Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Good-Bye God King [-A love-hate relationship with former King Sihanouk]

Picture: Author's record
Picture: Author's record

Monday, October 15, 2012
By Timothy Chhim
Originally posted at: http://timothychhim.blogspot.com/2012/10/good-bye-god-king.html

For those who dislike the former King, the most joyful day is here. Their wishes are fulfilled and yet their hatred will continue from here to eternity.

Nothing in this world that anyone can do to heal their injuries and hate—for all they see is what the former King has done wrong. They will consume much energy to talk about “evil” things that they think the King had committed.

For those who look for the King’s positive side, they are mourning the passing away of their revered King. Regardless of what the King had done wrong, they will forgive and willing to forget. Their mind will be at peace and there is no hatred left. Perhaps they will be happier than those who possess hatred...

One chapter of Cambodian history is closed. The talk of the town will continue for a while and then Cambodia will move on without the former King.

The future of Cambodia will depend on whether Cambodians can learn how to build a better Cambodia together. Khmer people need to think right. With accurate thinking Cambodians will be able to see things clearly and in order to think accurately Cambodians must not possess negative emotions for such emotions will lead to more confusion. No one in this world can do things right when they are confused.

Universal law permits no one to become successful when he or she possesses negative emotions such as hatred, revenge, jealousy, anger, fear, greed and superstition, etc…For these reasons the best thing that we all can do is to stop the cycle and the recycling of the above emotions.

For me I would say farewell to the former head of State, the former Prince, and the former King…the history will judge you and the law of cause and effect or Karma which rules the Universe will determine your fate.

Yes, I used to love you when I was once a young high school boy who was diving from the crowd to grab your hand under the hot sun;

...then I used to hate you when I learned that you allowed the Vietcong and North Vietnamese to use Cambodia to fight the Americans; then I despised you when the Khmer Rouge sent me to be executed.

Then my heart melted when you decided to turn against the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia in 1979…and the world knows the rest of the story.

…and then the one other thing that we had in common was music. Music has no color and you were a real good musician… And for whatever will happen to Cambodia next, I will always like your music… and I will remember the times when we used to play together…

For yours and my own sake: We are at peace.


Good bye God King!

Timothy Chhim
October 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Si jamais je pouvais vous détester pour avoir détruit notre mère patrie!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh!.. My dearest King. The entire country are crying and mourning because of you have gone.

You will be missed immensely., I have been always respected to the King. I can’t wait to attend the funeral procession of the King.

May God bless you in piecs

former KR soldier

Anonymous said...

thank but no thank for sharing YOUR opinion. You have yours and I have mine, you lop sate!

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself only you ass hole former KR soldier @3:27AM!!!

Anonymous said...

I've bet T. Chhim is much much happier now that Sihanouk couldn't do much but leave Khmer's land in Hun Sen's hand to hand it over to the freaking Vietcongs/Vietminh...

Are you happy now T. Chhim?

Anonymous said...


For the very few Sihanoukists and cronies including but not limited to "Pissed Off", "School of Vice", and "P. from Long Beach" for instance here on KI-Media and now T. Chhim, Sihanmouk's music and songs were adored and will be revered till the end of time (back then it was called - 'Dontrei Tumneup (modern music/song)' according to my research/interview with those left-over-from-Pol-Pot folks....They enjoyed life to the fullest, sung the poor, the hopeless, and the average Khmer inhabitants to sleep while being duped by the Vietminh/Vietcong as to have called Cambodia an Oasis (Koh Santepheap in Khmer)...Sihanouk was the father of everything...Anything at all, you name it...

And maybe, I am saying maybe why someone is nicknaming himself "Pissed off" and another one calling himself "School of Vice" while the other one just kicks the cans to the curb off of Long Beach streets...

I rest my case right here by just saying - Si jamais je pouvais vous détester pour avoir détruit notre mère patrie!!!


Anonymous said...

King ta killed up to 3 millions and still dancing like there is nothing wrong with it? those 3 millions died by tortured and in so much pain whereas he die peacefully in China, where is justice? how can you overcome such injustice and then taking about forgiving? the question is did you go through those pains? the answer is 'no', so, should we forgive? yes, but forget? NO! so why do we talk about it? because its not meant to forget (forgive but not forget) because if you forget, you will learn nothing from the past.

Anonymous said...

6:19 AM
No He did not kill his people, it was Yuon Rouge hidden among KR. Yuon Rouge helped Pol Pot to fight Lon Nol, and Yuon Rouge never left Cambodia. Hok Lundy, as an example, but million more.

You are really crazy to believe Yuon that the King killed his people.

Anonymous said...

Burn his body over there (China). Don't bring back to Cambodia. He was a Traitor to Khmer people. The Khmer people have suffered enough by him. He did not respect even his own mother. He was an evil king . He should be alive until he can serve his punishement in the Khmer Rouge trail. Please don't forget he was the person who killed Lok Protean Sam Rainsy's father.

Pang Sokheoun, Secretary-General of SRP in Sweden.កុលបុត្រមហានគរខ្មែរ

Anonymous said...


King ta and Pol Pot were pro VC and they asked VC to help to fight with Lon Nol, go and look in youtube under 'Sihanock's crime', so in fact, you are the one who is crazy, ass hole! sick headed mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

It is admirabel of T Chhim to talk about forgiveness and love for human kind. But his opening paragraphs about haters and their evilness seem to indicate that Mr Chhim too is not immuned to hatred.

Anonymous said...

11:13 PM

Even foreigners respect the great king and millions khmer will do the same.

What make you think people listen to you? so STFU, khmer rouge!

Anonymous said...

And Ah Choy Marai @10:29PM,

Why the fuck can't you respect other people opinions...

You are not the majority...they are. Get that you fucker?