Thursday, August 23, 2012

Foreign fighters join the battle of Aleppo

Published on Aug 22, 2012 by 
At the frontline in Aleppo city, the young fighters are mainly from the countryside of the province. It has not been easy to stand up against the Syrian army, especially when the city did not rise up when rebels stormed some poor neighbourhoods and set up bases. While the majority of the fighters in Aleppo are Syrians, the war has however attracted Arabs who feel obliged to help the opposition who are mainly Sunni Muslims. Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reports from Aleppo city.


Anonymous said...

Noticed if any NATO involment in Syrian conflict, Assad threaten to attack Israel?
The world is playing, "Blame it on Israel."

The God of Israel is going to teach the world that his word is truth by destroying Damascus.

For it has been written: "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." [Isaiah 17:1]

What has been going on in Syria will lead to the destruction of Damascus. The Islamic nations will be judged by the God of Israel! How soon? From current events in Middle East, not far. My projection is, 2014-2015 time frame. Prepare for war!


Anonymous said...

What the hell does it have to do with Cambodia?

Anonymous said...


It seems the only real religious group in the world that are close to God is probably Jehovah's witnesses. All other religions seems to practice hateful principles and teaches nothing but nonsense.
I bet most Christians don't even know what God's original purpose for the earth is or how we inherited sin?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was told by my daughter, a friend of Phanith Sovann about KI and the comments toward her. When I came to look for, there are no comments to read.

But anyway. Just for a clarification to clarify the confusion among readers and commentators that Miss Phanith Sovann registered to compete among American Citizen but from different nationalities in the US ONLY, but NOT to compete in Miss Universe or Miss World, no not at all. It is called "an international beauty pageant" in USA only.

Because the US has most backgrounds from all over the world, and one of them is Cambodian called Cambodian-American.

Hopefully folks do not misunderstand about her contest.
The contestant of this "international beauty pageant in the USA" is not required by the rule or regulation of Miss Universe or Miss World or Miss USA, etc., like Miss Soben Huon went through such a body slim, height (tall), no not all.

So Phanith Sovann does not have to comply with the requirements as advanced above.

There're contest Miss Cambodia in Maryland, but none of those girls registered to compete among other ethnic groups in the US, then Phanith Sovann did, whether or not she failed to compete with those girls in Maryland.

As you know the US is a third largest country in the world, we don't have money to select Khmer girl from each State.

So please understand and let the girl has fun.

Pass it on, will you. So the Cambodian-American or Cambodian-European or Canadian.. understand about this contest.

To compete with Miss Universe or Miss World, Cambodian in France is the one.


Anonymous said...

After WWII the Europeens countries sended the Jews people to take the lands of Palestine.So Israel existed after 1949 the same year which France gave Kampuchea Krom to VN.
If you give reason to Israel you also give reason to VN.

Anonymous said...

Khmer politics on KI-Media...

Between the wishy-washy ramshackle broken English and Khmer of the majority (which I feel I want to cry of frustration every time I try to read it) and the too-perfect English (only) of that of School of Vice (which I wish I had a Ph.D. to be able to understand it all), I think KI-Media should just pack its bag and shut down for good for the sake of Khmer politics while everybody is claiming to try to help rescue Khmer from the yoke of CPP Hun Sen and the Viet...

It then begs the following:

Why can't School of Vice learn to effectively simplify his English so everybody can understand?

Why can't the majority learn to better themselves up just a bit so that everybody is on the same wavelength?

Is it too much to ask? Or is it that I am too old for all of this?


Anonymous said...

10:50 PM

Jehovah Witnessess doesn't acknowledge Israel as God chosen nation and people. Therefore according to the word of the God of Israel, they have no part in the God of Israel. If you are a Jehovan Witness, better change your view of Israel. Because you are no better off as if you are one of the Muslim people who hate Jews. The God of Israel is a man of war! Read the whole Bible and not the just the New Testament. Even in the book of Revelation I see Jesus engaging in war with his enemies in the End Times.

Israel take no land from the Palestinians. They took land what was once their to posses forever by their God given right. Are you going to defend the Palestinians after God removed them from Israel?

Palestinian, so called; is a proxy state of the Arab Brotherhood to keep Israel from being a nation as God chosen people, nothing more. But just a big lie the world seem to swallowed. God deals with nations as they have dealt with Israel. God's eye is on Israel every second, day and night, to keep watch over his promises concerning Israel. That's wat I read in his word. And it will take war to settle this issue, because men insisted. God is not a Pacifist wen he has enemies to settle scores with.


Anonymous said...

If KPPM and gangs are smart and really work to rescue Khmer, they must do something in conjuction with SAM & KEM's party instead of just attacking and bad-mouthing the opposition party!

បើសិនជា KPPM នឹង បក្សពួក ជាអ្នកឆ្លាតវៃនឹង ពិតជាស្រឡាញ់ខ្មែរមែននោះ គេគួរតែ
ធ្វើការទន្ទឹមគ្នា នឹង បក្សប្រឆាំង មិនមែនជាបែរ
មកខាំគ្នា បែបនេះទេ!!!