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Princess Soma Norodom’s new column will cover pressing issues that others are afraid to bring up. Photograph: Chhim Sreyneang/Phnom Penh Post |
Diana Montaño
The Phnom Penh Post
Barely two years since returning to Cambodia after her family’s 1975 exile to the United States, Princess Soma Norodom has already made a splash in her native Phnom Penh.
On any given night, the outgoing California-raised royal is just as likely to be found mingling with the Kingdom’s elite at a posh wedding, as she is grooving to hip-hop at Riverhouse or speaking passionately against US deportations at an activist gathering.
She’s everywhere.
And now, Phnom Penhites can expect to see a little more of the socialite princess with the launch of her new weekly column, “The Social Agenda”, which debuts this Friday in The Phnom Penh Post’s English and Khmer versions.
The column will deal with social issues close to the royal’s heart, including wealth disparities, the health and education systems and human trafficking.
The self-dubbed “Royal Rebel”, who graduated with a degree in journalism from California State University, says she wants to “push the edge” of what Cambodian royals are expected to do and say.
“I’m going to speak my mind about certain taboo topics that other people don’t want to talk about because they don’t want to lose their title, their job, their car, their villas,“ she says.
In 2010, Soma left a flourishing broadcast news career in the US to return to Phnom Penh and care for her ailing father, Prince Norodom Vatvani, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force.
From 2010 until this February, she hosted PUC Radio Talk Show, the first English-language programme of its kind in the Kingdom, where she interviewed more than 180 guests from all walks of life – an experience she says gave her a grasp of the myriad of social issues facing the country, despite the fact that she didn’t grow up here.
The purple and gold colour scheme of her column’s logo, in case anyone was wondering, is a tribute to her favourite basketball team – the LA Lakers.
Soma hopes the unique perspective of a socially-engaged royal raised abroad will shed new light on pressing issues.
“Though I am Khmer, I am considered an outsider looking in,” says the Cambodian-American princess. “But you always need an outsider’s point of view.”
She emphasizes that the point isn’t to create controversy or point fingers, but to create dialogue.
“You can talk all about these issues but you can also come up with resolutions,” she says, adding that she hopes to highlight companies or organisations doing positive things.
The socialite has big plans for the coming months – she is set to host the June 9 TEDxPhnomPenh forum, and will be Cultural Ambassador of the “Our City” cultural festival in late September, experiences which will likely make it to Royal Rebel column.
And, if readers are lucky, she might just reveal her greatest royal secret – the location of the best fried chicken spot in Phnom Penh.
Soma, why don't you get Pékina to work with you too?
This bitch is a joke just like any Norodom!
6:45 PM
Pekina is an educated woman and is very humble one too. She does not care she is a real princess, but just a normal employee who dedicates to her job. Furthermore she is trying to win public recognition. She is titled HH (Her Highness), because her father is a son of the Monarch, and his titled is HRH (His Royal Highness).
Soma may be (just may be) a distant relative to the monarch and she has no title whatsoever. Her name is not even listed in the world royal record.
Not sure is she is really Norodom or not.
6:45 PM
Pekina is an educated woman and is very humble one too. She does not care she is a real princess, but just a normal employee who dedicates to her job. Furthermore she is NOT trying to win public recognition. She is titled HH (Her Highness), because her father is a son of the Monarch, and his titled is HRH (His Royal Highness).
Soma may be (just may be) a distant relative to the monarch and she has no title whatsoever. Her name is not even listed in the world royal record.
Not sure is she is really Norodom or not.
Princess Kanduoy Mer Vear !!
Knhom Yuon Heuy Nouv Ter Princess Tiet.
Princesse amongst the dogs.
Thork Teap Mern Kaun Mi Chor Oss Niss !!
Soma is a smart woman, she is targets a deportation issue to make her name known.
Rootsweb may have to look and investigate over to find out who is really Soma Norodom. If Rootsweb has all facts, Soma Norodom will be listed among Khmer Royal Families if she is really a princess, if not her name will never be listed as one.
From my opinion I believe she is Norodom but a distant one. She has no title nor she is a princess. Soma Norodom has a title of Lady Soma Norodom but she is not a princess.
10:40 PM
You should not display your so low character like that. If you are a Khmer with some sort of class not a barbarian like, then write a little bit civilize, can you?
This woman (Soma Norodom) did not sell the country to Yuon. She shows no favoratism toward CPP who sold Khmer land to Yuon, but a helper toward the deportees only.
10:40 PM
Mech kor preu samdei thork-tiep like ah pourk Hun Xen? S'ey kor ott pouch ott ambo m'less?
The word you used demonstrate who you are, and you are below pourk ah Hun Xen, worse than shit.
អ្វីក៏ព្រៃផ្សៃម្លេះ គាត់នេះក៏ជាស្រីខ្មែរ
ដូចប្អូនស្រី ឬ ម្ដាយអ្នកឯង ដែរទេតើ
បើឯង ជេរគាត់ ខ្ញុំថាម្ដាយអ្នកឯង សំផឹងវិញ
សប្បាយណាស់មែនទេ ?
បងគេ បងឯង គាត់មានដែលសំឡាប់នរណា ?
10:40 PM
Yuon and Barang (French) said that Khmers are barbarians not civilized, and may be what they said was true. Because the old Khmers like yourself pushed Khmers to be known as barbarians.
I am Khmer new generation, and my generation are civilized people, so you need to polish your words before you write or talk.
About Neak Neang Soma Norodom, she is not a princess. But if she wants to be known as a princess, eh, that is her right. Let her be.
I hate to say it 11:36 PM,
By looking at the way you sounded in your first 3 lines of comments, I don't think you are that much different from the rest...anything personal 11:36 PM, maybe?
it's always good to see more, educated new generation of young khmer people helping and contributing to making a real, lasting difference in our country cambodia, really. everyone can help, you know. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.
Princess Soma Norodom please go away.
I hate king and queen. especiall Norodom
You are a stupid person. You said that You want to help people?
You fought for the gangsters' deportation so they can come back to kill and rob their own people in America.
Stupid Norodumb Soma.
Princess Soma Norodom is relating to King Norodom, then she should be try under the court of law for the 3 millon people death, too.
11:45 PM
O:) What is OAS?
well, it is sort of in the elitist culture in cambodia, especially poltical people to exploit all type of situations and cases, etc, even the criminals who were being deported to fight for them. that way, the elitist will be recognized for their work in society. i think it's not a unique case at all, you know. as for me, i could careless with those criminals, who robbed, killed people and violated the law numerous times before they are being deported back to where they came from because nothing will change them and they are a danger to society and a burden to the tax payers in america, you know. i'm talking about criminals, ok! maybe from the perspective of the defense lawyer, even criminals have rights? well, in america, anything is positive because america is a great country, the best on earth in terms of justice, rights, law, the economy, etc, etc, you know. anyway, perhaps cambodia can learn from america and adopt a few things here and there from america so people in cambodia can learn as well, really.
who cares. people are individual. treat everyone as an individual, ok! as individual, we are all different, you know.
12:22 AM
Leave Soma alone, people.
Yes Soma related to King Norodom, but not Sihanouk Norodom. She defends the deportees (former gangsters) not the poor Khmers who evicted from their homes by CPP.
Hello KI gangs,
Soma (SN) competes with Theary (TS) to have her name known. TS is known through her infamous dart game, and SN will soon beat TS with her deportees (former gangsters)'s case.
Then who is the best woman in Cambodia after all? MP Mu Sochua, yep.
I am a jey vormen great.. great grandson... i don't even care about my role... why are these bitches norodom try to have a recognition?
can't blame soma, she's an offspring of the norodom's many concubines in those days, you know. yes, in the olden days, the khmer royal family did have a lot of wives or concubines, thus they produce all kinds of children whether legitimate or bastard, they are all the royal children from the norodom and some from the sisawath branch as well. did you know that. in those days, the king have many many wives do his children are all princes and princesses. i have nothing again ms soma, just wanted to point that out, that's all. and i don't know about defending the criminals. if i were her, i'd leave that job of the defense lawyer, really. anyway, yes, the royal family is interesting, i.e., they had wives and concubines in those days and produce lots of children as a result of that. and soma is one of those product, indeed. don't hate her, she's just a young, innocent children of that offspring, really.
Mu sochua is the best chinese woman try to have a role in cambodia,dumb ass! the best woman of all is yeay ourn, sa la la.
norodom is so ugly but sisowath is better.....the handsome royal of all are jey vorman.....tall big muscle...boldness...genius. The whole bunches of these kompuch thork teap royal... nothing but destructive royal to the country. dumb ass!!!!
yes, this is interesting. yes, i agree that lady soma is more appropriate for her, not princess. from what i know is the norodom but a distant one that is. her father was the son of lord norodom montana. his sister was lady norodom ramrin. well, the point is she is related to the norodom alright, but a very distant one at that. so her title as "lady" soma is more appropriate than "princess". i think the title princess and prince should be reserved for the immediate royal family, not the distant one in khmer culture and tradition, really. so, she should be called lady soma, not princess soma because her father was not the king, so can't use the princess or prince title. like i said, even royal have rules and law about their royal title, really. otherwise, everyone will be princesses and princeses just because they are a very distant relation, etc, really. please use the proper title for the royal family and their distant relatives, etc...
I know nothing about lady Soma and her back ground, but if she is willing to fight for justice for the Khmer people, I definitly willing to support her. People tend to reveal their class level when they starting to use vulger language by cursing using derogatory language about other that they don't even know. Please be a little more curtis and refain yourself becuase using such language do nothing, but allowing other to judge you, if you don't respect other atleast you should respect yourself.
Soma: you need to break away Nararidth piece of shit! Or if you can change your last from Norodom to something else, Sisowath or normal Khmer last name.
3:04 AM correction change your last name from Norodom .....
12:25 AM,
OAS stands for "Old As Shit",
an acronym using by Doctor's office to track some of those old farts...for various reasons...
You don't hear it from me...ok?
If I have my way? There will be no more monarchist in this world.
For, they are the greed the scum's of the universe.
After all, all human being are created equal.
Jerry from Niagara Falls CAVE
How do we know that she's; herself didn't get deported? I don't see any logical reason that would valid her decissions to be so interested in Cam-American deportee. As anyone can see, nothing good ever came out of Cali. That's to include the Lakers.
Really? Fighting for deportation? You were right! You really are, outside looking in.
I hope you fall, Jerry in Niagara!!!!
Khmer new generations never need
monarchy or king families.
Cambodians must wipe monarchy.
She can anywhere in the world,
including Cambodia and live as
Khmer citizens.
Mr.Sisovath Sirimattak had done
a good model.
All Khmer anywhere can call her,
Miss Soma Norodom.She can keep her
name what she wants.
Soma, are you the daughter of Norodom Baley ?? If yes, Norodom Baley and your Mom were a very good family. He was a Military Attached at Lackland AFB when I was trained there in 1973.If yes, I remember that I knew you and your brother since you were a cute little girl.
Please response.
The actual royals are descendants of the usurpateurs who killed the real king in 14th century. From that date the khmer empire declined. The actual royals are not related to our god kings Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII...this is history facts!
the royal family of cambodia should try to trace their family tree back to the angkor dynasty, i think. it would be interesting for people to know the royal family tree going back to the beginning of our khmer civilization and khmer nation in the dawn of time, really. i think if someone research thoroughly enough, the royal family could trace their ancestors back to the beginning of cambodia a nation, really. remember the early khmer monarchs often use the sanskrit suffix "varman" at the end of their royal names. they stopped doing that when the angkor dynasty came to an end in the late 15th century when cambodia entered the dark ages era until the french colonist took over. hey, history is very interesting, no bias or prejudice is intended, really.
12:51 AM
Madame Mu Sochua is more Khmer than Bun Samhieng (Hun Xen's wife) who has a big swollen face with too much Botox.
Don't try to put down a Khmer woman leader, you won't make it.
7:52 AM (kravann)
I read her Blog, she wrote her father name Norodom Vatvani. I found one Norodom Vatvani, a son of Norodom Montana. But Vatvani has no children nor wife. And the name Soma is not listed in Khmer Royal family members.
oh yeah, we need new khmer kid in the block from hanoi.
8:43 AM
Suryavarman II built so many monuments and temples for himself and his family members. Preah Vihear was built and he dedicated it to his mother. Thousand topless women displayed on the wall for him. He was good in building, but he was bad when come to lead campaigns against enemies. Jayavaraman 7 was a Javanese from Java, he claimed to have Kambuja's blood. He too built more monuments, and had a large land. But he too failed to build a strong defense for future generation.
The empire declined since his son in law Jayavaraman 8 took the throne, and his own son also failed miserably.
Yes one good thing Jayavaraman 7 created a better government than the past Kings and the land expanded adjacent to China.
I still condemned all Varaman Kings who were so wealthy but failed to build a strong defense for Cambodia. Jayavaraman 7 was also a usurper.
Dumbass ignorant, i have never heard about jayavarman 8. J7 was succeded by Indravarman 2. You think that Angkorwat and Preah Vihear built by Suryavarman are useless? Jayavarman 7 was an exiled prince to the Champa Kingdom then came back to kick out the Chams who invaded and sacked Angkor Wat. The decline of khmer empire because of tbe usurpateurs later on. Did you heard about the cucumber gardener? well, he is the ancestor of the actual royals.. Some even spe ulate that the King Father is in deed the son of the royal palace cook.. A real leader and king is the one who fiht and sacrifice for the country. In this view i consider Samdach Hun Sen as the real king while the actuals royals are only full of air...
from what i've read, i believe there was a jayavarman VIII that came to be known as the last angkor king right after jayavarman VII's son, indravarman II deceased. after jayavarman VIII rule, of course chaos follow around the time of ta trasak pa'em legend came in existence. i think tale of ta trasak pa'em around this time marked the end of the great angkor power and entered cambodia's long dark ages up until the king ang doung requested french to protect cambodia from siem and youn power at that time. well, the key in finding out the royal family tree that connect to the true great angkor royal dynasty is to research into the dark ages era of cambodia history when scanted record of the royal chronology existed. but i believer it is existed somewhere. the scholars just have to keep on do research with their studies to find out. i told you, khmer history of cambodia is very interesting, indeed, you know.
the missing link was when cambodia enters the dark ages era. after that, the royal geneology seemed to get blurry, you know.
in fact if you read history, the famous chinese diplomat, chao ta kwan who visited angkor was during the reign of jayavarman VIII towards the end of 1200s. there were foreign challengers at angkor until well into the 1400s when siem looted and invaded angkor i believe sometimes in 1434 or something. the royal chronology only stated the reigning monarch, but rarely their royal relatives, etc. so, what we know were only of the reigning monarchs, but almost never their royal relatives, thus we tend to think there were usurpers, etc to the throne, when perhaps in reality, those so-called usurpers were actually the royal relatives themselves who had to fight their way into power then, i believe. i mean, they have to have a royal line connection for them to become the king or angkor, you know. even the distant connection of line of royal blood counts because they have so many wives, concubines and children, etc, really.
Soma Norodom is a direct descendant of Doung Chacr Norodom, the first son of Norodom 1 who was exiled to Algeria in 1893.
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