Saturday, June 09, 2012

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: The Merger

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some gentle men and soft ladies said that they do not care who is running the company called Cambodia

Why they cannot see the truth?

1. No rule of law because the laws are applied to the poor and the weak but the rich and the powerful are above the laws;A French philosopher said, "All people are equal because laws allow both the poor and the rich to live under the bridge and to beg for breads".
2. The poor and the weak are living in constant fear because they are abused by police,military police (see the video clip), the rich and the thugs;
3. No economic development because your govt keeps borrowing billions of dollars from the world; who will re-pay that?
4. You don't have social welfare policy to take care of the poor and the old (read Koksantipeap about the old begging for help everyday);
5. You don't talk about and enforce immigration law, Yuon can come and go very easily;
6. Natural resources are depleted day by day...etc,

So, it does not matter who leads the country, but the guy who cannot solve these problems should not be the leader.
