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His Excess-lence Khieu Kanharith gave an offering to his ancestors during the Chinese equivalent of Halloween (សែនក្បាលទឹក) - Photo posted on Facebook |
Care to hear His Excess-lence's prayer?
Here it is:
(Warning: Translation accuracy not guaranteed)
What do they do with the left over? If there is always left over, it comes to light that the spirit of his ancestor(s) are not hungry after all. What the spirit wanted is his soul shackled until he be destroy like his ancestors. This is spiritual blindness. Those who offer foods to their ancestors are actually offering to demons of the unseen world. The Devil and his demons are well fed by those who feeds them. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor and famous.
The demons believed who Jesus was and is. He dealt with them while he was here on earth. Only in the Name of Yeshua/Jesus will a demon obey a human being. And only through the understand of scriptures is a person able to discern what is in the spirit world. Cambodia will not be rescued until the people are able to cast down the spirits that is holding the people captive by worshiping and offering foods to demons. Spirituality affects all other aspect of human behavior and reasoning. For the most part, man operates on a carnal mindset which is enmity and hostile toward God's good Instruction, the Torah.
The whole world will be ruled by the Torah of God one day. Be prepared to be blessed to the fullness of his wisdom that proceeds from his Word, Yeshua. A caveat, many will not get to see the Kingdom of Messiah on earth when this happens. Because many will perish during his coming Judgments. God must judge. He doesn't want scoffers and mockers into his blessed Kingdom.
Then you're going to have to blame the Chinese for ancestor worship in Cambodia and East Indians for Buddhism/Hinduism. Lastly, everyone bows down and worships money first. God always comes second.
ចឹកកញ្ញារិទ្ធ កំពុងសែនកុងម៉ា គាត់។
Missing Hennesy XO and Johnny Walker blue label,what happened to you,your ingrate Viet cong cho cong cac Canh nha លិទ្ទ?
In Pol Pot's, those who could speak broken Khmer claimed that they were not Chinese.
Nowadays, those even not speak a single word of Chinese claim to be Chinese.
Baay Kdaing
Khiev , sok jiev an, khiev somphal, ieng sarey, ho nim,ho yon are chinese espionage. These mother fuckers are trying to destroy cambodia.....china is tiger and vietshit is hyaena.....these two vicious wild shit animal are fighting to destroy cambodia.
អាប្រមឹកខៀវ កញ្ញារិទ្ធ នេះពីដើមមកអាមួយ
កោងស្រុកមុខកំពូលនៅក្នុងខេត្តកណ្តាល ។
អាមួយក្បាលនេះក្រោយពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩មក អានេះ
ទិញទឹកត្នោតជូរសម្រាប់ច្រស់ច្រំទេ ? ម្លោះហើយ
បានជាវារត់ទៅបំរើយួនទោះជាវាដឹងថាក្បត់ជាតិយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ ៕ ឥទ្បូវនេះអាក្បត់ជាតិឈ្មោះ
អាខៀវ កញ្ញារិទ្ធ វាក្លាយទៅជាយួនដូចអាមេចោរ
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ទៅហើយ ។ដូច្នេះសូមខ្មែរ
តាមប្រមាញ់អាខៀវ កញ្ញារិទ្ធនេះនឹងអាមេចោរ
ក្បត់ជាតិឈ្មោះអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឧ្យទាល់តែបាន
នៅក្នុងពេលឆាប់ៗនេះកុំបីខានទ្បើយ ។
I checked on wikipedia on Khieu Kanharidth and it says nothing about him having a Chinese lineage. Surprisingly, the tan-skinned Chea Sim is described to be part Chinese Teocheu. Lol. In addition, Cham Prasidth is described to be a pure-blooded Cambodia born Chinese person. Sok An is described to be Cambodia born Hakka Chinese and part Vietnamese. What is well-noted is that while Sok Kong is described to be Cambodia born ethnic Viet, Hun Sen is also described as a Cambodia born ethnic Khmer with Viet head, Viet heart, and Khmer body. Lol. In Cambodia, it is anybody's right to honor their ethnic ancestors. So it is OK. Besides, ethnic Chinese are not the enemies of the Khmer people. The real enemies inside Cambodia today are the Youns and the Lievs in Stung Treng Province. In fact, the the Lieves in Stung Treng have been sending their propagandists to teach the few Lao people in Stung Treng to keep up the Lao language and to always remember to detach STung Treng to join Laos. That is the real enemy of the Khmer nation. Thank goodness, Hun Sen has his spies and his men following the Lievs in Stung Treng in case they decide to act up and starting war with the Cambodians there. The Lao in stung treng also want their ethnicity be recognized as well. To any Khmer person, the Lao in Stung Treng are practically lost Khmer people with brown to tan to dark complexion who for some strange reason continue to hang on to the Lao language. One should take the picture of the real Lao people of the Issan Region of Thailand and compare them to the so-called Lao people of Stung Treng. They are completely different people. If anything Laos need to cede more provinces to Cambodia because the Lao provinces such as Champasak and Attapeu are characteristically Khmer. Champasak houses the Khmer Wat Phnom ruins. Attapeu has lots of Khmer ruins there. In fact, Attapeu is a French spelling of the Lao pronunciation of the words "Ark Ka pu" or "buffalo dung" which was clearly a Lao mispronunciation of the Khmer word "Arch Krobey". Even their place of Lan Xang is derived from the Khmer word Lien Domrey. So the immediate enemies of the Khmer are the Vietnamese, the Lao, and the Thais, and never the Chinese or the Cham at all. So watch out for the Lao in Stung Treng. They are scheming big time and Hun Sen better keep them in check.
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