Thursday, September 06, 2012

Did Sweden Offer Cambodia $59 Million for the Pirate Bay Founder’s Head?

Sep 5, 2012
Mario Aguilar

Pirate Bay founder Gottfrid Svartholm was recently scooped up by Cambodian authorities in Phenom Penh at the request of the Swedish government. Just yesterday Cambodia agreed to send him back to Sweden to serve his year-long jail sentence for creating the Pirate Bay. Turns out the Swedes might have paid HUGE for Cambodia's cooperation.

TorrentFreak reports that Cambodia and Sweden announced a strengthening of "bilateral ties. In other words, Sweden will be sending a handsome $59 million aid package over to Cambodia. (So far the only other source reporting the story is the large Chinese news agency Xinhua.)

And sure, the money is reportedly destined to "democratic development, education, and other causes," but it's awfully convenient that this aid package was announced just one day after Cambodia agreed it would deport Svartholm so that the matter could be resolved without an extradition battle. [TorrentFreak]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is like a business and who care about or you got headache ?