Friday, August 24, 2012

Inspirational Books edited by Ms. Theary C. Seng - for your electronic library

Dear KI-Media,

Here are more inspirational books from the Holy Bible in Khmer which I've edited for easier comprehension.

Theary Seng

About a young, orphaned beautiful Jewish queen who saved her people from a pogrom (genocide), 500-450 B.C. ("Before Christ") or 2,500 years ago.

The search for HAPPINESS by a wise man (King Solomon) with all the resources at his disposal and his discovery, probably written in the 3rd century B.C., or 2,300 years ago.

An account of Jesus' 3-year public ministry, with great emphasis on Jesus as God incarnate (in the flesh).

About the spread of Christianity despite persecution in the 1st century.


Paul's Letter to Christians in Rome, written about 20 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, approx. 55 A.D. (Latin for "Anno Domini" or "in the year of our LORD")


Anonymous said...

WTF with ki, turning to christ now?

Anonymous said...

The war of religions will begin
in Cambodia.
Khmer people will kill each other
much worse than Pot Pot,killing
fields in Khmer Rouge regime.

Time to finish Khmer race from the

Don't push Khmer people to believe
in Christ.Khmer will wipe out
like after Khmer empire era.

Anonymous said...

I know right! Why is KI tried to dilute us with this crap?
Who in the fuck want to read this garbage?

Anonymous said...

It's called "reading". It's good for you.

It's called "freedom". It's good for you.

It's called "an open mind". Get one.

It's called learning to "agree to disagree". It's good for you.

It's called "thinking". Try it.

Anonymous said...

stop spamming this web bitch. no need to show your faith, make it one (web)for yourself and your dumb followers.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:33 PM you must be the accepting middle way Buddhist Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Some people are offended because they eat God's food, breath his air, and utilize all the material things of his world as their own. I venture to say, most, if not all of them uses his name in vain.

Does it make any sense to curse Someone who give you everything in life that you call yours?

This world is rule by the word of God, the Bible. And this world will be Judged by the Word of God. it doesn't matter what religion brand you may be branded with.

Man cannot live by bread alone (physical food), but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God.

Khmer people will die off because of the lack of God's word, not because of God's word.

Please eat some some truth that you may live and not die be without hope in the life after.


Anonymous said...

God damn it! Where did you excerpt this from?

Maybe you can answer this! How come my people (Khmer) still suffering after all these years? Is he blind? How many more death does he need in order for him to hover down to earth and save all humanity?
Get the fuck outta here!

Anonymous said...

5:24 AM

Your answer is written in the Bible, but if you continue to believe in the lie I can't help you neither can God. If you would only read the first 5 chapters in the Gospel of John, perhaps your eyes will be open and see the truth for yerself. There's no use to put more damnation on yerself and the whole Khmer race.


Anonymous said...


Wisconisnite is perhaps a professed Christian but has very limited knowledge of the Bible as he or she can't answer your simple questions. I suggest you have bible study with a Jehovah's witness. That's what I'm currently doing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 2:09! I am going to pass on your offer as well.

Wild Wisconsinite @ 10:11,
Wouldn't it be easier just answer my questions since you've read the book already?
You can't answer my question can't you?