Thursday, September 13, 2012

Another Cambodian Film Screening Across US

It is amazing to see another Cambodian Film do US tours! This is your chance to be part of this excitement! Come see a free screening in your local listing location. Please also tell your friends and bring your entire family!


Anonymous said...

I don't seem to be interested in this particular movie, it all about is 'Khmer Rouge'. The director has not thing to produce, no idea what his planed, thus produce the movie story during Khmer Rouge regime movie to attract the people. All I see is they have been talking about is 'Khmer Rouge', not new, not thing else to produce.

former Khmer Rouge soldier

Anonymous said...

11:23 PM

As former Khmer Rouge soldier, you should watch the film, because as soldier of the Khmer Rouge regime, you still were not able to know the whole situation, what going on in our country.
During this time, our country have lost loves, but also all legal laws, the Cambodian currency lost all the value, The Khmer children lost their parents and fundamental education.
The whole country just lost every thing, no communication, no information, no international exchanging.
During this time as Khmer live outside of the country, we have lost all connecting to homecountry, no new or information from home, from our parents and our families.

Anonymous said...

You can not expect too much out of former Khmer Rough soldier, Khmer owed him no explaination.

Anonymous said...

For those who were born after Pol Pot time should watch this movie to see how those ANIMAL pol pot run the country, tortured their own poeple and ask yourself why those animal did what they did.

And if your American's friend ask you " what is Pol Pot"? This movie can help you answer that question.

Anonymous said...

12:28 AM and all,

Well, let’s chat, I work all night and some day shift. Regarding the movie, I’ve seen the preview of it, it does not look realistic, and frighten. However, where part of the soldiers arrests the guy, at that time there were NO soldier on the duty to arrest the people, we used guy or girl, what we call was ‘catcher or traitor’ who goes home-to-home to check on them, the arrest usually were who broke the Angka law and against the Angka. It has had happen very rarely that the soldier go to arrest people with the gun. The movie… to me is, it should not rate as high quality, this due the act and speech. The director has not thing to do, no job, so produce movie about Khmer Rouge in order to get attention and attract the people. I am not impressed and get excited, but the movie is just the movie.

Former Khmer Rouge soldier

Anonymous said...

Why are we still ignorance about the Khmer Rouge?
All these "Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, Genocide, Khmer killing their own people" are planned from Hanoi 20 years prior to the actual era. Pol Pot is just a scapegoat set for a main character on this atrocity, just to kareas he real killer's hands clean. After 3 millions Khmer (and 93% of Khmer intellectuals) murdered, it's time for Hanoi to come and "liberated" Cambodia. Then why our "Liberator" steals everything from Cambodia To Hanoi; and occupied this country for 10 years, that is because the UN kick them out otherwise, who know how long our "Liberator" will still occupied?
If we still believed that January 7th is our date of savor, then, I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

1:55 AM,

Hey Pal! We, Khmer Rouge, and to the people of our country Cambodia, we all knew about, you guy in here, repeated it again and again. We are talking about the movie Right? And why you have to explain the story of the regime which was gone and never and won't exist. Please discuss your commen about the movie. I knew all about this. Shittie

former KR soldier

Anonymous said...

"Angka Leu" is still very much alive, and the Khmer Rouge are still running and bleeding the country Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

One Angka is still alive and talking now.. A runaway from his post or a flea in Hun Nal's one-eye?

Anonymous said...

Former Khmer Rouge need to watch 'Enemy of the people'.
A story of Thet Sambath; a Phnom Penh journalist who for 10 years befriended with Noun Chea (brother #2) just to get a confession. After Noun Chea confess to the atrocity, he was arrested.

Former Khmer Rouge should do the same, confess to your crime so that you can be arrested. Free your soul....Khmer Rouge!