Monday, July 23, 2012

"Men are born good but the society corrupts them" - A discussion on Jean-Jacques Rousseau's viewpoint by Ven. Hok Savann


Anonymous said...

Do not beleive in Hok Savann.
He may destroys Khmer Temple in Long Beach (WAt Arap..)find out...

Anonymous said...

12:26 PM
I don't see anything wrong with Ven Hok Savann's message. He analyzed the French Philosopher Jean Jacque Rousseau words "Men are born good but the society corrupts them" by using Buddhism, and its founder, Buddha Gautama as an example. He said if If men are born good why some parents and children are difference? Some were born to be killer (Communists), etc.?
"Philosophers and Scientists committed the fallacy of argumentum ad ignorantiam. Anything which cannot be understood by rational knowledge and the current status of sciences was defied as meaningless or superstitious."

I don't believe Rousseau, I believed Rousseau and others who were arrogant and think they knew everything.

The Buddhists, I am talking are the foreigners like Ven Hok Savann who adopted Buddhism have always tried to promote his belief as the righteous one.

Buddha was a great teacher but some of His teachings I don't believe. There're great teachers like Buddha we have never heard of.

I respect Hok Savann's views who may have tried to help Khmer Buddhist community is falling rotten but I am not sure until I read the whole of his message.

Chin Shu Huang said...

Khmers believed in Souls/spirits, evils (Neak ta), practice cults (Tmub-Ap, Snae, and Ampeu, although they say they are Buddhists, but the real practicing are those things I said above. Khmers are the most evil people in Asia continent.

Chin Shu Huang

Anonymous said...

12:26 PM
Did you read Ven Hok Savann wrote?
You should try to read and then make comments. Learn to read, and analyze.

If you cannot read English well, how about Khmers? This article is in Khmer.

Smart like Ven Hok Savann should study to be a Roman Catholic Priest, or go back to Hinduism he may learn more.

After all, Ven Hok Savann and his Khmers are foreigners adopting foreign religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism anyway, why not try to explore more. Hok Savann seems to have some intelligence, but can he sacrifice for that? Or he just one of the old mind cannot move out from the dark closet? If Buddhism can enlighten and be prosperous, why not Buddha' s own people worship him? They still are Hindu believe in one supreme GOD, of course Hindu have many god and goddesses but the highest and supreme is ONE GOD. If Cambodia still stick with ONE Supreme GOD "Brahma" like an ancient time, Cambodia may had not been destroyed as she is now.

GOD in Hinduism and GOD in Christianity are ONE GOD just that people from different nations calling different names.

Hok Savann may be destined to be Hindu High Priest if he chooses to go back and follows his ancient ancestors Hinduism or he may be POPE if he chooses Christianity, the world religious leader on the planet over 2.6 billion worshipers, and he may be able to help his miserable country from disappearance like POPE John Paul II who helped to free his native country Poland from Communism of butcher STALIN.

And don't say that those religions are foreigner religions, Buddhism too is foreigner religion to Khmers. Why not choose the best one?

Anonymous said...

Hok Savann is sure an intellectual person, but we cannot judge the people by their high education and think they'd explore to a new world. Yes, Khmers should go back and started to renew their vow to their ancient ancestors GOD (Brahma of Hinduism) that led their nation to a great civilization. Buddhism is backward, it is only for individuals who seek Nirvana not protecting the nation. Buddha was a great teacher teach humans the way of life in peace but His way cannot protect the nation. Hinduism was our ancient belief and our ancient ancestors created a rich empire, until Jayavaraman 7, the usurper came from Java destroyed our ancient ancestors' beliefs. Instead of wearing Orange robe, Hok Savann should wear WHITE.

Lok Ta Keng Vansak was so right for saying that Jayavaraman 7 was Cham. He came from Java, and those Javanese many became Cham.
I didn't see taht sucker Jayavaraman 7 did anything was so extraordinary except he got lucky inherited a huge land and wealth from our ancient Hindu Kings.