle without setting his foot in a school for one single day, he or she can still comprehend without any assistance that The Duryodhana statue was not built by a white race and to conclude that because they could not find any evidence that specifies when the sculpture left Cambodia over the last one thousand years, the statue should not be returned to its rightful owner and be allowed to be auctioned demonstrates clearly that Sotheby's is playing with the law knowing full well to take advantage of it without accepting the reality that the object was stolen and how or when it got out of its house is not important.

Return it to Cambodia and see if it matches its feet and if any country wants to claim that it is theirs and can prove it beyond reasonable doubt, Cambodia will return it to that country.

This statue belongs to a nation and in this case, Cambodia; it, by no means, belongs to Sotheby's or any antique collector. 

Sotheby's shamelessly uses the law to delay the artefact from being returned to its rightful owner.

Stop taking advantage of poor countries by encouraging the theft of their ancient artefacts, the money you make from them is so dirty, volatile, and quite flammable that it will burn you in hell!

Pissed off


Anonymous said...

Dear: Pissed off

you're pissing off at the wrong people. You should be pissing off at Hun Sen and his CPP gang who sold the ancient artifact to the foreigners in the first place. Since 1979, Hun Sen and his CPP gang have sold thousands of pieces of priceless ancient artifacts to Siam and Youn Art dealers. Go to Thailand and see for yourself. There are dozens of art dealers who sell Khmer ancient artifacts. Ask yourself how they manage to get it out of Srok Khmer? For sure not in a suitcase!!!

Anonymous said...

Pissed off, I half agree with what you are saying.

I agree with the above blogger, Hun Sen and CPP have sold and destroyed thousands of ancient artifact to foreigners.

If it were to return to the rightful owner, that would just mean it would be return to Sok Kong.

Even then, the return artifact would either be maintain in poor condition or be sold again.

The artifacts is best where it belongs now, until we have a real Government that is able to deal with the problems accordingly. Hun Sen government are unable to deal with the problems inside their backyard let alone deal with this priceless artifacts.

Pissed Off, do you want the Hun Sen government to also profit from this artifact? If the Cambodian government were to pay for the artifacts, where do you think the money will come from?

I agree with 7:36 AM, there are thousands of Khmer artifacts in Thailand. Thousands of this artifacts return to Cambodia under Hun Sen's hand will only end up somewhere in his house.


Anonymous said...

The artefact was stolen during the war and no precise date would ever be known (60s? & 70s?).

Accusing everything that goes wrong in Cambodia on Hun Sen is not a reasonable argument without prejudice.

Like any other countries that possess ancient and valuable artefacts, Cambodian artefacts are usually stolen by poor local people and sold to middle business men who will, in turn, sell them on the open market.

The Government of Cambodia under any regime has never publicly sold its valuable and historically precious artefacts. The stealing work of bad and corrupt officials does not represent the official sale by the Government of Cambodia.

In addition, selling stolen properties is wrong as it encourages more stealing and it becomes morally outrageous when you keep making money on auctioning stolen artefacts that represent the souls of a nation!

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Truth is the Cambodian government does not know what it has, what's stolen, and what's missing.

It only knows when a high profile auction house like Sotheby's put one up for auction, and if the object is of Cambodian origin, then it claims it as stolen.

If the government publishes or has in record what's missing and when it was missing, then there's good preempted argument.

The earlier post is correct in stating that there's probably hundreds of ancient Khmer arts in Thailand. But no specific claims were made from the Cambodian government. That's because the government does not know what's missing.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM.

I still believe that it is much safer in the hands of other rightful buyers then in the hands of the corrupted officials.


Anonymous said...

In 1979 Youn have stolen a few hundred loads of eighteen wheelers Trucks fulled of Khmer priceless ancient artifacts plus golds and others.
In 1979 Youn did not let Hun Xen move into the country yet!

Anonymous said...

Khmer artefacts were stolen by Khmers and sold to the Thai dealers while they were settling along Thai-Cambodian border.

Anonymous said...

If you buy anything from the thief you are a thief too.

Anonymous said...

Biggest thieves are CPP profiting from Khmer land and Khmer suffering.

Anonymous said...

8:05 PM
How you know about the suffering of the Khmer people ?
Maybe you know more about robbing and oppressing our people, during the time of French colonial in Cambodia.
The robbing system on the Khmer Artificials by the Caucasians.
Since day one they arrived in Southeast Asia on the former territorial of the Khmer Empire, the Caucasian not just French, but also German and Britten had robbed lot of the Khmer ancient artificials included Buddha and the pieces of the wall at Angkor Wat Terraces Ruins. Most of these pieces are still in Europe. Some are in private hands and some in the country museums.

Anonymous said...

9:19 PM

How you know about the suffering of the Khmer people ?

-Because I am koun Khmer.

Today, its not the Caucasian, not the French, not the German, not the Britain, not the Europe.

Its the CPP.

Anonymous said...

carscoop.blogspot.com has Cambodia calling ads.

Anonymous said...

When I was in Chhoun Bori, I saw one guy who related to royal family with what looked like a priceless statue, well wrapped, that he brought with him from Cambodia.
He was going to France.

Baay Kdaing