MP Sam Rainsy met with high ranking officials of Austrian ministry of foreign affairs in Vienne on May 25th, 2012. (photo by Tepmonorom)
MP Sam Rainsy met with high ranking officials of Austrian ministry of foreign affairs in Vienne on May 25th, 2012. (photo by Tepmonorom)
If Cambodia has an educated leader such as Sam Rainsy, Khmer people will gain respect from the people around the world.
When Cambodia has a dumb ass leader Hun Shit, people look down on us especially Hun Shit's master race.
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
I just don’t understand it.
The Viet cannot keep their houses in order, why Ah Kwack allows the Viet to tell him what to do is beyond my comprehension.
Ah Kwack niss yap chieng chkè tov tiet.
So freaking sad that SCAMSRP & his fallowers are a bunch of paranoid schizophrenia people. You dump fuck people need to ban your stupid asses Youn offensive against your own good asses policy, if not you will risk loosing more supporters . You dump asses should look at how your distorted perceptions of YOUN. you're adding bad perception of Youn can encourage poor policy-making and unnecessary agenda, leading people to feel that your agenda is interfering too much in your paraniod Youn's shit. Leave Youn alone & start blemming your dump fuck khmer for your fail agenda shit. Pi Anh.
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
1:25 PM. CPP dog. How much does the Vietminh pay you to use your dog brain?
Yes your fucking dog cum pussy's wife suck my hard dick. You shit head people can't shit without mention your shit head Youn, soon your kids will fuck all the YOun living in your backyard. Why your fucking parent raised you to be a potatoe digger cockroach dump asses like you, you shit head blem everything on Youn & Hun Sen for your stupid fucking dump asses shit. If i lived close to you i would put my foot into your fucking fat asses & have you lick it off .Pi Anh.
yes all country in the world they knew VIETNAME was kill hundred and thousand france soldier and hundreds thousand armerican soldier as well as moslim people call ( cham-pa )and more than 3 million cambodian people during khmerouge regime,SO this Vietname people is real murder so people a round the world must be alert specially who ever want marit with Vietname girl they going to cheat you and if you going to make friend with a vietname men they going rape your daugther or your wife or they may kill you to take over your property .....don't take my word but don't blame me that i am not reminding all of you ..!
PLEASE, pass it over thanks
3:13 PM. CPP Dog, Why are you always angry at the Khmer people. Is the Khmer Rouge Hun Sen keeping your monthly salary again till you finish you job?
1:25 PM, 3:13 PM
Ah Pi Anh = Ah HUN SEN’s kdor sucker.
Stop sucking Ah HUN SEN’s kdor for a living; go and find a real job like a real man, my prostitute son (ah somphoeung bross da’oeu cha’unh chuok kdor ké chea acheep).
I am ashamed to be his father!!!!!!
Euv Ah Pi Anh.
You are your own creation, whether good or bad.
It is time that Cambodia has a highly educated leader.
Sam Rainsy is well suited to be Khmer leader.
One thing that Khmer people must be aware and diligent about is that leaving Cambodia to have a good educated smart leader has never been in Vietnam's dictionary.
Therefore, Vietnam will sabotage and create chaos in Cambodia. We must make the world especially the UN comprehends this situation in advance if we ever wanted to survive Vietnam’s ill intention toward Cambodia.
Vietnam will do catastrophically thing in Cambodia and put the blame on the new government – the same way as Vietnam did to Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge’s era.
You dump fuck khmer are so dump from one generation to an other generation until now. There is no hope for you dump fuck khmer people as long as you fucking dump khmer keep blemming others for your own fucking mistake. Go to hell all of you dump fuck people ! i wish i could shovel my hard dick in your fucking mouth now so you fucking potatoe diggers can shut up for a while. Pi Anh.
Ah Kantorb PEE ANH,
You do it to your imaginary twin the following words that you barked:
i wish i could shovel my hard dick in your fucking mouth now so you fucking potatoe diggers can shut up for a while. Pi Anh.
Ah Pi Anh = Ah HUN SEN’s kdor sucker said to me…
" I felt like I wanted to fuck both of your stupid wife, and daughter. "
I am your father why do you want to do that for?
Stop sucking Ah HUN SEN’s kdor, it messes up your brain, son (ah somphoeung bross da’oeu cha’unh chuok kdor ké chea acheep).
Euv Ah Pi Anh
Hahaha. Why cant Hun Sen at least find an educated CPP dog to debate with us here in KI-media. Why does the Khmer Rouge Hun Sen find all these mad dogs from Vietnam.
shut the fuck up!A Pi Anh 1:25 PM son of the bitch! get out of hehre motherfucker . Me Mem Son On vc bitch need you to poke her pussy ok? motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker !PHU NIA MA! PHU NI MA!
Ka Ji TO To TO ! Tiu Ni Ma !
Ka Hay Tai Tai ! DO Ma May !
Ka Lon Bu Bu ! Do Ma May An Con
Kat Cho Chi Minh!!!!!!!!!!!
Mare Pi Anh hunsen dick suker!1
អា Pritheaចោរ CHEA SOPHORN aka SAPHON NHEL,អាកញ្ជះយួន (CPP) នៅ Montréal,
និយាយធ្វើជាសំដីទន់-សម្លេងតិច-ពិរោះពិសារ-ពិសពុល-ពុតពេកក្រៃ !ច្រើនចង់ចេញមុខ,ចេញមាត់..,ជាអ្នករកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតចងការប្រាក់នៅតែ Casino Montréal,Québec.Canada ខ្ចីលុយអោយខ្មែរណាដែលអស់លុយ-ចាញ់ល្បែងស៊ីសង ។មុខរបរមិនពិតប្រាកដ-កំពុងបោកបញ្ឆោតខ្មែរតាំងខ្លួនបន្លំជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ-អ្នកជាតិនិយម.....អ្នកជួយជាតិ...។ល។
ឃើញតែប្រមូលលុយខ្មែរៗយកទៅ ជួយនេះ-ជួយនោះ ???នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ...ចុះឡើងស្រុកខ្មែរញយដង????- បើខ្មែរយើងនិយាយប្រឆាំង និងអាយួនទេប វង់(ទេព វង្ស)អាសង្ឃក្លែងក្លាយ ជាសង្ឃឥតសីលវិន័យធម៌-អាសង្ឃ ៧ មករា- អាសង្ឃឃាតករ- អាសង្ឃភេរវករ-អាសង្ឃបួសស៊ីបាយយប់-អាសង្ឃបួសលេងស្រី-អាសង្ឃបួសផឹកស្រា-អាសង្ឃបួសមានអង្គរក្ស ឆ្វេងស្តាំ យើងនិយាយប្រឆាំងមិនបានទេ....
វាជួយការពារឲ្យអាសង្ឃចោរតិរច្ឆាន CPP យួន (TEP VONG)នេះណាស់..គាំទ្រនិងគោរពស្រលាញ់អាប្រែតសង្ឃនេះគឺអាចោរយួនទេព វង្ស របស់អាហ៊ុន សែន !ជននេះតែងនិយាយដដែលៗថា:
ខ្លួនខ្ញុំសព្វថ្ងៃមិនថាបក្សណាជាបក្សណាទេ អោយតែខ្មែរគឺចូលទាំងអស់...
ខ្ញុំមិនជេរទេបក្សប្រជាជនក៏ជាខ្មែរ....និយាយមាយាធ្វើកលដូចជាមិនដឹងថាបក្សប្រជាជនជាបក្សអាយ៉ងយួនហាណូយ - ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ជាតិ -ក្រុមអាយ៉ងលក់ទឹកដី........ធ្វើបាបរឹបអូសយកដីធ្លី,ឈូសឆាយផ្ទៈសម្បែងនិងបាញ់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរចោលជាបន្តបន្ទាប់......
តើអាចោរកញ្ជះយួន, អាបិសាចអត់ស្រមោល,
ជា នរណា ?
ជា អ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ ?
ជា អ្នកស្នេហា $$$$$$$$$$$ ឬ ?
ក៏ជា KGB យួន ?
ចំពោះ ក្រុមបដិវត្ដន៍ ផ្កាឈូក, ក្រុមខ្មែរម្ចាស់ស្រុក និង
សូមប្រយ័ត្នកុំជឿក្រុមអាក្តសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អាមេគ្រោះនេះអោយសោះ។
ព្រោះអាក្តសាយ សារ៉ាត អាមេរកស៊ីទុច្ចរិតនៅ Cranston RI , អាយួនគីម ធឺម (KIM THOMAS) និយាយខ្មែរដូចយួនច្រៀង នៅ WA, State,
និង អាជើងកែក (ដំណើរក្អែក) ក្បាលទំពែក ដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត
ប៊ូ ជឿន ភ្នំសំពៅ
ប្រពន្ធផិតប្ដី ប្ដីផិតប្រពន្ធ នៅ South Phila, PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :
ICC ក្បាលអាចម៍ឆ្កែនែ ឈប់ដើរបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរទៀតទៅ !
មានលុយប៉ុន្មានចង់ទៅ ICC នោះបើមានសមាជិក
សុទ្ធតែអ្នកដេកស៊ីលុយឆ្កួត និង អ្នកប្រមឹកស្រវឹងខួប
ពន្លឺ អាទិត្យា
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