(Surya P. Subedi, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia. UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré)
11 May 2012 –
An independent United Nations human rights expert has urged the Cambodian Government to act with more transparency when dealing with economic and other land concessions, and to make the process more inclusive for the individuals and communities affected.
Over the course of his week-long fact-finding mission, Surya P. Subedi met with individuals, villages and communities affected by economic and other land concessions and heard first-hand how their lives have been affected.
“I received a number of distressing testimonies and got to see for myself how economic and other land concessions were impacting on the local populations, as well as the natural environment,” Mr. Subedi, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, said in a news release.
Working in an unpaid capacity, independent experts, or special rapporteurs, are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a country situation or a specific human rights theme.
Mr. Subedi said he was told of a system with such little transparency that communities are often not aware when and how a concession is being granted near them.
“Nor do they know much about the company to whom the concession is granted, its track record, whether it is foreign or domestic, or even, in some cases, its name,” he noted. “My own assessment confirms this situation. Access to information is paramount.”
The Special Rapporteur urged the Government to act with more transparency when granting and managing economic and other land concessions, exercise more oversight over business enterprises involved with concessions, and make the process more inclusive for those affected.
He particularly highlighted the situation of indigenous peoples, whose special bonds to their land are “well-known and documented.” He acknowledged the Government for having established a specific legal framework on land tenure for indigenous peoples and welcomed the granting of the first three communal land titles to indigenous communities.
“Until these communities can secure their land titles, indigenous land should be protected and secured in accordance with the law,” he said, urging the Government to speed up the process for the granting of other communal land titles.
The expert also welcomed Prime Minister Hun Sen’s decision, earlier this week, to postpone the granting of new economic land concessions and called for a review of all existing concessions with a view to protecting the interests of communities.
Mr. Subedi’s full report will be presented to the Human Rights Council in September.
I can tell you exactly, MR Surya. What Camboida do his own act, not international standard at all. That is the style of communist, it means doing first then theory (2 millions killed or grabbing the land first and let people living without land, home), not like the weste countries first theory then practic theory. Most of Cambodian student just from universities in Russia and east block who are working now in the govt without experiences in capitalism system & democracy. And that why they go to the wrong derection and inclided Vietccon stand behind them too.
Look to Cambodian Airlines who belong this? Vietnam not Cambodida at all.
Mr. Subedi of the United Nations must travel Cambodia wide to see for himself what the Cambodian Government's economic land concessions have done to the livilyhood of the Cambodia people.
My understanding is that those so called economic land concessions are nothing more than corruptions by government officials in disguise and the infrigement of Cambodia's sovereignty and territorial integrity in disguise by neighbouring countries.
So from now on, the United Nations must be proactive in helping Cambodia's poor and protecting Cambodia Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity.
4:50 PM
Vietnamese owned most everything in Cambodia. Hun Sen is put to sit on the chair of PM to block any rising from Khmer nationalist against the Vietnamese economy feeding their mighty army. Hun Sen is no strong man, but a mouthpiece of Vietnamese.
Every election is just a show, because Vietnamese communist will never allow anyone to topple Hun Sen, their slave.
The UN, US, China... all knew all about it, but why did not they do anything?
Folks around the world!
Please DO NOT or NEVER & NEVER Invest in Cambodia.
This country is fake. Every dollar donors give to Cambodia will all go to the Vietnamese thieves. Hun Sen is put to a chair of PM by The vietnamese for life to terrorizr Khmers should they rise against the Vietnamese expansionsim in Cambodia.
These Vietnamese communist stealing billion and billion of dollars from Cambodia and Laos- economy to feed their miserable economy every day.
DO NOT INVEST IN CAMBODIA. Let it collapses and die out.
If Hun Sen remains in power even he lost election, it is the work of the Vietnamese expansionism in Cambodia.
in year 2013 the COUP-ETAT will APPEAR by military Forces support by HANOI.
- SAMAK MITH NEARY Men sam orn will in charge that situation and she will married with one General spy Hanoi in that year. [Her Husband Pen Patt,his Died now]. to be continue.
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