Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stronger Public Administration Needed: Analyst

Lao Monghay says Cambodian society is changing, and the administrative system must change with it. (Photo: VOA Khmer)

Cambodia's public sector is ruled by philanderers: Hun Xen, Chea Dara, Kon Kim 

Friday, 06 April 2012
Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer | Washington

Cambodia’s public administration needs to be strengthened or it risks increased instability, a political analyst says.

Speaking as a monthly guest on “Hello VOA,” the analyst, Lao Monghay, compared public administration to the “arms, legs and body” of a government.

The body must be strong to “respond to social change,” he said. And if it can’t, the challenges will be “insurmountable.” “That can lead to social instability,” he said.

Cambodian society is changing, and the administrative system must change with it, he said. Laws must be enforced, power decentralized at both the local and national levels, corruption dealt with and the abuse of power curtailed, he said.

The main goal is people’s wellbeing, he said, and to create a social atmosphere where people live “together as a nation.”

Speaking to international groups and the media in Washington this week, the UN’s special envoy for Cambodian human rights, Surya Subedi, said the rights environment has improved, but there is still “not enough political will, not enough determination.”

Donors and the rest of the international community must push the government towards “serious” reform in the judiciary, parliament and other agencies responsible for human rights, Subedi said.

Specific improvements are needed in the areas of land grabbing, a law to regulate NGOs, and the judiciary, among others, he said.

Government spokesman Phay Siphan said officials are working to reform the country, which is still plagued by the legacy of the Khmer Rouge and civil war.


Anonymous said...

Where do we find them Dr. Lao Mong Hay?

The Viet will not let us in while the "Chen" like you screw us over for the natural resources (it's just a metter of time!)...what will we have left, Dr. Lao Mong Hay? Please answer me!

Either way Khmer is dead already...including you (with all due respect) as you had claimed as partly Khmer, Dr. Lao Mong Hay...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sihanouk,Ho Chiminh and Mao Zédong who killed innocent khmer people,we lived with them since 1970,they killed each other until today,they burned all books,they destroyed our Lord Buddha and finaly ......Victory Samamith Sihanouk;Preah reach Kdeth!

hahaha go go go go with China,Sihanouk,Vietcong

Anonymous said...

My grandparents escaped China because of communist Mao Zédong,but Mao fallowed them and killed their chidren,and now they continue to kille their grandchidren,the same as 1970-2011 and at plus steal khmerland,


Anonymous said...

That fat, Chea Dara is so stupid

Anonymous said...

“Cambodia’s public administration needs to be strengthened or it risks increased instability, a political analyst says.”
The problem is Hun Sen knows that too, but he chooses to ignore it. He does not care as long as he can hold on to power. What does Hun Sen need those over five thousand well equipped personal bodyguards for?
He does not care about the nation as long as his family and relatives survive.

Anonymous said...

The idea of having a stronger public administration will be materialized if and only if we could break Vietnam's grip on Cambodia first.

Vietnam has never wanted Cambodia to be a strong nation, otherwise Vietnam cannot control it. That's why Vietnam keeps this ignorant one eye man to work for it. This Hun Sen will "SEN" everything to his boss in exchange for his job.

Hun Sen has this in his mind: "Srok Khmer Min Mern Mer Anh Ter". One time he said: "Oss Ey Oss Touv Kom Oy Ter Oss Amnarch"
(RFA about 3 years ago).

Khmer people must acknowledge that whatever we have been doing since 1979 is not working. The Vietnam's influence keeps getting stronger and stronger. We must introduce a new idea to produce a different outcome.

Vietnam has sacrificed some of its soldiers to occupy Cambodia. This means everything is not free. It will cost something to get something.

If we want Cambodia to be free from Vietnam's grip without paying anything, we need to wait until the horse grows horn.

Gandhi's concepts would work well in Cambodia.

Takeo said...

All Cambodian will be country less very soon by Hun Sen's regime.

Anonymous said...

ចង់បានឈ្មោះល្បី ១-ខំធ្វើអំពើរល្អ ២-ខំធ្វើអំពើរអាក្រក់, អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែនវាជ្រើសរើសយកអាលេខ២ ពីព្រោះវាចង់អោយឈ្មោះរបស់វាបានជាប់ទៅក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដូចអាស្តេច ជ័យ ជេត្ថាដែរ។

Anonymous said...

The change is made by election ,If the population decided to keep Hun Sen as leader that is their choice .we can`t do much more ! Indeed the real problem in Cambodia is due to the society illness that inherited deeply in the root of Khmer mentality . There are only an education that can help people to improve the democracy and Human right .But the problem for now ,there are only the rich people are favorable to obtain an adequate education , and the rest there have other choice than switch off the school very early in order to find some thing to fill there stomach

Anonymous said...

Government Phay Siphan is right everybody. He said,"the country is still plague with Khmer rouge". He's talking about Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is a smart boy, he wants to keep his job.

Hun Sen is the world dumbest PM, installed because of the Vietnamese!

Anonymous said...

ah kun kim looks so ugly as a person. Was he born from a monster?he does look uglier than ah hun sen.

Anonymous said...

បន្លាចអ្នកចាញ់កុំឲ្យរើបំរះ។ តែបើមិនខ្លាចច្បាប់
ថាៈ​ (កម្ពុជាធម្មាធិបតេយ្យ)។


Anonymous said...

Dumb Vietminh installed as a watchdog is now watching his days as more Khmer are becoming educated and literate.

Will ah chkae Hun Sen die as a Khmer hero or die as a Khmer traitor.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao Monghay is not an enemy of Cambodia or the Khmer people.
He is a well educated person and his critic throughout our government were always very competent and reasonable. He never mixed the politic facts with private life of the Cambodian politicians.
Wished, we have more people like Dr. Lao Monghay and not the street insulters or anonymous critics.

Anonymous said...

អាទាំងបីនាក់នេះជាមេចោរនៅក្នុងជួរកងទ័ពចោរនៃកងខេមរភូមិន្ទរបស់ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រអឆ្ឆិរិយះចេកស្អុយនៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ។
១ ឈ្មោះអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ពាក់ផ្កាយចោរចំនួន៥ ជាមេចោរធំបង្អស់នៃរាជាណាចក្រអឆ្ឆិរិយះចេកស្អុយ ។
២ ឈ្មោះអាជា តារា ពាក់ផ្កាយចោរចំនួន៤ ជាមេចោររងប្រចាំការនៅតំបន់បា្រសាទព្រះវិហារ នៅទល់ដែនខ្មែរនឹងសឿម ។
៣ ឈ្មោះអាគន់ គីម ពាក់ផ្កាយចោរចំនួន៤ដែរជា

មេចោរប្រចាំការនឹងតួ្រតតា្រលើមេចោរទាំងទ្បាយដែលប្រចាំការនៅតាមតំបន់និមួយៗនៅតាមបណោ្តយព្រំប្រទល់ដែនខ្មែរនឹងសឿម ។
អាមេចោរទាំងបីក្បាលនេះសុទ្ធតែបានលួចឆក់ប្លន់ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិប្រជាជននឹងទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាតិខ្មែរ ប្រទេសខ្មែរ ណ្រមទាំងរំលោភលើផ្លូវភេទស្រីខ្មែរមិនរើសមុខទោះប្រពន្ធេគក៏ដោយចុះ ។