Thursday, July 26, 2012

WAR AND GENOCIDE - By Chanda Chhay (Part 1)

Special Announcement:
From today onward, the book: WAR AND GENOCIDE will be posted in sequence (every week) at If you are interested in reading this book from beginning to end, please bookmark this blog's address or visit it weekly to follow the story.


March 18, 1970. The date was historical for Cambodia and the Cambodians. But for the rest of the world, it was just one of those normal cycles of the week, the month, the year, and the century. Nothing would ever stop the inexorable evolution of time. The sun would rise and set as it had for millennia. The new day arrived, the old day disappeared. Everything seemed to move forward peacefully. However, being caught on the verge of a civil war, Cambodia appeared to fall into a world of uncertainty. News of the Americans invasion and bombardments on the Viet Cong’s (North Vietnamese Communist guerrillas) sanctuaries in northeastern Cambodian territory had spread as fast as the blasting sounds of those bombs. Every day, rumors and gossips about Cambodia being dragged into the tumult of the Vietnam War began to diffuse from town to town. Despite lack of information from the media, the earth trembling caused by the explosions of the American secret bombardments in Cambodia spread even faster than the press release. Day after day, the explosions of cluster bombs dropped down by the U.S.’s B-52 war planes had sent plenty of clear messages to the local people indicating that Cambodia’s independence, neutrality, and territorial integrity, which were guaranteed by the Geneva Conference in 1954, were now threatened, and devil and danger were on the way to steal their souls. Though it seemed a bit premature to predict any possible disaster at the moment, based on the ever present sounds of explosions, the smell of destruction was unmistakable. It was at that point in time that I began learning and memorizing life’s lesson about being caught in a war--a war that was to forever shape and change the course of my life. At the age of six, I had my first taste of escaping the destructive forces of war.


Anonymous said...

War Crimes and Genocide,

A drop of Khmer blood need equal justice.

One Cambodian dead body need equal justice it does not matter wherever or whenever he or she was killed before 1975, during 1975-1979 and after 1979 till the present days.

Yuon Hanoi ambition to swallow and exterminate Khmer ethnic and US B 52 carpet bomoing in 1960s-1973 200 days and 200 nights are real genocide,the war waged between the Norht Vietnamese and US before 1975 which brought by yuon and US into Cambodia during the so-called Vietnam war are more than enought evidence for Cambodian whow were the real victim of Indochina Federation and US B 52 carpet bombing especially Indochina Fedeation to swallow Cambodia as they did to Champa, Prey Norkor and Lao and now yuon Hanoi has been implemenitng genocide in Cambodia by inflowing million you into Cambodia, killing Cambdian before and now under the name of 99 year land conssession and many, many more.

Pol Pot was wrong but persnally I could not deny that Pol Pot always stood up and fight to protect Cambodian soverignty from yuon Hanoi military aggresssion .

Pol Pot was wrong but personally I could not deny that Pol Pot tried to leberatated Kho Trol from youn Hanoi milarty occupation after 1975.

Pol Pot was wrong but personally I could not deny Pol Pot had small or big contribution in 1991 in Paris Peace Agreement ( Pol Pot were working hard behind or with Khieu Samphan ) during 3 parties or better known as the coalition government during 1080s.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of US B 52 carpet bombing
was to killed so many Viet Cong out of Cambodia but it ended up nearly a million of Cambodian cruelly killed by this bombardment. Not only nearly a million Cambodian were killed by this US B 52 bombing it alos casued mass atrocities I remembered well becasue since 1969s espcially 1973 in Phnom Penh the capital city I saw with my own eyes so many people escape the US B 52 bombing from the countryside to the city with ox-carts, some carriying their belongs, sleeping on the streets even in those year Marshal Lon Nol had Red Cross but the number of evcuees from the countryside was out of control, children lying on the street with big, big belly later on I knew that many of those evacuees no money to basic need such food, medical treatment, they were facing starvation.

To me foreigner is foreigner their interests come first.

To me the whole world have been chaosed by not only by the communist like China, Former Soviet Union, yuon but also have been chaosed by the superpower that to say US even I prefer US presence in Cambodia rather than the communist sides.