Saturday, May 19, 2012

On Mr. Mam Sonando - Opinion by Khmer Guardian


Anonymous said...

One thing that bothered me the most is that when Khmer people complained about the influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia, Mam Sonando has always told our people to stop complaining by saying that Vietnamese are people too. They will move to a place that gives them a better living, while Khmer people keep moving out of Cambodia contending that they cannot survive by staying inside Cambodia..

Mam Sonando continued: Vietnam ham 93 million people, not 80 million. So they need place to live.

Mr. Sonando,
Should those Vietnameses reduce their fucking, using some pills to control the population? or keep fucking and let their people take over Cambodia? What is your answer?

I want to ask Mam Sonando:
How many people does China have? Over 1600 millions.
So, in your (Sonando) opinion, China needs to take all of Vietnam land because China has 1600 million, not 1300 millions..
Will Vietnam allow China to take its land? I don’t think so.

I think Mam Sonando has spread some wrong message to Khmer people and I am so skeptical about Mam Sonando’s ulterior motive concerning his unrelenting assault and insult on the opposition parties.

We know the Hun Shit government is a puppet of Vietnam. They just followed Vietnam’s orders.

Mr Sonando should know that only Khmer people that have the capability to stop those Vietnameses from coming in at will.
Up to now, the Vietnamese keep coming in because they don’t have a major conflict with Khmer people thanks partly to Mr. Sonando’s help.

What happens after those Vietnameses move in and they fight with Khmer people and a lot of people dies, for example 10,000 dies?
This kind of incident will prompt the expansionist Vietnam to think twice before pushing its people to move in more to Cambodia because that event will expose Vietnam’s colonialism over Cambodia to the world.

Anonymous said...

I am start getting sick with Mam Sonando's message.

Anonymous said...

What questions would any one want to ask if a face-to-face meeting with Sonando were to take place now?

Don't be shy! List them all out please?

Thx a million!!!

Can either Heng Soy or anybody on KI-Media staff post this please? Thx.

Anonymous said...


>With Money you can buy an iPhone5, but alot of TONE ringing!
>With Money You can buy Celebrate, but not decorate!
>With Money you can buy a Drink, but not a Dream!
>With Money you can buy a House, but not a Shack!
>With Money you can buy a Clock, but not Time!
>With Money you can buy a Bed, but not Sleep!
>With Money you can buy a Book, but not Knowledge!
>With Money you can Employ(buy) a Doctor, but not Health!
>With Money you can buy a Position, but not Respect!
>With Money you can buy Blood, but not Life!
>With Money you can buy BMW, but not Bike!
>With Money you can buy Honey, but not Sweety!
>With Money you can buy Sex, but not Love!
>With Money you can buy Love, but not Last!


Jerry the mouse

Anonymous said...

12:20 AM

Could you please read 11:28 PM comment and produce some questions from it?
It seems like that comment covered some problems that were generating by Mam Sonando.

Anonymous said...

Que fait les autres leaders ? Hun Sen a donné la terre et mer Khmer aux Youns. En plus, Il aide aux immigrés à installer confortablement dans notre pays. Les Khmers vivent dans misère jour et nuit dans leur propre pays. C'est une haute trahison pour la nation toute entière.

Par ailleurs, Kem SOkha, Mam Sonando et Suon Serey Rotha occupent 3 fonctions différentes, bien qu'ils œuvrent vers le même objectif qui est le monopoliser les forces vives de l'opposition.

Anonymous said...

Dîtes-moi franchement ce que vous voulez dire dans la dernière partie de votre commentaire ci-dessous, SVP?



Anonymous said...

"bien qu'ils œuvrent vers le même objectif qui est le monopoliser les forces vives de l'opposition."

Anonymous said...

put this trouble maker guy in jail for life ... let him be a hero in prison.. F.U

Anonymous said...

i don't think khmer people are stupid, i think they are too traditional, too conservative, too religious, etc... they tend to stick more with culture, tradition; whereas other racist don't focus too much energy on tradition, culture, or etiquette, etc. for me, what is patriotic is khmer language, khmer identity, but not so much culture, tradition, customs and etiquette, etc... khmer people who other people perceived as "lazy", "stupid", etc are actually leaning more toward tradition or culture or customs and etiquette as that is more important to them than anything else, you know. that doesn't make them wrong or lazy or stupid like other labeled them, it just mean, they are different. get used to it, we are all different people from all walks of life. cambodia is different, alright. actually khmer people can be very aggressive and competitive as well, just we tend to do it more on a need basis than practice that as a daily habit or what have you, really. why can't other people accept cambodia being different? why cambodia has to be like them? any good explanation for that? khmer people beg to be different of course. nothing wrong with that, really! get used to it, ok! cambodia is cambodia and is different from youn or what have you, ok! learn to live with that, ok! you stay in your lane, i'll stay in my lane, then we're fine with each other, just don't start intruding into khmer lane or you are asking for trouble, ok!

Anonymous said...


សូមកុំសូវជឿអាក្តសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អាមេគ្រោះនេះអោយសោះ។

ព្រោះអាក្តសាយ សារ៉ាត អាមេទុច្ចរិតនៅ RI , អាយួនគីម ធឺម (KIM THOMAS) នៅ WA,
និង អាប៊ូ ជឿន ភ្នំសំពៅនៅ PA
វាបានឡូឡាថា :

SUCKER=អាប៊ូ ជឿន

Anonymous said...


សូមកុំជឿអាក្តសួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អាមេគ្រោះនេះអោយសោះ។

ព្រោះអាក្តសាយ សារ៉ាត អាមេទុច្ចរិតនៅ RI , អាយួនគីម ធឺម (KIM THOMAS) នៅ WA,
និង អាជើងកែក (ដំណើរក្អែក) ក្បាលទំពែក ប្រពន្ធផិតប្ដី ប្ដីផិតប្រពន្ធ ប៊ូ ជឿន ភ្នំសំពៅ
នៅ PA វាបានឡូឡាថា :

SUCKER=អាប៊ូ ជឿន

Anonymous said...

I become dislike ah mom sonando now. I use to call him lok lok but now ah ah...


Anonymous said...

What ah boaster mom sonando doing?
I'm not going to waste my money helping this shit anymore.


Anonymous said...

ការសង្ឃឹមអំពីជ័យជម្នៈរបស់គណបក្ស សម រង្សី គឺជាការសង្ឃឹមខ្យល់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ! ពួកនេះសុទ្ធតែជាពួកកាន់មាត់បាវអោយចោរនិងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន! ហើយពួកប្រឆាំងទាំងនេះគឺគ្មានបំណងធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដទេ។

Keo Cham said...

piak ancheng to chua del! words like these you believe is Mr. Sonando?

The Khmer Guardian taking cheap shots at someone who is truly trying to help Khmer raise their political awareness.

It makes me wonder, if Khmer Guardian is a bit overzealous, or Hun Sen tool themselves.

Forcing such hateful words into a character you don't know personally and inciting others to do the same is shameful.

Mr. Mom Sonando is a public figure, makes himself available, and freely invite any Khmer who wish to join to come and speak or ask question.

So why attack him on the Internet and not go talk with him personally?

Sonando is a feeble old man, who is reasonable, practical, and patriotic.

Don't let a few extremist like the Khmer Guardian people color all your political views, judge things for yourself once you know it yourself.

For now, there is no need to accuse or label the Khmer Guardian as some entity that is trying to break trying to break Khmer community, let's give the Guardian the benefit of the doubt that it's misleading people based on its own ignorance rather than intentional.

Anonymous said...

Dear all Khmer,
Be careful with Mam Sonando, Suon Serei Rotha, they are all vietnamese slave ! who else ? Ask Meach Sovannarah, the Khmer post radio.