Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kampong Thom Official Arrested for Bulldozing in Flooded Forest

(All Photos: CEN)

Authorities say the suspect, Cheat Sivutha, worked with villagers in Sam Proch commune, Stoung district, to bulldoze a portion of the forest.

26 July 2012
Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer

PHNOM PENH - Local authorities have detained the head of Kampong Thom province’s meteorology department and five villagers on charges they destroyed part of a protected flooded forest in the province.

Authorities say the suspect, Cheat Sivutha, worked with villagers in Sam Proch commune, Stoung district, to bulldoze a portion of the forest. Among the arrested was Ngeang Poul, chief of the commune. They were taken into custody by military police on Tuesday.

An estimated 10,000 hectares of flooded forest, which surrounds the Tonle Sap lake in the heart of the country, have been destroyed, despite a government ban. Authorities began a crackdown last month.

Am Sam Ath, investigator for the rights group Licadho, welcomed the arrests as a good example of law enforcement in Cambodia, but he urged the court to see the case through.


Anonymous said...

Very good job by arresting these people , crooked
I'm proud of u for doing this excellent job

Job well done,,

Anonymous said...

These polices must arrest ah Hun Sen
too because ah Hun Sen is their boss.

Anonymous said...

let them face the justice n put them in jail for life..

without mercy with this kind of peoples.

Anonymous said...

don't let the greedy people who do illegal activity against khmer law get away! let the rule of law punish them for not obey the law, etc.

Anonymous said...

They were arrestest per order of the court and not long enough they will
be released per order of the same court . Theatre ! Theatre !
ចាប់ក៏ស្រេចតែ់វា លែងវិញក៏ស្រេចតែវា ។ ចាប់លែង ចាប់លែង  យូរៗទៅ ហ៊ុន សែន ភ្លេចខ្លួន ហិនហោចអាដែល !
ចាំតាមើលរ៉ូវ គង់តែរលាយ រ៉េ ។ មើលតែមុខអ្នកម្នាក់ហ្នឹង បើមិនជ្រាបក៏សើមដែរ មុខសើចគ្រហាញ បុ៉ណ្ណេះហើយ
គឺគាត់មិនភ័យអីអន្តិចទេ ព្រោះអ្នកស្រីដឹងច្បាស់ថា មុខតែមានឆ្កែតាមហិតអាចម៍គាត់នៅតុលាការមិនខាន ...


Anonymous said...

Yep, you are right 11:08AM!

As long as they are CPP supporters, they can get away with murder.

That's how hun sen garnish his supports.

Baay kdaing

Anonymous said...

shut up, ok. when they enforce the law, you whiners whine, when they do nothing, you whiners still whine, so what is new with you whiners anyway, people know people from the oppositon stupid party whine all the time, really! nothing to be alert about that, really. nobody can please you and nobody wants to please you anyway, so forever shut up, ok! there are more to camobdia than you and i, ok! no wonder you can't get a job because people like you whine all the time about everything anyway, so that is typical and hypocritical of your oppositon stupid party, what else is new, really! don't bored me to death, ok (i'm yawning)!

Anonymous said...

call the stupid oppostion political party the incompetent, primitive, outdated party, that how their members are, really! they think like the stupid, primitive pol pot, ignorant KR regime, you know.

Anonymous said...

If the rich,the powerful do not respect and st on the laws,what you expected?When ah Hun Sen left the jungle from the oxen thieve to Khmer rouge killed many Khmers
How much Hun has? And now living in the castle and sleep on dollars don't you think the ordinary citizen do not want that lives style too? See the whole things really you know it

Anonymous said...

When you do things you must do the right things . Bamby's mother said
If the law in This Kingdom of Wonder is properly enforced , Hun Sen must
not set up ANTI CORUPTION UNIT . So far the law of the kingdom was
enforced well amongst poor citizens but for the same crime, people with
money and high rank got chance to walk free with impunity . Two weeks ago Ex deputy chief of Hun Sen bodyguard was set free and he was found
doing illegal logging in Northwest of country a few days later . I don't think
CPP will appreciate your support of corruption either . So keep whining


Anonymous said...

This is my first time seeing a criminal smile ( or it is called impunity smile ?) .
One who knows Cambodia well can tell that the lady in picture knows someone
with high rank who can scare court official . I wish Mr Hun Sen see this picture
of the lady who is careless and greedy against his decree . Hopefully , they are not
related !....

Anonymous said...

Cambodia need to clean up all corrupted officials, I know its difficult, but step by step we must kept up the good work to protect our country from destroying again by get rid all of corruptions......

Anonymous said...

I hope Govt strip down all of these officials belonged....their wealth came from stolen state's property!