Saturday, June 09, 2012

Press Release: Kampuchea Krom Commemoration

The 63rd Annual Kampuchea Krom Commemoration will be held at the resident of Senator Kong Korm due to Phnom Penh City Hall denied their venue requests for public square and Buddhist pagoda for the third time. THANKS A LOT Cambodian Yuon People Party!

KKC and Khmer Krom NGOs in Cambodia to organize an Offering Buddhist Ceremony to 1949 Buddhist monks and to commemorate the 63rd Annual National Mourning, the day colonial France ceded Khmer land to colonial Vietnam on June 4, B.E.2493, A.D.1949 to continue colonizing her until today, at the residence of Senator Kong Korm.


Anonymous said...

Too many Monks is very bad for the society. To be a monk one must finish at least a bachelor degree. These monks should be going to school, getting jobs and helping the families and society.

Buddhism keeps declining because, Khmer community is mixing with more evils than good.

Anonymous said...

to a hun sen clans

why no criminals been charged? why the court system is full of corruptions? why took the bribes and then let the criminals go?, why your clans robbed from the poor and then locked them up? why the fucking CPP have no eyes to see whom they are hurting? don't use you 1979 as an excuse for better development, it has never been better but worst, even if it better in some ways but how much khmer has to borrow, from the china and the international bank?. On top of that your mother fucker hold all the donners' money from her organisation called 'red cross' only to enrich the fucking family tree. those money meant for the poor not to support your clans to kill and rob more and more, damn it.Furthermore, your fucking family tree are still continuing to sell our national resources and also 'cambodia land for sale', traitors. You all will die soon.

Anonymous said...

12:46 PM

And who the hell are you?
Just look at Thailand before you write, dummy!

Anonymous said...

WHY??????? many Monks more ?

អាខ្មែរ​កំជិល ខ្ជិល​ tveu srae,
klass bours sonsom $$$$$$$,
seuk mok vinh,rok propun.
Chreun jea kaun neak srae,
Neak Krong,neak rean jess deung,keh min tov bours teh.

Neak krong pli pleu...tvay bongkum kaun neak Srae !
(monks = chleung Songkum)!!!!!!!!!

Ven.Loun sovath, is very Good Monk.