Thursday, June 07, 2012

Human Rights Party stance on merging with Sam Rainsy Party


Anonymous said...

Ah Kim Sokha, he thinks he would win the election, I don't think his party is goinging to win. Ah Kim Sokha does not have much education to run the country.

former KR

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up ! motherfucker ! Son of the Bitch! former KR8:11pm i know for sure You 're Youn Yek kong secret in Kampoucchear. stop making khmer fighting khmer ok?

former VC

Anonymous said...

សូមខ្មែរកុំជឿទៅលើពាក្យកុហក់បោកប្រាស់របស់អាឆ្កែពីរក្បាលនេះគឺអាសម រង្ស៊ី នឹង អាកឹម សុខា តទៅទៀតឧ្យសោះ ។ អាពីរនេះជាឆ្កែបំរើដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់អាមេចោរខ្ញុមយួនឈ្មោះអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ។
បើអាឆ្កែបួនជើងទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះ គឺអាសម រង្ស៊ី នឹង អាកឹម សុខា វាមិនមែនជាឆ្កែរបស់អាខ្វាក់ទេ? ប្រហែលអាខ្ញុមយួនទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះវារួបរួមគ្នាជាគណបក្សតែមួយតាំងតែពីមុនឆ្នាំ២០០៨ហើយ
ដឹងថាចាញ់គេហើយទើបរួបរួមគ្នា ? សួរថាតើរួបរួមគ្នាដើម្បីធ្វើអ្វី ? ការរួបរួមគ្នានេះបានតែមួយដង្ហើមចង្រិតក៏ពាក់មុខខ្លាដាក់គ្នាបែកគ្នារហូតមកដល់ចាញ់ឆ្នោតនៅថ្ងៃទី៣ខែមិថុនា២០១២សើមៗនេះ
ដឹងថាចាញ៉ទៀតហើយ អាឆ្កែទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះតាំងនាំគ្នាស្រែកប្រកូកប្រកាស់រកគញនាទៅវិញទៅមករកការសម្រុះសម្រួលរួបរួមម្តងទៀតហើយ ? សូមខ្មែរតាមដានអាពីរនេះឧ្យជាប់តើរួមគ្នាកើត ឬ មិនកើត ?
បើអាឆ្កែទាំងពីរក្បាលនេះ ជាឆ្កែបំរើរបស់អាហ៊ុន សែនដោយអាហ៊ុន សែន ដាក់អាចម៌ឧ្យវាស៊ីរាល់ថ្ងៃនោះ តើវាអាចរួបរួមគ្នាបានប៉ុន្មានដង្ហើមចង្រិតទៀត ? សូមខ្មែរតាមដានវាឧ្យជាប់ ។ 

Anonymous said...

First, I would like to congratulate your party for winning big in the commune election.

300 more years, your party will get 5% of the vote.

You show that you want to unite with the SRP, which has the same policy as your party.

Instead of joining Sam Rainsy party in the first place, you have created your party just to break the voice of the Sam Rainsy party.

You are simply a selfish bastard that inadvertently serves the CPP and its master Vietnam.

Do you know how many CPP's agents and how many Yuon spies are in your party?

Do you think that after SRP and your party unite, they will be able to withstand the storm create by the CPP and Yuon?

Here is my view of the outcome after the 2 parties unite: they will break up into small pieces after a brief time, maybe 1 year.

The best solution for Cambodia and for Khmer people is to dissolve your party and integrate into the SRP.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kem Sokha,

First, I would like to congratulate your party for winning big in the commune election.

300 more years, your party will get 5% of the vote.

You show that you want to unite with the SRP, which has the same policy as your party.

Instead of joining Sam Rainsy party in the first place, you have created your party just to break the voice of the Sam Rainsy party.

You are simply a selfish bastard that inadvertently serves the CPP and its master Vietnam.

Do you know how many CPP's agents and how many Yuon spies are in your party?

Do you think that after SRP and your party unite, they will be able to withstand the storm create by the CPP and Yuon?

Here is my view of the outcome after the 2 parties unite: they will break up into small pieces after a brief time, maybe 1 year.

The best solution for Cambodia and for Khmer people is to dissolve your party and integrate into the SRP.

Anonymous said...

យួនហាណូយមានទ្រឹស្តីមួយសម្រាប់ប្រយុទ្ធ ះ " នយោបាយ រួមផ្សំ អាវុធ "  . បើគណបក្សទាំងពីរចូលគ្នា គឺអាចមានកំលាំង
នយោបាយ តែខ្វះអាវុធ ធ្វើមេ៉ចទៅបើ កងប្រដាប់អាវុធ នៅខាងគេកាន់កាប់ទាំងស្រុង ? គេអាចបញ្ជូនលោក កឹម សុខា អោយទៅ
រួមគ្នានៅ ប៉ារីស ពេលណាក៏បាន . សង្ឃឹមអីទៅ 23 តុលា ? យូអិន ? ទឹកឆ្ងាយមិនអាចពន្លត់ភ្លើងជិតបានទេ . ខាង អ្នកកាន់
អំណាច មានចិនមួយនៅពាំង ចំណែកពួកលោក"តាពីរ" ដូចជាែតលតោលអត់មេអត់កើយ គ្មានលំនឹង តើ រាស្ត្រទៅជ្រក ពឹងពាក់
លោក ម៉េចកក់ក្តៅទៅ ? សមនឹងលោកពូកែដាក់មេប៉្រូចស្រាប់ផង . និយាយពីរាស្ត្រវិញ 49%នៃអ្នកមានឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោត
ែលងរវល់ពីរឿងនយោបាយ ឈប់លេងបាយឡុកបាយឡជាមួយលោកទៀតហើយ( ព្រោះលោកលេងខូច ដាក់មេប្រូ៉ច )  ដូចនេះ
ទោះបីជាលោកច្របាច់ចូលគ្នាទាល់ចេញអាចម៍ក៏ដោយ ក៏មិនប្រាកដថារាស្ត្របែរត្រឡប់មកខ្វល់ខ្វាយជាមួយលោកដែរ ...

Anonymous said...

You are wrong 11:01 PM.

Dear KI readers

Kem Sokha wanted to join SRP long before he formed his own. But Rainsy listened to one group in his team not to trust Kem Sokha. That group gets along so well with CPP. Rainsy knew it but he did nothing because that group has brought a lot of money to run SRP. The money came from Kith Meng, a right hand adviser of Hun Sen. Hun Sen said he was not worry about the 2 joining together. But in his heart he has been worry, very worry. So he played all kind of games to keep the 2 away from each other.

I met Rainsy in Fresno CA when he visited his supporters here. I asked him “Your excellency, what do you think about Kem Sokha. Is it possible for him to join your party?” He replied “I don’t see he has anything. His idea is good. But he is just talking. I don’t know if he has enough people at the grass roots to support him as he claimed. On the other hand my party is strong now and my ship is going forward. We don’t need any help.” (I swear to god. This is Rainsy’s words replied to me.) Then his words got to Kem Sokha, not by me, by another SRP member in Fresno who is a close friend to Kem Sokha.

Then Kem Sokha had a big view that Rainsy wanted to see his team and his supporters first before he could join him. Kem Sokha thought it was also a good idea because people who did not support SRP or CPP don’t go to vote. He thought he had to gather those people for at least one election first and then join Rainsy. Then he did establish HRP.

After one election in 2008 Kem Sokha rushed to talk to Rainsy about joining. But his team at HRP had a clear guideline for him that the party should not be anyone’s name and the leader has only 2 terms. This is one of the factors that blocked the talk because Rainsy didn’t want that. Another factor is Rainsy still listened to the group that brought the money to the table. Without that big chunk of money SRP will go nowhere. At the same time Hun Sen let the tape that he talked with Kem Sokha out to the public to make Rainsy and his team stayed away from him. Talking about this tape Kem Sokha told his close associates in Battambang at one dinner “Yesterday Hun Sen called me. I was surprised. He offered his help with security for our party opening at the Olympic Stadium. I had no choice but to accept and played along. If I refused he will block our opening and we can’t delay any longer; the election is near. But I have a feeling that he recorded the conversation and he will use it to attack me later.” And yes, Hun Sen did. And yes, Rainsy and SRP team stayed away from Kem Sokha as Hun Sen planned and expected. You see now how Hun Sen played the games. He has a lot of cards to play. His style is to divide and conquer.

Now they both, Kem Sokha and Rainsy, start to talk again after commune election. But this time Rainsy is the starter.

From the bottom of my heart I pray to god for both parties, SRP and HRP, to become one and other small parties come and join them one by one. If we are one, we have a lot of hopes to win. If we don’t, Cambodia will become second Kampuchea Krom in a short time.

Fresno, CA

Anonymous said...

Ah Kem Sokha, Ah Youn! Get lost mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

I do not hate Kem Sokha. He is a good man. I know him somewhat personally. Ken Sokha and I lived in Wat Sras Chak, at Kod #1 , PNH until 17 April 1975 . But I am a SRP supporter. The joining of SRP and HRP is a very risky business for SRP unles election commitee and and process are under UN control like in 1993 or CPP will use the same trick and destroy both parties especially SRP. So SRP must stay away from HRP except to vote out CPP together in congress.

Anonymous said...

To win CPP, all democracy parties must join together.

SRP+HRP+other= WIN

Anonymous said...

2:36 AM please stop paint Khmer's faces. Kem Sokha is not Youn. If we don't stop painting each other, we will lose forever.

Anonymous said...

Merge now or you will disappear.
Stop call each other names. Know who your real enemy is.

Anonymous said...

I am support the merger of SRP and HRP party. In this way, the party would have a chance to compete with CPP.

Anonymous said...

Angry, hate, self-fish, envy, and other negativity acts are the root causes of your unhealthy body.

Presley Sam,
Your friend-