Wednesday, October 03, 2012

សាស្ដា ៦ -- Ecclesiastes 6

ខ្ញុំ​ សង្កេត​ឃើញ​ ការ​វេទនា​ មួយ​ទៀត ដែល​រមែង​កើត​មាន ដល់​មនុស្ស​លោក ​នៅ​លើ​ផែនដី៖  ព្រះជាម្ចាស់​ ប្រទាន​អោយ​មនុស្ស​ម្នាក់​ មាន​ទ្រព្យ​សម្បត្តិ, ធនធាន, និង​កិត្តិយស។  គេ​ មិន​ខ្វះ​អ្វី​ឡើយ, គឺ​គេ ​ទទួល​អ្វីៗ​ទាំង​អស់ ​ដែល​ខ្លួន​ប្រាថ្នា​ចង់​បាន។  ក៏​ប៉ុន្តែ ព្រះជាម្ចាស់ ​ពុំ​បាន​ទុក​អោយ​គេ​ ទាញ​ផល​ប្រយោជន៍​ ពី​អ្វីៗ​ ដែល​គេ​មាន​នោះ​ឡើយ, គឺ​មាន​ម្នាក់​ទៀត ​ទទួល​ជំនួស។  ត្រង់​នេះ ក៏​ឥត​បាន​ការ, ហើយ​ អាក្រក់​បំផុត។

ឧបមា​ថា​ បុរស​ម្នាក់ ​មាន​កូន​ប្រុស​មួយ​រយ និង​មាន​អាយុ​យឺនយូរ; ទោះ​បី​គាត់​ មាន​អាយុ​វែង​ក៏​ដោយ, ប្រសិន​បើ ​គាត់ ​មិន​ដែល​មាន​សុភមង្គល, ហើយ​ គ្មាន​នរណា ​បញ្ចុះ​សព​គាត់​ទេ​នោះ, ខ្ញុំ​ យល់​ថា, ​កូន​រលូត ​ប្រសើរ​ជាង​គាត់ ​ឆ្ងាយ​ណាស់។  កូន​រលូត​នោះ ​កកើត​មក​ដោយ​ឥត​បាន​ការ, ហើយ​ បាត់​សូន្យ​ទៅ​វិញ ក្នុង​ទី​ងងឹត, ​គ្មាន​នរណា​ នឹក​នា​ដល់គេ​ទេ។  គេ ​មិន​ដែល​បាន​ឃើញ ក៏​មិន​ដែល​ស្គាល់​ ពន្លឺ​ព្រះអាទិត្យ​ដែរ, ប៉ុន្តែ គេបាន​សុខ ​ជាង​អ្នក​មាន​អាយុ​វែង​ទៅ​ទៀត។  ប្រសិន​បើ​ មនុស្ស​ មិន​ជួប ​នឹង​សុភមង្គល​ទេ, ទោះ​បី​គេ​ រស់​បាន​ពីរ​ពាន់​ឆ្នាំ​ក្ដី ក៏​ឥត​បាន​ការ​អ្វី​ដែរ, ព្រោះ​មនុស្ស​ទាំង​អស់ ​ឈាន​ទៅ​រក​ចុង​បញ្ចប់ ​ដូច​គ្នា។

កិច្ចការ​ ទាំង​ប៉ុន្មាន ដែល​មនុស្ស ​ខំ​ប្រឹងប្រែង​ធ្វើ 
បាន​ត្រឹម​តែ​ ចំអែត​ក្រពះ ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ, 
តែ​ពុំ​អាច​ធ្វើ​អោយ​គេ​ ស្កប់​ចិត្ត​ឡើយ។
តើ​ មនុស្ស​មាន​ប្រាជ្ញា​ ទទួល​បាន​អ្វី ​លើស​មនុស្ស ​លេលា?
រីឯ​ អ្នក​ក្រ ​ដែល​ខំ​តស៊ូ​ ក្នុង​ជីវិត​នោះ, 
តើ​ បាន​ប្រយោជន៍​ អ្វី​ដែរ? 
អ្វីៗ ​ដែល​យើង ​មើល​ឃើញ​ផ្ទាល់​នឹង​ភ្នែក​នោះ 
ប្រសើរ​ជាង​ ចិត្ត​ស្រមើស្រមៃ។ 
សូម្បី​តែ​ត្រង់​នេះ​ទៀត​ ក៏​ឥត​បាន​ការ, 
ដូច​ដេញ​ ចាប់​ខ្យល់។ 

យោបល់ ​របស់​ប្រាជ្ញា

អ្វីៗ ​ដែល​មាន ​នៅ​ក្នុងលោក​នេះ 
សុទ្ធ​តែ​មាន​ឈ្មោះ​ របស់​ខ្លួន ​ស្រេច​ទៅ​ហើយ, 
ហើយ ​យើង​ក៏​ដឹង​ថា, អ្វី​ទៅ​ ដែល​ហៅ​ថា​ មនុស្ស។ 
មនុស្ស​ ពុំ​អាច​ជជែក​តវ៉ា នឹង​អ្នក ​ដែល​ខ្លាំង​ពូកែ​ ជាង​ខ្លួន​ឡើយ។ 
យើង​ និយាយ​កាន់​តែ​ច្រើន​ យ៉ាង​ណា, 
ពាក្យ​សំដី ​របស់​យើង ​រឹត​តែ​ឥត​បាន​ការ​ យ៉ាង​នោះ​ដែរ, 
ហើយ ​យើង​ ពុំ​អាច​ទាញ​ ផល​ប្រយោជន៍​អ្វី​ បាន​ឡើយ។

ជីវិត​ របស់​មនុស្ស​ ប្រៀប​បាន ​នឹង​ស្រមោល។  គ្មាន​នរណា​ អាច​ដឹង​ថា, ខ្លួន ​ត្រូវ​ធ្វើ​ការ​អ្វី ​ដែល​ប្រសើរ​ជាង​គេ នៅ​ពេល​ ដែល​ខ្លួន ​រស់​នៅ​ ក្នុង​ជីវិត​ដ៏​ខ្លី, ហើយ ​ឥត​ន័យ​នេះ​ឡើយ។  គ្មាន​នរណា​ អាច​ថ្លែង​ប្រាប់​មនុស្ស ​អំពី​ហេតុការណ៍​ ដែល​កើត​មាន ​នៅ​លើ​ផែនដី ក្រោយ​ពេល​គេ​ ស្លាប់​ផុត​ទៅ​ហើយ​នោះ​ដែរ។

I have seen another evil under the sun, and it weighs heavily on mankind: God gives some people wealth, possessions and honor, so that they lack nothing their hearts desire, but God does not grant them the ability to enjoy them, and strangers enjoy them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil. 

A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he. It comes without meaning, it departs in darkness, and in darkness its name is shrouded. Though it never saw the sun or knew anything, it has more rest than does that man— even if he lives a thousand years twice over but fails to enjoy his prosperity. Do not all go to the same place? 

Everyone’s toil is for their mouth,
    yet their appetite is never satisfied.
What advantage have the wise over fools?
What do the poor gain
    by knowing how to conduct themselves before others?
Better what the eye sees
    than the roving of the appetite.
This too is meaningless,
    a chasing after the wind.
10 Whatever exists has already been named,
    and what humanity is has been known;
no one can contend
    with someone who is stronger.
11 The more the words,
    the less the meaning,
    and how does that profit anyone?

12 For who knows what is good for a person in life, during the few and meaningless days they pass through like a shadow? Who can tell them what will happen under the sun after they are gone?


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Theary Seng!
Can you please pause your Gospel of GOD for a momment?

Readers are interested only one subject now is "how is Sonando Mam after Hun Sen ordered his court to jail him".

Please try understand and have some class or some dignity if you do have one.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Sure! God, please stop the world for a moment for Sonado Mam sake--Thank You

I hope he caught his breath! Poor Sonado Mam. Pitty pitty art thou son of a poor soul. How is it that thou can resist the power that be?

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Seng!

You know what? You tried to be a star of darting game. You tried to be a star of everything including preaching in Khmer Intelligent (KI) you named it.

But the winners went to Mrs. Somaly Mam and Mrs. Mu Socua.

Anonymous said...

Let it be!!! Mrs. Theary Seng, it's a great script and we love it. What ever benefit the mind and comfortable the tend of one thought are great for the soul. This script is like a classic song to your ear and it will ease your deep understand of what is. God bless, Mam Sonado he who jailed him may know not what he done,or he may insane himself, that he know what he has done.He who has the absolute power but may feel afraid of a man who has no power instead.Just a kind heart man. What's a shame!!! Which man is a coward here? Man full of power,money,greed and full of evil afraid of a common man instead.Shame!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Theary Seng for keep trying to preach her religion in this forum. This forum seems to fit with Cambodian current affairs rather than religious preaching. Theary, I know that you may be very brilliant in your field of law, but you are nor for every thing. You cannot hide the fact that you are using your bible preaching just to show your Khmer language writing skill.Grow up!

Anonymous said...

Please stop for awhile a brainwashed religion about your belief in KI for a moment, Ms. Seng.
The hotline are Human right abuse by Hun Sen, the crying for Freedom, democracy in Cambodia.
Please stop to convert Khmer to change their religion please do so instead in your facebook.

Anonymous said...

I am living in America S. California since 1979, the Khmer people in my neighbors having a common complaint about the preachers knocked our doors for so many years until today to convert Buddhist belief to Christian or Catholic; we ahve remained our politeness until sometime we ask tham to leave us alone.
Our neighbors told them why we change our religion we are having goog life already.

Please laeve us alone do not bother to Knock our doors anymore.
You do this in Muslim country may be another story.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng

I think you are doing a good job because Jesus said 'if you want to enter the kingdom of god, you have to leave everything behind and walk with me...whoever believe in me will never die but have eternal life...some have eyes but can not see and have ears but can not hear...the kingdom belongs to those who are good'. For those who don't to see or hear please them skip. So, please keep up with your good works. Basically, I like and thanks for posting it. Your khmer written skill is good, in fact better than some, in which I can't read at all. 'It is better to do something than nothing at all', so well done!

Anonymous said...


Your phrase here from whereever, it is showing gross discrimination.

I found the responding words in Jesus belief are so discrimative... and I found none in Buddha's teachings.

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM

Do you really mean that we Khmers have a good life? No we don't have a good life, we are miserable from a curse. If we do have a good life, we would not have taken a refuge in the 92% Christians' country.

We live in their country, we eat their food, we shit on their land and we bring along our 2nd religion Buddhism that destroyed the empire built by our Hindu Kings.

They're so polite by knocking our doors, but I can just vision into the past when our ancestors were forced/killed to adopt a new religion (Buddhism) while they were already Hindu, they were wealthy and comfortable.

As soon the Buddhism entered our Empire declined and collapsed.
We are cursed and miserable until we will be Chams.

Buddhism entered Cambodia and destroyed the Khmer nation, still you are so proud of the foreigner (Indian/Nepalese) religion? Where are those 10,100 Buddhas? Why did not they save Tibet, Cambodia, Burma, and help Srilanka from poverty?

You may have a good life but million Khmers are sufferings. Even if you have a good life, you live in the house of the 92% Christians.

STOP Lying that Buddhism will save us from sufferings.
Are you sure those million Indian & Nepalese men who became Buddhas found Nirvana?

Our ancestors worshiping this Indian Man called Buddha because they were forced to do so. Since Buddha was in when was the last time we were great again? No we were falling apart.

I am not saying Ms. Seng is right or others are wrong, I am fed up with Buddhism that destroyed my country.

Anonymous said...

Believe or not to believe just leave them alone to be Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Buddism ect... do not trying to invade one belief, all gods are good; people know what to do in their life if they are feeling the are better off already leave them free keep the peace no war religion like Israel, Palestine....they are billion Muslim in the world they are enjoying they life, the same as Christian, catholic or Buddhism alike.... in Aghanistan or in some other Muslim countries people hate other belief due to invasion of their religious belief...
Respect and admire whoever belief please, no one better than another, all GODS are GOOD.

Anonymous said...

1:20 pm

Yeahh sure Israel is at war with Muslims, but Israel people are powerful with weapons, plenty of scientists, and their people are scattering around the world. They are mighty wealthy and they send supports to their homeland no Muslims can beat them.

In the US the Jews control all the Media and US economy, as well as in Europe. Remember Sarkozy French President?

I don't believe most Muslims enjoy their lives, especially women who are considered as objects. People were forced/killed to adopt Muslims, and how can they enjoy?

Come on. Are you trying to brag that all Buddhas are gods now?
GOD is only one.

Buddhism may be good to the tyrants like Hun Sen, but is bad to the people. Admit it, Buddhism destroyed the Khmer Empire which cannot be denied.

Anonymous said...

Buddhism DESTROYED the Khmer Empire of Khmer Hindu Kings who built it.

Ven. Loun Savath followed Ghandi who was Hindu not Buddhist.

Buddhists believe in giving up everything to end the sufferings to reach Nirvana.

Why don't they give up all the Kingdom and their belongings to Yuon if they believe in Indian Buddhas.

Anonymous said...

About Mr. Mam Sonando. The Buddhists cannot help to free him, but they will beg the Christians for help to free him.

In Burma without the Christians, Mrs. Aung the leader of democracy would be shot dead for long times ago.

As always, the Muslims, the Buddhists and the Communists, all of them cannot live in peace without the Christians help them.

Anonymous said...

The Khmers abandoned GOD so GOD abandoned them.

Where are their many Indian Buddhas now while they are sufferings?

Instead of ending the sufferings, sufferings are escalating upon them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 100% you are speaking based on the real facts and I like that. If we look into history, khmers have always believe in the wrong God e.g the often abuses their women and children as well as having multiple wives and also a lot impunity going on like, lied and cheaped to get whatever they wanted. But for christian, most of them spoke base on truth with facts and evidences to prove it otherwise. They were only allowed to have only one husband and one wife unless he/she died then they can remarried etc. Therefore, alot of khmers'children are out of wetlock (from unmarried couple), which mean they were not being blessed by god but by evils spirits, that is why khmers children suffured so much until these present days because true god is not with us. So, this the real facts. In addition, I heard there were alot witchcraft going on too e,g. you can pay the monk to give a black magic or spelt to steal someone's heart such as making that person to love them, sic! my parents told me alot of different black magic going on like let her man drink her period and then would feel head overhill for her and would never leave her etc sic!. You see alot of impunity going there. It is a very doggy nation really, that is why srok khmer is the way it is today "God Punish" for sure.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% you are speaking based on the real facts and I like that. If we look into history, khmers have always believed in the wrong God e.g they often abused their women and children as well as having multiple wives and also a lot impunity going on like, lied and cheated to get whatever they wanted. But for christian, most of them would speak based on truth with facts and evidences to prove it otherwise. They are allowed to have only one husband or one wife unless he/she died then they could be remarried etc. Therefore, alot of khmers'children are out of wetlock (from unmarried couple), which mean they were not being blessed by the try God but by evil spirits, that is why khmers children had to suffur so much until these present days. So, this is the real facts. In addition, I heard also, there were alot witchcraft going on too e,g. you can pay the monk to get a black magic or spelt to steal someone's heart such as making that person to love them, sic! my parents told me alot of different black magics can be used like, letting her man drink her period and then would feel head overhill for her and would never leave her etc sic!. You see, alot of impunity going there. It is a very doggy nation really, that is why srok khmer is the way it is today, there God had to punish such a nation for sure just like he did to 'Soldom and Komora'( not sure about the spelling though) but yeah.

Anonymous said...

Why don't the objectors read what is posted by Theary? Perhaps they are afraid of learning true reality of man?

OK, Cambodia only wanted vanity and vexation of spirit. Vanity and lies are plenty and they had better have more is what been requested. Want the Creator of the universe to send us more delusions instead of the Bread of Life?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Theary Seng you have no ideas about other religions, in the 1st place in Cambodia you tend to bias against Buddhism already anyway. Hun Sen and his cronies have not thoroughly cultivated in their mind and practice the buddha teaching, Mehta, Kuruna, Opekha to serve and defend the right and freedom of the people since they are born no matter who you are what you are...
Ms. seng you practive to divide Khmers to convert to another religion..........if khmer could imply Buddhist like Thai your neibhors or Japan may not jump to conclusion like you said Buddhism destroyed Cambodia. Totally not truth..
Monk Lun Sovath he is buddhism peacefully sacrifice his life for Human right and Holy Delai Lama keeps fight for Tibet Democracy and Feedom and the late Venerable Chuon Nath who secretly advised Sihanouk to neutralized Khmer from Vietcong.
If you emply to lead country by pure mind like Buddha teaching to serve other benefits than yourself, no ego and selfist of those nom buddhist like Hun Sen and cronies.
Mrs. Seng please understand the real facts, you can not kill the spirits and soul to believe and not to believe they are trillion people around the world they are not the same belief like you.

Pisey said...

11:01 pm
I am not Mrs. Seng or a woman but I want to reply what I have learned and witnessed from the results of the History.

-1st a Great Khmer Nation/Khmer Empire was built by the Hindu Kings. Proofs? The world famous Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear. Our great ancient ancestors were Hindu, we were Hinduism, we were great wealthy at that time.

-2nd when a Javanese became King took the name Jayavaraman 7, he changed his government, then he abolished Hindu by adopting a new religion Buddhism, it did take too long, the empire declined. There were persecution (Khmers covered up) while the Khmers were forced to adopt Buddhism. New nations near by were born, Siam, Laos, Burma etc..
For about 800 years Buddhism in Cambodia have not done anything good for Khmers but weak them and destroyed Cambodia until today.

The Buddhism should be practiced by an individual who wishes to reach Nirvana (End the sufferings) but should not be for the Nation.

Buddhism is weak. For a Nation Buddhism is BAD. We adopted foreign religion but why Buddhism as a state religion?

Buddhism in Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia ruled by the Tyrants and the Tyrants always have fear that other tyrants may kill them.

They adopted Buddhism is to keep the people from rising against them.

They are not Buddhists they are evil butchers. If they are not Tyrants, they would become like Tibet.

Buddhism in Japan is dying and it is going to be soon dead.

Buddhism destroyed the Khmer Empire and the Nation. It cannot be denied.

Ven. Loun Savath is a Buddhist Monk but he DOERS NOT practice Buddhism as he is taught, he practices Hinduism.

If Ven Loun Savath really practices Buddhism, he should walk away and go into jungle sitting down and meditate like his Buddha. But he followed Ghandi's peaceful demonstration of Ghandi. Hindu believe in a Supreme GOD (Read more about what is Hinduism). GOD, the creator of the Universe, He has manifested with all forms...

Dala Lama has no more land to call home, he is like a Cham.
Buddhism should be for an individual to practice but it cannot be for a Nation. It is very dangerous, because it weak the nation, it leads the nation going backward, and so it does.

Now you admitted that Ven. Loun Savath advised King Sihanouk.. bla bla. Do you know you are bashing Buddhism yourself? Ven. Loun Savath is a Buddhist monk for Pete sake, but he practices Hinduism not Buddhism.

Do you understand what is Buddhism? Go online and read it so you can learn something.

Stop lying, there are no trillion people around the world, the world has about 7 billion people only not trillions.

The result from the History, Buddhism/Khmer Buddhists Destroyed the Khmer Empire, an dyes they did.

You are not real Buddhist yourself, if you are you would walk away and fight no Yuon and no T'ai. Did not your many Indian Buddhas do that? If Buddhism was good for a nation, then why Buddhas own country, own people did not make Buddhism a state religion? Why did Buddhas' own people abandon him? Because it is BAD for a nation but it can be good for persons to live with peace in the community but not Nation vs, Nation.

That son of bitch Jayavaraman 7 brought in a weak religion and weak the Khmer Empire.

All the destructions in Cambodia caused by the Buddhist butchers.
Who are real Buddhists in Cambodia or in Khmer Community? No body including you.

Pisey said...

11:01 pm
I am not Mrs. Seng or a woman but I want to reply what I have learned and witnessed from the results of the History.

-1st a Great Khmer Nation/Khmer Empire was built by the Hindu Kings. Proofs? The world famous Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear. Our great ancient ancestors were Hindu, we were Hinduism, we were great wealthy at that time.

-2nd when a Javanese became King took the name Jayavaraman 7, he changed his government, then he abolished Hindu by adopting a new religion Buddhism, it did NOT take too long, the empire declined. There were persecution (Khmers covered up) while the Khmers were forced to adopt Buddhism. New nations near by were born, Siam, Laos, Burma etc..
For about 800 years Buddhism in Cambodia have not done anything good for Khmers but weak them and destroyed Cambodia until today.

The Buddhism should be practiced by an individual who wishes to reach Nirvana (End the sufferings) but should not be for the Nation.

Buddhism is weak for a Nation and is BAD if need to defend the nation. We adopted foreign religion but why Buddhism as a state religion?

Buddhism in Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia ruled by the Tyrants and the Tyrants always have fear that other tyrants may kill them.

They adopted Buddhism is to keep the people from rising against them.

They are not Buddhists they are evil butchers. If they are not Tyrants, they would become like Tibet.

Buddhism in Japan is dying and it is going to be soon dead.

Buddhism destroyed the Khmer Empire and the Nation. It cannot be denied.

Ven. Loun Savath is a Buddhist Monk but he DOERS NOT practice Buddhism as he is taught, he practices Hinduism.

If Ven Loun Savath really practices Buddhism, he should walk away and go into jungle sitting down and meditate like his Buddha. But he followed Ghandi's peaceful demonstration of Ghandi. Hindu believe in a Supreme GOD (Read more about what is Hinduism). GOD, the creator of the Universe, He has manifested into many forms...

Dala Lama has no more land to call home, he is like a Cham.
Buddhism should be for an individual to practice but it cannot be for a Nation.

It is very dangerous, because it weak the nation, it leads the nation going backward, and so it does. No Buddhist country wealthy except the tyrants.

Now you admitted that Ven. Loun Savath advised King Sihanouk.. bla bla.

Do you know you are bashing Buddhism yourself? Ven. Loun Savath is a Buddhist monk for Pete sake, but why he practices Hinduism not Buddhism?

Do you understand what is Buddhism? Go online and read it so you can learn something.

Stop lying, there are no trillion people around the world, the world has about 7 billion people only not trillions.

The result from the History, Buddhism/Khmer Buddhists Destroyed the Khmer Empire, and yes they did.

You are not real Buddhist yourself, if you are you would walk away and fight NO Yuon and no T'ai or fight no body.

Did not your many Indian Buddhas do that? If Buddhism was good for a nation, then why Buddhas own country, own people did not make Buddhism a state religion? Why did Buddhas' own people abandon him?

Because it is BAD for a nation but it can be good for persons to live with peace in the community but not Nation vs, Nation.

That son of bitch Jayavaraman 7 brought in a weak religion and weak the Khmer Empire. But he was made a hero after his foreign religion (Buddhism) destroyed Khmer nation for 800 years

All the destruction in Cambodia caused by the Buddhist butchers.
Who are real Buddhists in Cambodia or in Khmer Community?

No body including you.

Only the Tyrants who have feared of another Tyrants will kill them, so Buddhism upon the people will keep the tyrants in power for long as they wish.

Anonymous said...

Buddhism can be good for people who live in the community who practice it, so the community can be a peaceful community.

But to adopt it as a state religion means seeking "a Dead society". Because a war of nation vs. nation Buddhism is wrong choice.

Most Khmer people are clueless about "Buddhism". They claimed to be Buddhists but they are not including monk Loun Savath.

In fact this monk is a nationalist with compassion toward his people and his country, but his path is not Buddhist. Buddhists must engage no politics, only preaching Buddhas' teachings and meditating.

Ghandi was not a clergy but a simple citizen, and a Hindu who believed in GOD. Some said monk Loun Savath followed Ghandi which is fine, but Ghandi was not a first peaceful man, there were too many before him and before Indian Buddhas. After all India was not a 1st nation on earth that still exists. It was Africa (Egypt) the oldest extant civilization on this earth, 8000 BC, I am sure there're peaceful men/women back then.

Only the Dictators/Tyrants would force the citizen to adopt Buddhism so they can control the people. The citizen of the world must be freed to choose their own beliefs instead of being forced to adopt.

This cannot be disputed why the empire became weaker and weaker until now and it is about to be a dead nation since the day Jayavaraman vii declared Buddhism a state Religion?

Where are Buddhas that Khmers are suffering for 800 years? Buddhas were all dead and they cannot hear us, It is their preachings that left for us to follow. But how we can defend our nation that is not in Buddhas' scripts.

In the past Indian tribes had many small nations and they waged wars against each others. Those wars may had caused Indian men to seek peace and became Buddhas for they believe to end the sufferings and to reach Nirvana.

It is not Buddhas' faults why the Khmer Empire collapsed and why Khmers suffer. If we Khmers follow Buddhas then we must give up our nation that has left to Yuon and Siem, then we end the problems with them. The Indian men became Buddhas but the Indian people do not declare Buddhism as a state region.

Buddhas cannot give our empire back because Buddhas have no power to punish or to reward anyone, everyone follows Buddhas must give up all including the Kingdoms.

That is why many Khmers rise and angry with Khmer Buddhists who caused the empire to collapse.

The Tyrants enjoy Buddhism because they can control the people.

Anonymous said...


Well said, I agree with you 100%. I like that, when you speak on the real! good on you. So, wake up khmer nation. Let us be blessed by the real God. The God of right and just.

Anonymous said...

Well said, I agree with you 100%. I like that, when you speak based on the real facts! good on you. So, wake up khmer nation. Let us be blessed by the real God. The God of right and just.

Anonymous said...

Theary Seng is like the poster above said, she keep knocking on KI-Media and KI-Media keep letting her in.

KI-Media is now KI-Gospel.

My suggestion to KI-Gospel is that: Team Gospel should post christian post on Sunday ONLY and leave Monday to Saturday for people like myself to follow up on the news concerning Cambodia. I thought KI-Media intended purpose was to bring news from Cambodia. Is it not?
Sunday is football day, so doesn't bother me one bit.
Also, I've notice KI-Media have no user or posters on Sunday. Is Team KI-Media at church or Theary's house on Sunday?

Pisey said...

9:19 AM

I am not Mrs. Theary Seng. My post is at 5:21 AM.

This is Pisey, Pross Pov's old brother. The credits should be given to me not Mrs. Seng. Thx.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thai buddhism is a great country unlike the Hun Sen, Sihanouk, Pol pot in Cambodia are non believer in Buddism.
Khmer buddhism are awaked against suppression with peaceful demontration.The late Samdach youn Nath advised Sihanouk not to let vietcong to destroy Cambodia.
The leader failed the country, Khmer Buddhist Monks, women, children, compatriots Raingsy, Kem sokha, Mam Sonando...
Down to Mrs. Seng and her clan to convert Budhhism to other religions, cHRIST....Keep the peace our peaceful srtuggle will change CAMBODIA.