Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pol Pot’s Sister-in-Law Deemed Unfit to Stand Trial, Released

Ieng Thirith (Photo: Reuters)
September 13th, 2012
Voice of America

Cambodia's United Nations-backed war crimes tribunal has ordered the release of Ieng Thirith, the aging sister-in-law of former Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot.

On Thursday, the court said the 80-year-old – once dubbed the “First Lady” of the Khmer Rouge – is unfit to stand trial for genocide because of a degenerative illness, likely Alzheimer's disease.

The ruling, which upholds an earlier decision, found that all treatment options have been exhausted and that Thirith's sickness is “likely irreversible.”

She was charged with crimes against humanity, genocide, homicide, torture and religious persecution related to the 1975-1979 rule of the Khmer Rouge, which resulted in the deaths of some 1.7 million Cambodians.

The court statement said all charges against the former social affairs minister for the radical Communist movement have been dropped. But it said her release does not reflect a ruling on her guilt or innocence.

The tribunal is seeking justice for the legions of victims who died of starvation, execution or lack of medical care during the Khmer Rouge's reign.

Ieng Thirith and her three co-defendants are the most senior survivors of the regime's leadership. All defendants deny the charges. Pol Pot died in 1998.


Anonymous said...

កាលនាងមិនទាន់តាំងខ្លួនជាឆ្កួត នាងទះតុសំឡុត
ឈ្នះអំណាចតុលាការបាន សមមិត្ររូបនេះចូល
អល់ឯកមិនហ៊ានវិនិច្ឆ័យទោស)។ តែចំពោះជនរង
នវិនិច្ឆ័យទោសឆ្កួតក៏តុលាការត្រូវតែវិនិច្ឆ័យទោស ទៅតាមសកម្មភាពរបស់នាងដែលបានប្រព្រឺត្ត
កន្លងមកដែរCondemn her action។

កហុសដែលមានកន្លងមកនោះទេ ផលវិបាកនិង
កើតមានកាន់តែបន្តឡើងទៀត (ជនជាប់ចោទ អាចនិងធ្វើត្រាប់តាមនាងម្នាក់នេះជាមិនខាន)៕

ពីខ្ញុំ ជួប​ សំឡុត

Anonymous said...

I strongly aggree and support your statement more than 100% as I remember the critics with nasty slogan of KHMER ROUGE " KRUN NHEAK ! KRUN NHOR ! KRUN TRAK-TOR ! KRUN BAY BAN ! " or simply " KRUN SATEK AROM " just like well applied to SAMAK MITH NEARY KHIEU THIRITH and I am so extemely dissapointed with her release.
By the way LOK CHUOP SAMLOTH , your name reminds me of LOK DAMNANG REAS named CHUOP SAMLOTH who was elected as a Member of Parliament on September 11Th, 1966, at RATH SAPHEA CHEAT , NITAKAL TI PRAM MUOY .
Best Wishes Sir

Anonymous said...

She gets away with murdered again.

All she has to say, " I am crazy. I don't remember a thing". The kagaroo court was panicked and they let her go. How stupid it is to be lawyers and judges (included European and Khmer)to be fooled by this evil woman.

Then, Kagaroo court got the nerves to ask the international donors for more money for their incompetent.

Anonymous said...

How much longer before we can finish these cases?

We don't have money to burn when you can't even convicted a killer like her in the top office with Pol Pot.

Please disband this loser Kangaroo court so allyou can go to your families.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, she is fit to have her throat slash in front of the victims family.
Does anyone have any objection?