Saturday, June 09, 2012

Golden memories . . . [Freedom from Bondage! Reunification of All Khmers!]

ចំរៀងខ្មែរក្រោម១(KHMER KROM) 

និគមកំពង់ស្ពានវិមានស្រែខ្ញុំ(KHMER KROM)

ចំរៀង២៤ខេត្ត(KHMER KROM) 


Anonymous said...

I would love to give Special honors to our Elite KHMER KROM "MIKE FORCES" who came to help us defending our country from the aggression of the Vietnamese and Vietcongs who were allowed by our GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK to use our territory as their safe haven and sanctuary after they got defeated by Americans during the Vietnam War.
Highly Appreciate for KHMER KROM who sacrified their lives with their great gallantry and uncommon valor.

Anonymous said...

After hearing all this. It makes sense that Viets are not viets, they were once khmer but the viets in the North took them all and trained them to become viets. So, if we fight against them or kill them, aren't we then going to kill one of our own? So, the real issue here is, the North are the ones to blame. but sadly, part of the North also were taken from the Cham, so how can we identify the true Viets killers? the true viets killers then, must the Chinese. Therefore, Chinese are the one to blame for all of this.

Anonymous said...

Perseverance is the key to succeed.

Khmer Krom actions have produced fruitful result already.

The circumstance has favored heavily the Khmer Krom's struggle.

Keep doing until we get an independent state for Khmer Krom.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOK 9:21 AM,
Your own mother is open her pussy for you ! so get your horny KDOR ready for yuor mother

Anonymous said...

7:15 AM
Contrary to the wish of the Khmer Krom, you try to divide the Khmer from Khmer.
You are just stupid and don’t deserve to be a Khmer and not a Khmer Krom.

Anonymous said...

12:43 are you stupid ,ignorant or pretend to be both?
your non senses comment make me go over twice,to get to know that you can t understand what the first comment has stated.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom was a Funan kingdom.
Khmer Krom would be Khmer Krom
first,so later he would be with
Central Khmer any days,any times.

If Khmer all three parts(Khmer in
Thailand,Central Khmer,and Khmer
Krom get united,they would become
another new Khmer empire.

Khmer empire dream will come true.

Anonymous said...

7:15 AM
GOD will never be on your side if you bring evil (Cursing" as your idol to lead you.

In order to defeat the ultimate evils, you or any body must be ultimate good. No cursing no evil mind involved but go straight to your duty if you think you have one.

Right now I see you are not sincere from your heart, but blasphemy. You claimed to be "MIKE FORCES", you will be punished for taking Saint Michael as yourself.

Repent or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

To my Fellow 12:43 PM and12: 15 AM,
What side are you with ? I must be wrong if you siding with GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK you must be VIETCONG and KHMER ROUGE. We were fighting against the well trained and well equipped only North Vietnamese and Vietcong who were fully supported by your GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK , there were no KHMER ROUGE who could stand strongly agaisnt us if again your GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK did not appeal for help from those KHMER ROUGE including HUN SEN and his clans.
KHMER KROM "MIKE FORCES " voluntarily sacrified their young brave lives to save us from your above elements and I was not MIKE FORCES just a KHMER Man who had been viticmized by you and your ALL above clans again incuding your GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK
Good Luck to you forever DEVIL on earth

Anonymous said...

KHMER MIKE FORCES my ass, bunch of gay khmers got dicks in the ass, hahaha. Try to act tough, ya have no dicks and balls, therefore no fuckass forces, pls come sucky sucky me, KHMER KROM MIKE ASS FORCES, lol

Anonymous said...

Yes, you had winessed yourself since KHMER KROM MIKE FORCES got your BLACK STINKY VIETNAMESE ASS in 1970 . Please tell your GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK celebrate his second victory by bringing all his Vietnamese back into Cambodia since 1979.
Just like you have stated if KHMER KROM or KHMER are gay but we do not love t=you BLACK STINLY VIETNAMESE ASS even using our tongues to lick your MOTHER dried pussy.
How about that BLACK ASS HOLE
PS; My sincere apology to my K-I BROTHERS for using these STINKY BLACK ASS to AH YUON DEVIL

Anonymous said...

My Dear 1:53AM , What happen to you my BLACK STINKY VIETNEAMESE ASS , Where are you , STINY VIETNAMESE ASS ! Please come back , do not run ! we need to kick your STINKY ASS

Anonymous said...

Why would Khmer Kroms want to unite with Cambodia and suffer under those kleptocrats in Phnom Penh? wouldn't it be better they form their own free state - start from a clean slate.

Anonymous said...

To 1:15,
Please log on khmerkromfederation or simply just click on the websites of KHMER KROM at your left of the K-I Front page and you could read all their articles.

Anonymous said...

1:25 AM
You are Michael Duong, and the first post was yours too.
You have a reputation of being BAD, low class behavior, and cursing, using vulgar languages is your expertise. You and your crazy nasty sister Sarun Duong are from the same mole.
Robbing Manassas Temple, and self-promoted in KK exile government making way for Yuon to arrest Khmer Krom people because of you, now you lead the demonstration which is fine.

When someone advised you to focus on the main subject that is important to Khmer and Cambodia, and stay away from cursing talking like a Bath Psa, then you went on crazy cursing again.

Are you ah Hun Sen copy cat?

Don't represent Khmers but go on represent your half Yuon and half Khmer, we don't need a low class trash talk like you and Ah Hun Sen in Khmer community.

Don't call us as your fellow.

Anonymous said...

Before I start writing back to you, I would love to ask for forgiveness from my beloved K-I Brothers and please accept my since apology for using obscene words.
AH 4:06AM You must be having a big hang-over from addicted politics, I am not Michael DUONG like AH LOP assumed , I am the one who wrote on 7:15AM, 1: 25AM, 2:04 AM and 11: 32AM and if you want me to use a protocol with polite languages to you and I do not think you deserve as well since you cursed me as BATH PSA as your MOTHER taugh you this unaccepted behavior. I am not a fan of HUN SEN but you called him AH HUN SEN it shows your family back grounds and DNA of your acestors and parents.
If you are NOT drunk , please go back and read my writing on the top of your BLIND EYES Whom I referred to ? I just gave a big appreciation with gratitude to our KHMER KROM "MIKE FORCES " who volunteered to fight against The North Vietnamese and Vietcong in 1970 and again I do not know who you siding with but since you are bias my above writing toward our KHMER KROM " MIKE FORCES" your mother must be an old WHORE of AH GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK who has been triibly and horribly orchestrating the destructions of our KHMER NATION . I do not really want to bring your PRECIOUS MOTHER involved with my conversation but due to Y ou having permanently BRAIN DAMAGED that is why making you confused and LOP, PLEU LNGONG could not identify which one is which?
Enjoy your disability please sit down relax and observe the people around you !
AH NIS PLEU LOP TER KLUON VEA SORS ! Please do not try to be the the TOP since you were born retarded.
All my above those cursings go to you since you do not want me to address to you as MY FELLOW.
GOD DAMNED YOU ASS HOLE and you deserved it Mr. BRAIN DAMAGED and live with your life .

Anonymous said...

11:46 PM

Why didn't you attack me instead of attacking my mother who is not here to defend herself?

I thought only Hun Sen et al. who do that, but you are coming from the same mole. What makes you think that you are Khmer? You may be a Yuon spy who only cause trouble in Khmer community to fight each others.

Deserve or not, you already displayed yourself as a barbarian, how can you become a civilized person? I do not blame your parents for your barbaric behavior, because they didn't create your mind, I condemn you who are a barbarian.