Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sam Rainsy's and Kem Sokha's Visit to Sydney, Australia

Sam Rainsy's and Kem Sokha's Visit to Sydney, Australia                                                                                                   


Anonymous said...

I think the food costs about $20,
so $20 will go to the fund raising for helping our country.

Former Drug lord, Theng Bunma, gave to or spent $260 million for Hun Sen to destroy Norodom Ranaridh politic-
5,6 of July coup.

If this event takes place in Stockton, CA I will attend.

Help save our country from being taken by Viet.

Anonymous said...

ប៉ុណ្ណឹងហើយ របបផ្ដាច់ការភ្នំពេញ នៅតែចាត់ថា
ថ្ងៃ ៥ ៦ កក្កដា មិនមែនជាថ្ងៃរដ្ឋប្រហារ។

Anonymous said...

និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន!

Anonymous said...

គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិបានខំអួតក្តែងៗថានឹងយកឈ្នៈគណបក្សប្រជាជននាពេលបោះឆ្នោតនាឆ្នាំ២០១៣ខាងមុខ! ចុៈប្រសិនបើជាមិនឈ្នៈវិញនោះតើអស់លោកទាំងពីរនាក់គិតយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច? បើអស់លោកធ្វើនយោបាយនេះគ្រាន់តែបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចទេនោះ អស់លោកត្រូវទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះវាសនាប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរនិងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ! ពីព្រោះអស់លោកមិនព្រមទទួលស្គាល់និងទទួលយកនូវតំណោះស្រាយពិត!

Anonymous said...

(សម រង្ស៊ី + កឹម សុខា )...និង

គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរក្លែងក្លាយ-ប្រជាភិថុតនេះ ប្រើកលល្បិចបំភន់ភ្នែកពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ...

គឺធ្វើនយោបាយ បោកបន្លំភ្នែកពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរក្នុងគោលបំណង

Anonymous said...

why don't you die and be born as
Viet. so that i do not have to condemn you.
it is not too bad for one nation to
take over another nation but it is
the worst to be the traitors.

Anonymous said...

Did you choose to be born Cambodian?

Anonymous said...

ជាក់ស្តែង ! គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ជាគណបក្សមួយ ដែលគ្រាន់តែជាសាខារបស់គណបក្សសម រង្សី និង គណបក្សកឹម សុខា
តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ព្រោះគណបក្សដើមដែលជាឪពុក+ម្តាយនៃគណបក្សថ្មីនេះនៅមិនទាន់រំលាយខ្លួននៅឡើយទេ ដើម្បីរក្សាកៅអីរៀងៗខ្លួន ។
ប្រជាជននៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ កំពុងតែឆ្ងល់ ថាតើគណបក្សដើមទាំងពីរនេះដែលមិនទាន់ច្របាច់បញ្ចូលគ្នានោះ នឹងឈរឈ្មោះឲរាស្ត្របោះ
ឆ្នោតទៀតដែរឬអី ? ដោយសារតែអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរឧស្សាហ៍លាក់កំនួច ? ។ ក្រោយពីប្រកាសជាផ្លូវការ លោកកឹម សុខាដូចជា
គ្មានមុខនាទីអ្វីនៅក្នុងគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិទេ ព្រោះលោកប៉ុល ហំបានជំនួសគាត់ជាអនុប្រធានគណបក្សថ្មី ? ហើយលោកកឹម សុខា
ដែលបានចុះទៅ ប្រគល់ឡាន និងសម្ភារ:មួយចំនួនទៅឲអ្នកគាំទ្រក្នុងខេត្តតាកែវ កាលពីម្សិលម្ងៃ នោះ គឺក្នុងនាមជាប្រធានគណបក្ស
សិទ្ធមនុស្ស ឯណោះទេ ។ ប្រជាជនខ្មែរក្នុងស្រុកដែលកំពុងលំបាកសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ធ្លាប់បានចាញ់បោកអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរច្រើនលើកច្រើន
សាមកហើយ ។ ឥឡូវនេះ សង្ឃឹមថាលោកកឹម សុខា មិនឆ្លៀតឱកាសពេលដែលលោកសម រង្សីគ្មានលទ្ធភាពចូលស្រុក កំទេចបក្ស
ប្រឆាំងដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍បុគ្គលដូចលោកអៀង ម៉ាលីដែលបំបែកគណបក្សសឺន សាន និង លោកញឹក បុ៊នឆៃ កំទេចហ្វាន់សុិនបុិច 
ហើយរត់ទៅសម្ងំក្រោមក្លៀកហុ៊ន សែនឯណោះវិញយ៉ាងរំភើយ ...កន្លងមក មានអ្នកចាញ់បោកលោកកែវ រ៉េមីដែលជាអនុប្រធាន
លោកកឹម សុខា រាប់រយនាក់អស់គោអស់ក្របី ទីបំផុតលោករ៉េមីជាមនុស្សរបស់ហុ៊ន សែន សោះ ។ សង្ឃឹមថា លោកកឹម សុខា
& លោកសម រង្សី សង្គ្រោះខ្មែរ ឲផុតគ្រោះភ័យ និង ទុក្ខវេទនា ។ ជូនពរ !


Anonymous said...

Why Cambodia has peace after 1979? How much does that peace cost for Khmer people?

The evil Ho Chi Minh has a dream of creating the Indochina federation composing of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, which will control by Vietnam.

To achieve this goal, Vietnam has always been creating turbulence in Cambodia.

In 1953, after Cambodia got independence from France, the North Vietnam - Viet Minh -refused to leave Cambodia.

In 1955, the Geneva conference was held, ordering the North Vietnam to get out of Cambodia. While moving out of Cambodia, Vietnam has abducted thousands of Khmer children and brainwashed them, using them when the right moment arrives.
In the late 1960s, Sihanouk has allowed Vietcongs to use Cambodia as a sanctuary to attack the US and South Vietnam.

In 1970, Sihanouk was removed from power by General Lon Nol.

The North Vietnam immediately launched a full scale attack on Cambodia and helped strengthen the Khmer Rouge and deployed the grown up Khmer children that they kidnapped before to wage the war in Cambodia.

In 1975, the Khmer Rouge and Khmer Viet Minh seized the power in Cambodia, then killing 1/3 of the population. This is a meticulous plan by Vietnam: using the Khmer Vietminh to kill Khmer people along with the Khmer rouge.

From 1976 to 1978, Vietnam did all kinds of maneuvering to attack the Khmer Rouge.
In 1979, Vietnam dislodged the Khmer Rouge from power.

In brief, from 1050 to 1979 Vietnam has initiated ALL WARS in Cambodia and then seized the opportunity presented by them

Why there has been no war after 1979?

Because Vietnam has installed its puppet Hun Sen’s government, which has been followed strictly Vietnam’s orders to make Cambodia part of Vietnam in the future:
- The implementation of the bilateral treaties.
- The defiance of the 1991 Paris peace accord.
- Destroyed most of Khmer natural resource to impoverish Khmer people so that they preoccupy with finding the necessity to fill their stomach only. They will not have time to think about the national interest.
- Allowed the incessant mass influx of the Vietnamese into Cambodia, and provide them with the necessary documents to make them eligible to vote.

Therefore, the COST FOR PEACE in Cambodia, which Vietnam has GIVEN after 1979, is Khmer people become a minority in Cambodia in the near future first and thereafter Vietnam can do whatever it wants – making Cambodia disappear from the world map is a feasible option.


If the above statements are right, could you emphasize to Khmer people that the peace that we are having now is a ticking timing bomb that when explodes it will make Khmer people a minority first and Cambodia disappear later. Vietnam will legally take over Cambodia thanks to the overwhelming presence of its citizens in Cambodia – condoned by the traitor Hun Sen.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

សួមអញ្ជើញចូលរួមទៅបោះឆ្នោត ជាមួយពួក
យើងគឺ ជា ចលនាសង្គោះយួន គឺខ្ញុំស៊ីហមនី
ព្រោះអីមែខាញុំ គឺ មានិច ជាសញ្ជាតិយួន និង
ពីមុនឱធ័រខាញុំ គឺ ហរជីមីង បានផ្តាំថាអោយ
យកប្រទេសខ្មែរហើយលាវ និង ថៃអោយខាន

Anonymous said...

គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះកៅអី !....រៀងៗខ្លួន....


why don't (ah @2:30AM) die and be born as
Vietcong. so that i do not have to condemn you.
it is not too bad for one nation to
take over another nation but it is
the worst to be the traitors.

Anonymous said...

បើគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិអាចនឹងសង្រ្គោះជាតិខ្មែរបានមែននោះ ខ្ញុំជួយអរ! តែប្រសិនជាសង្រ្គោះជាតិមិនបានវិញនោះអស់លោកត្រូវជាប់ឈ្មោះក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តថាជាជនក្បត់ជាតិដូចជ័យជេដ្ឋាទីដែរដោយបានធ្វើនយោបាយបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចអនុញ្ញាត្តអោយយួនចូលមកលេបយកដីខ្មែរ!....

Anonymous said...


tell us your solutions. any ?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the brief and most important history of cambodia that all khmer should understand. Thank, Bun Thoeun. These evil and parasite Vietnamese
people careless about other society and as our king created all of this. Shame foe the fate of history and may god look after Cambodian country and its people!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They should come to QLD too. We Queenslanders will welcome them too.

Anonymous said...

Hun and king are the same kind of people = KR. They helped to kill their own people for their own political gain. We have to continue to the world that Viets and Chinese are behind their evil action. In other words, 3 milion khmers had been killed by both viets and chinese and they are criminals of all times. So, we must let the world know this while at the same R hun and R king had no choice but to follow their policy or otherwise they too would get the same fate. The truth is khmer will never be at peace as long as they shall live unless both viets and chinese are being swollow by the sea. so what do we do? keep talking and let the world know that they are the ones who is controlling srok khmer. so wake up brothers and sisters let make our immoral leaders understand our points and let them be aware that they too will be gone might as well do good.

Anonymous said...

Mt opinion is that we should not blame others beside generations of Khmers leaders . Why Vietnam hasn't invaded Thailand?
Thai & Vietnam leaders have been true nationalists ; they've served their nation
whereas Cambodian leaders have always put personal interest ahead of national
interest eventhough they have to swap lands for powers.
1991 Paris Agreement opened new page of Khmer history ; Cambodia was once
again independent . Khmers exercised their right to vote freely in 1993 . Their voices were loud and clear : they want to get rid of Vietnam's interference but
their newly elected did not respect their voice and invited Vietnam back . What we get today , in Cambodia, is THE PRODUCT OF SIHANOUK & HIS PhD , BRAINLESS SON . THEY CREATED THE MONSTER, HUN SEN ...
Khmers who have suffered and duped for generations are very confused and don't
for sure whom they have to believe . Hopefully , Khmer
do not trust any person who tend to push them to be eaten by the monster .

Anonymous said...

1pm and 1.33pm

You are so right!!!. Khmer leaders have always focused on personal interests rather than national interests, what a shame! well, God will send them all to hell.

Anonymous said...

Hun is very fearful of his life that is why he had to do what the viets say. if you are in his shoes you know why. Hun is being used so that viets can slowly taking over khmerland like they did to the champa, laos and khmer krom. Hun is very dumb but understandable because his hands are tied. for now, he is making sure that his family survived well but for how long? who knows? for being so dumb.

Anonymous said...

you have two ways SAM RAINSY AND B KEM SOKHA.
1 way to heaven and another one to hell.
IF you win we go to heaven if you lose you will bring all khmers people to hell with YUON AND HUN SEN again??
you have to think about it GO TO VOTE OR YOU DON'T .
khmer prek tnort

Anonymous said...

Under current opressive enviroment, no dissenting political parties can survive, but Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha. Rainsy involved in his country's politics since he was rich to being a poor guy, almost lost his own life a few times. It shows something about the person. Both are a good combination, although not perfect.

If we Khmer learn not to be extreme and unreasonable in our views, we would not have gone through so much suffering and destruction.

Anonymous said...

Be careful folk.
Meach Sovannara from Khmer Post is a CPP and Funcinpec spy.
Watch out..
Ah Meach Sovannara, you need to stop your CPP mission right away. Remember, you can run but you cannot hide. Everyone knows you in Long Beach, traitor.

Anonymous said...

8:13 PM

Big Ass Hole,

When will you stop breaking Khmer up?

If you are Ah Kantorb, go back to the North Vietnam.

If you are a SEE PEE PEE's dog, you must wake up and see the danger that our country is facing.

Anonymous said...

3:28 PM

That is a good point of view.

Only through understanding and tolerance that Cambodia can survive this evil nation Vietnam's attack and tricks.

Anonymous said...

We Khmer need to stop sitting back hoping for things to change in time. We can not depend on foreigners including the UN to save us for our suffering. The United Nation careless of how much territories Khmer have lost as long as there is stability in the region. Therefore, it is our civic duty as Khmer to stand up and united as one if we are to prevail agains these parasites. Ho Chiminh might be evil to us as Khmer, but he is a hero to his countryman; therefore, we should not blame them rather we need to envy them and finding a better solutions to defend our existent. Like someone said above, throughout history most of our leaders have always been putting their self interest before Khmer people and Hun Sen was not the first one to say the lease. The time is now my countryman and we don't have time to point fingers. When you see those that done right for the sake of Khmer, do your part and help to support the cause becasue it is your problem.

Anonymous said...

khmer prek tnort - 2:39 PM,

Where did you got that idea from?
Did Ah Hun Shit told you that?

Vote or no vote is up to the people not SR&KS. You should know that Ah Hun Shit controlled everything, so if SR&KS boycotted the election is only to let the world know that CPP shit is unfair to the SR&KS party.

So stop all your evil propaganda shit to Khmer people, It not helping. No wonder you can live in Prek Tnort.

Anonymous said...

Fuck ah Suorn Srey Rotha (Ah Hun Sen's spy) and his gang including ah Khmer Guardian!

Why does KI-Media even bother to post their stuff here???

Anonymous said...

K PEE PEE M has a new name:

Krom Bangkrup Kech.

The K PEE PEE M's bark will benefit only Ah Kwack Hun Shit and his master Ah kantorb.

Suon Kamchil,

You are really impeding Khmer Nationalists' efforts to save our Country.

According to your dumb idea: ALL Khmers are bad.

When all Khmers are bad = Yuon and Ah Hun Sen are good.

Therefore, your ulterior motive is to strengthen Vietnam's position inside Cambodia.

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Anonymous said...

ពាក្យខ្មែរបានពោលថា "គេបបួលកុំបីខាន បើគេ

Anonymous said...


ពួកអានេះគ្រាន់តែអាហ៊ុនសែនបោយ​ដៃតែបន្ដិច​នាំគ្នារត់បាក់-ក បាក់ស្រង់ ន៏...ទៅទទួលយកបាត់ទៅហើយ.....

Anonymous said...

Ah chke 9:37PM,
Ah chke Meach Sovannara started his newspaper to support ah kwak. Don't you know it.
Ah Meach SOvannara is a god brother of a Nhek Bunchhay. Ah chkee 9:37 Pm is ah Meach sovannara yourself. Stop hiding ah chke.
You are following the new party because you think you can get information to pass on to your boss at banana kingdom. You can get your fortune in both places. Be careful ah sovannara, you can run but you cannot hide, remember?

Anonymous said...


stop your emotion, no evidence of sovanra being a hun sen spy...don't be destructive to fellow khmer, cool down, man

Anonymous said...

DUMB Khmer keeps talking and fighting other DUMB Khmer but not willing to get up and do something. If you DUMB Khmer are not CPP dogs then don't jut yell like animals in the street.

Do you get what I am saying DUMB Khmer?

Anonymous said...

12:49 PM

Big Ass hole,
First 9:37 PM is me.

I responded to your dumb head because it made me sick to see a junk person like you attack unjustly a patriotic person like Meach Sovannara.

Stop acting crazy like your boss, Ah Hun Sen.

Are you Khmer or Ah Kantorb?

Anonymous said...

អ្វីទៅហៅសង្គ្រោះជាតិ បើដើរប្រមូល២០ ទៅ៣០ដុល្លារថែមទៀត? អ្នកក្រសុកខ្មែរកគោក មិនឃើញជួយអីផង បានដែរបាតុកម្ម តែត្រង់ថាជួយ អ្នកជិតស្លាប់ ដែលកំពុងខ្វះខាតអត់ គិតតែដើរប្រមូលលុយ ពីអ្នកចង់ធ្វើឯកឧត្ដម នៅក្រៅប្រទេស។ បើគ្មានលុយក៍គេអាចជួយ ប្រជាជនបានដែរ ដោយផ្ដល់គំនិត តែនេះអត់សោះ គិតតែពីដើរស្រែក បើឃើញគេធ្វើមិនត្រូវម៉េចយើងមិនធ្វើអាហ្នឹងឲ្យបានទៅដើម្បីទាញសន្លឹកឆ្នោត?

Anonymous said...

2:47 PM, hey Dumb Yuon Dog Eater, how was your fucking mouth doing since your has sore lips after sucking dog penis?

You are the one who made Khmer fighting their Khmer, Dumb Yuon Dog Eater. You need to suck your Dumb Yuon Dad's cock and lick your Dumb Yuon Mom's virgina, Dumb Yuon Gook and then go back to lay down in Ho Chi Minh tomb and hold tight. LOL


Would you please remove this Dumb Yuon/Vietnamese Dog eater's dumb comment out of here?


Anonymous said...

គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះកៅអី !....រៀងៗខ្លួន....


Anonymous said...


គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរក្លែងក្លាយ-ប្រជាភិថុតនេះ ប្រើកលល្បិចបំភន់ភ្នែកពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ...

