Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cambodian opposition seeks unity

By Irwin Loy 
Source: Asian Time

PHNOM PENH - Cambodia's fragmented opposition parties are promising to work together rather than compete against each other for votes in the next election. All it took was another crushing victory at the polls by the country's ruling party. 

Few expected the governing Cambodian People's Party, with Prime Minister Hun Sen at its helm, to lose in nationwide local elections held here June 3. Yet the way in which it won - securing 97% of commune chief seats nationwide - was particularly decisive. 
If the election was a barometer to gauge the political climate ahead of key parliamentary elections scheduled for 2013, then it showed that a great deal of work lies ahead for what is still a divided opposition. 

Just as troubling for the opposition is that more Cambodians than in previous elections are choosing not to vote. Election monitorssay the June election drew roughly 60% of registered voters. This suggests a trend of declining voter turnout, from the 67% that voted in the previous commune elections in 2007, and the 87% who turned up a decade ago. 

The sagging numbers could be hurting the opposition more than the ruling CPP. 

"The CPP know how to motivate their supporters to come to vote," says Thun Saray, president of Adhoc, a local rights group. "They try to facilitate everything for the voters to come to vote." 

While the CPP has controlled the political landscape in Cambodia for the better part of two decades, the two largest opposition groups - the Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party - run separate campaigns even though both promote a similar social justice agenda. 

Saray says sympathetic would-be voters may be choosing to stay home, unable to see a viable alternative to the ruling party in a divided opposition. 

"If they are separate, if they are divided among themselves like this, the voters don't expect to have political change through the election because they already see the results," Saray says. "One big party competes with the two small parties. You see the results." 

Those results saw the Sam Rainsy Party lose ground this month, even in areas where it is traditionally strong, such as the capital, Phnom Penh. At the same time, the Human Rights Party, competing in its first commune elections, walked away with almost as many commune chief seats as the more established SRP. 

Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, says both parties were expecting a larger return at the polls, eager for momentum before next year's important parliamentary elections. Rather than the opposition gaining ground, however, the CPP merely cemented its dominance. 

Virak says the results should come as a wake-up call to the opposition. He says the parties should join forces or merge if they have any hope of mounting a significant challenge to the CPP next year. 

"Smart politicians will definitely consider that and look at that option," Virak says. "That's probably the best option for them now." 

The parties have floated the idea of a merger before , but failed to hammer out a deal before the election. The HRP's performance this month may give it an added bargaining chip. 

In an interview, party president Kem Sokha said the low voter turnout this election is a concern. He says the two opposition parties need to cooperate "for the sake of the Cambodian people."
"For us, we want to merge into one political party," Sokha says. "Because if we remain separate, with separate voter lists, different political parties, we cannot combine our votes together against the ruling party." 

The SRP, for several years the clearest opposition to CPP rule in Cambodia, appears to be more amenable to the idea than in the past. Party leader Sam Rainsy remains in self-exile in Europe after fleeing prosecution for incitement that was widely seen as politically motivated. In a telephone interview after the election, Rainsy said his goal is to "unite all the opposition forces". 

The two parties plan to meet for discussions in July. But whether all the personalities can co-exist is a question mark. Rainsy, for his part, appears eager to remain the opposition figurehead. 

"I don't say if. I say when I return, inevitably in the near future, the potential of the SRP will come back," Rainsy says. "If some voters were demotivated because of my being absent, when I return, my name is going to mobilize people." 

Before the opposition can mount a united campaign going into next year's elections, it will have to find a compromise among its own ranks. That, says the CCHR's Ou Virak, will be no less of a challenge. 

"It's so difficult to get these two parties to be strategic," Virak says. "Most of them believe they'd rather see the other parties, the other politicians, just vanish, and not participate. I don't see them being able to actually overcome this. I think it's going to be very difficult." 

Either way, much would have to change in the next 13 months for the CPP to relinquish its dominance over Cambodian politics. 

In the June election, opposition parties attempted to exploit growing discontent around controversial land evictions. A series of violent publicized evictions before the vote left the government open to criticism. 

Yet while the SRP and HRP's social justice platforms may speak to human rights concerns and the increasing number of Cambodians affected by land disputes, the election results showed that many more Cambodians are just as willing to park their votes with a government that has overseen steady economic growth and relative stability following years of war. And that may be something even a united opposition will have difficulty overcoming. 


Anonymous said...

the stupid, incompetent, ignorant, discriminatory, biased, outdated thinking racist, extremist, ineffective opposition can't even united among themselves, how could they united and lead cambodia? we'll have to see how long they can last with all this commotion. only time will tell. plus the only thing in their political agenda is their youn paranoia, nothing else; we'll have to see how many people they can make gullible to support them. perhaps they can win a few support from their ignorant, uneducated, stupid people they wanted to keep ignorant and stupid so they can boss them or control them like their past ancestors did just that. i told you, the oppositon is not smart, very ineffective, and very incompetent. after all, they ran away and hide and live and work overseas, yet they failed to learn from the world by clinging on to their racism. how ironic because if the EU and america were racist like them, they would not be welcomed there, and yet they don't see that and learn from that. instead, they are extremely racist and most of them are uneducated and live off of others. and they took with them a lot of mental instability, inconfidence and all those unwanted traits because they experienced culture shock, different life in their new home and they miss home, but they are still stupid and ignorant because they cannot rid of their old, bad attitude, etc, you know. i think their leaders and people need to stay in school and learn from american schools on politics, philosophy, geography, psychology, sciences, anthropology, medicine, agriculture, economy, business, biology, etc, etc, really. most of their member probably didn't go to school to learn about the world, instead, they live inside their dark hole and they wanted to come back to cambodia to lead cambodia? i don't think cambodia want them unless they are qualified in their own rights and meet the requirements that cambodia set for all candidates leadership, etc, you know. well, some of them are educated, but most of them aren't. what is that with them about being extremist racist? maybe their attitude got in the way of their clear, logical, educated thinking, etc, you know. i think they need a new paradigm shift from their old, outdated, dark age mentality, really. anyway, cambodia would be a better country for all if people are better educated about the country and the world as well, you know. i say it's time for cambodia to wake up and see the world. of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really. god bless my country cambodia.

if they opposition cannot take criticism, they are really stupid beyond repair, really. of course criticism goes both ways, really. so stop being biased, prejudice, stupid, ignorant, evil, selfish, greedy, bad attitude and so forth, ok! the world is bigger than your osyster, ok! wake up already,ok!

Anonymous said...

i wonder these self-proclaimed leaders what is their biography like? what education level they have? they life experience they have, what's their professional background is like? i think khmer people need to ask these questions to pick the right people for the job because it should be based on their own qualification and that they should meet the minimum requirement, etc... i bet most people don't be know whether these people are qualified or not and yet they represent them? i would ask that they give their personal biography, their achievement, their community service, their good merit, etc, before people pick them to represent the country, etc. if they fail to give their personal biography, that means, they may not be qualified for their position, really.

Anonymous said...

privilege and connection alone should not give these self-proclaimed people the right to call themselve leaders. they should show their biography which should give people an idea who they are, and what they do and what education they got, life experience, life achievement, etc, etc, really. so far, most people don't know anything about these so-called leader(s). cambodia should make a new law to require all potential leadership to reveal with personal biography so people can know about them. otherwise, you have some crazy individuals somewhere where they don't belong, you know. leaders set out among the rest, and they should be ethical, professional, educated and all that good qualities as leader that people can look up to, not some felon, ignorant, stupid, uneducated, primitive, psychotic, mentally unstable individual to be their leader, you know. perhaps this is another reforms cambodia must look into in choosing the leader for the country, etc, really.

Anonymous said...

Who could be worse than the CPP leader dictator Hun Sen. Every time Hun Sen makes public speeches he issues threat of violence and death threats against the opposition and innocent citizens. This is a biography of a dictator Hun Sen with the backing of the doggy Vietcongs in Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

He is not only the dictator like Gadaffi or Saddam Hussen, but he was the also former Killer in the Pol Pot regime. Do you you all believe he don't do like the past? For me he is just Cher Kan Touy Kwean only.

Anonymous said...

ការប្រកាសថាចង់រួមគ្នារបស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងធំទាំងពីរនេះវាគ្រាន់តែជាឈុតល្ខោនមួយឈុតទៀតសម្រាប់លែងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ បើទោះបីជាពួកគេបានគ្រាប់ភ្នែកនិងបើកភ្នែកឃើញយួនហូរចូលក្នុងប្រទេសខ្មែររាប់លាននាក់ក៏ដោយ។ មេទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះគឺជាមេដែលគ្មានយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីសម្រាប់ការផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដ ហើយនៅចង់ត្រឹមតែជាអ្នកកំដរបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចចារៀងរហូត។

Anonymous said...

Go home to Hanoi now you Viet/Yuon troller @11:34PM, 12:04 AM, and 12:13AM!

Stop sabotageing Khmer now you Viet/Yuon troller @11:34PM, 12:04 AM, and 12:13AM!!!

Anonymous said...

Join បុំាងតោ កាត់ក្បាល ពពួក អា​ Viet/YUON trollers on KI-Media!


Anonymous said...

Obviously, a Hun Zen advisor who got his degree from the Philippines and 3 Ph.Ds in Cambodia which only took him 2 years to obtain and only showing up for test days managed to learn how to use the thesaurus dictionary and ranted of a blog of criticisms against the opposition crushing defeat of by the CPP. To my amazement is how he managed to write a whole page of ranted criticisms using by two focal points: stupidity and incompetency.
When I was in Cambodia, I ran into many of these people who claimed to be so smart and educated, Cambodia’s best and brightest but would have a hard time matching wits and knowledge with middle school students in the United States. The scary part is that they are advising the leaders of Cambodia. Cambodia will always be a sideshow freak, and I’m just sadden by those wasted talents who can’t get out and all the innocent children who have to born into such incompetency by the ruling kleptocrats.

Anonymous said...

If those 2 parties could merge, it will be good for Cambodia.

My opinion was that the HRP should not have created in the first place because it has the same policy as the SRP.

However, we need to go forward and try to solve the present problem: combine the 2 parties to last indefinitely.

Here is my suggestion:

Try to anticipate any possible tricks that Vietnam and CPP (C Porng Party) will throw at you.
Try to list all possible problems that Vietnam and CPP will pose to the new coalition. This way, both parties will not be surprised when the CPP and Vietnam bring the problem to your face and stop casting doubt on each other.

Of course, there must be some “real spies” that will eventually surface in the new coalition. Try to expel them with the approval from both parties.

Act maturely by sincerely tell each other about the CPP new tricks and maneuverings.

Always try to mitigate any problems that come up.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

តើអាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ២:០៥អេអឹម (2:05AM)ឯងចង់និយាយថាមិច ហ្នឹង និយាយ
អោយស្រួលបួល អោយអញ
ស្ដាប់បានផងមើលអា ចុយម្រ៉ាយ?

[What the fuck is you mother fucker @2:05AM talking about?
Can you mother fucker put it in a better way so I can understand you mother fucker too?]

Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

shut up already, ok! every country on earth has different requirements in their school system. in america, they required so much like taking tests, etc in order to enter the american colleges and universities, you know. of course, to be fair not the whole world can speak english, really. so, tone down your crazy criticism about how people got their education, etc, ok. don't you people know that every country in the country have different system of education, etc? if the entire world to have the same standard as in america, why don't someone like you advocate one gov't, one system, etc throughout the entire world, not have no country currencies, so many countries, so many languages, so much culture, etc, etc? why not make the entire world into one system so every country will operate on the same system, etc, really? if not, stop whining nonstop as if your mother is dead here, there or anywhere, ok! get used to it, it's called diversities in our world. stop comparing where people got their college degree or whatever, ok. we are all different in many ways. some people are doctors,lawyers, teachers, etc, some are cook, cleaners, trash collectors, etc. everyone's job is unique and necessary, if you expect the entire world to be the same, not only it's your fantasy, it's ludicrous and illogical. so stop looking down on people who happened to like things differently or have different jobs, etc, ok! if the entire world is the same, it would be one boring planet, really. diversity is much better, if you ask me, really, ok! stop whining, ok!

sometime one can be a doctor, but compare to the one who can cook, can the doctor cook well? my point, is we all good at something, so stop looking down on other people just because they do things differently from you, ok! that's all! don't be stupid and ignorant forever, ok! it's not about you, really!

Anonymous said...

តើអាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ៧:២៤អេអឹម (7:24AM)ឯងចង់និយាយថាមិច ហ្នឹង និយាយ
អោយស្រួលបួល អោយអញ
ស្ដាប់បានផងមើលអា ចុយម្រ៉ាយ?

[What the fuck are you mother fucker @7:24AM talking about?
Can you mother fucker put it in a better English so I can understand you mother fucker too?]

Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

This reply to 7:24 AM -

Nobody look down on Khmer people except you, who start all the bush-shit stories re. opposition parties and other people. So next time think before you start writing all these ignorant comments. Also, on your post @ 12:13 AM, re. connection alone should not consider a leader.
You're right about that, but make sure you tell CPP party about your all your comments, you never know, you might get a job!

Anonymous said...

If you want to win CPP, join party must be superior.
1. Party's Name
You they put Cambodian People Part, you can put something like" Serving Cambodian Party"
2. Party's Logo,
CPP put Tevdha, You put Preh In
3. Policy
If CPP said "None Cambodian will die from Hunger (ort bay).
Your can say " None Cambodian will die from Nutrient insufficient."

Just being superior in everything...