Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sao Rany, Pheng Heng, Khim Seila, Thav Kimlong, Long Lim and Yos Soly sacked from the NRP


Anonymous said...

These low life scums 've never a second thought about
interest of Cambodia and so is his boss . Cambodian voters
have already sent them message from last election .
00 x 00 = 00 , 00 + 00 =. 00 !!!

Anonymous said...

You are right 12:22PM, I do not understand why these guys still accompany with STUPIT Ranarith????In fact they should walk way from him for long time ago. (SIC!!!!)

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាទ្រពងក្ដស្ដេច។ ព្រោះតែខ្មែរទ្រពងពួកវា
នេះហើយ បានជាខ្មែរអស់ដីម្ដងបន្ដិចៗ។

រាស្ត្រក្នុងពិភពលោក គេកំពុងតែចង់បំបាត់
ពូជស្ដេច តើរាស្ត្ររង់ចាំដល់ណាទៀត?

Anonymous said...

Replied to 4:58 pm

"These low life scums"

Well said. I love you analysis math.

I want to add some comments.
When orgaizations created, they establish some type of good platform such as democratic, republican, human rights, and we are the people.

However, this Loser (Noro-Dumb Ran-Ah rid) created an organization under his own name (Rannarit Party) as if he were god man.

I don't have a PHD degree and it was so difficult me to understand the logic of this Rannarit Party.

I remember not longer ago this guy fled to French and enjoyed the life style of the rich and famous. He let his many followers to die and sent to prison.

Anonymous said...

Ranaridhh est un traître comme Hun Sen. C'est fini pour ce prince à la contre. Il ne peut rien faire pour le Cambodge. Je ne vois aucun d'intérêt de venir crée un parti qui n'a aucune sens aux yeux de la population et la nation. Il ferait mieux d'ouvrir un restaurant à Phnom Penh en compagnie de sa femme OUK Phala. Car elle sait danser le ABSARA. J'espère que ce restaurant dans la compétence de Ranariddh et sa femme.

Anonymous said...

I was born in Cambodia and I lived through the terrible Khmer Rough from 1975 to 1979. I have lost many of my families during the evil period which was created by the evil King Sihhanouk.

This bad King 's son (Noro-Dumbo Ran-Ah-Rid) also had caused hundred of hundred of his followers to die and were in Prey Sar' Jail during the uprising.

He and his family had so many sex with the Cambodian dancers and had so many children under the Norodumb. Not to mention the corruption of illegal sale of properties.

These irrisponsible families never appologize or admitted once that they were wrong.

You are right I still can't understand why my stupid, stupid, stupid people still worship them.

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាស្តាចម៍ក្បាលក្តកម្តរតែក្តិតយួន គ្មានបានការអីទេ!