Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Bambak Smaradei (by Sam Vichea)


Anonymous said...

Khmer MUST stand up for him. He stands up for everyone in Cambodia. The government MUST release him unconditional. Never and ever believe the court system under Hun Sen regime. I wish him in good health and good luck.

Anonymous said...

Lok Vichea,

Thank you so much for the poem. As always I enjoy reading your poems so much. So relevant to contemporary Khmer society.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen I love my son like you love your son. So, please let him go. He did have not blood on his hands like some. Therefore, he should not be locked up. Why the real criminals go free and innocents got locked like this? where is social right and social justice? where is the international community? why don't they do something about this? Please let him for it is right and just. Thank you

His mother

His mother

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen never gives up his power,
money,and the way he treats Khmer
pretty bad as same as he has done
when he was as Khmer Rouge.

So let him be dead like Saddam Hussein,Gadhafy,or be jailed like
Hun Sen life will be like All Assad
life,even Russia,China,Iran,and
North Korea are trying to help him,
but his life will go to hell soon.
Hun Sen,you will be like one of
them above.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Hin Sithan, Sam Vichea, Yim Guechsè, Prak Em, KC, Khemarak Visoth and Ung Thavary. Whatever you all say is just garbage and not worth lending an ear to. Remember that you are nothing special except for the fact that you're the ah Khmer Rot Chaol Srok.

Hin Sithan, you are one of the dumbest xschool teacher in Lycée Battambang to joined Khmer Rouge in 1968. Your Khmer Rouge Leader Number 2 Nuon Chea is related to your Siam wife name (SANGAM KHAMNGIN PENLEEKPAI) according to a Lady in Tacoma's information they know who you really are. maybe you retired from assembly line and have nothing do huh? You all just provoking khmer to live in horror.
Don't dream as your history said 7-8 days riot, a country will fall into your hands:)

Oh, your closest member tell P.P all about you. General Hun Manet Head of the Anti-Terrorism is waiting to receive you and your group with two hands.